Here I am standing again
at the edge of the cliff.
I'm looking at the same old scene.
The sky is clear above me
and blue as blue can be.
The sea is clam and tranquil
in the far distance in front of me.
The rocks churn the waves
into a rage as they roll in below.
I wonder what will happen this time
when I take the step that will bring me over the edge.
So many things could happen,
and yet so many thing already have.
This time is different then the others.
I am not the same as I was the other time
I stood at this ledge and took that fateful step.
I now have earned the right of something new,
So I wonder as I stand here,
how will this change the end?
I could have learn to fly
and take off toward the heavens.
I could have learned to float
and keep walking toward the sunrise.
I could have changed nothing with what I learned
and plummet to the rocks below.
I lift my free hand up ward
to feel the breeze
and fill my chest with one more breath.
I look to my side
where you are holding my hand
and together we step across the ledge.