Lock Down

A.N;/So I thought about a new idea. Actually my Literacy teacher gave me the idea when she was giving a example. forgive me for any error I make(which I know I will) and I hope you enjoy.

"Do you honestly think this is a good a idea?"A women voiced asked as she gathered the crying baby in her arms.

"This is for the best" A man voice reply as he looked at the crying baby as well. The man and women where in a mission.

"But...he is so young...look at him. He is just a new born" The women said in a low voice to the man as she stared at the babies greyish lavender eyes.

"Yes but they would kill him! We are saving him. This is the correct thing to do and you know it!" The man responded as well as they kept walking in the dark.

"Keeping him hidden?...Oh how I wish there was something we could do to help him" She said as she kissed the baby soft cheek. The baby stopped crying and stared at the women and her blond curls.

"I know I know! Honey this is all we could do for now. Let us hope that they dont find him" He told her as he kept walking.

soon a house could be seen. It was small and looked horrible shape as well. That was where the man and women where headed. The man knocked on the door once and then another figure appear. This figure took the baby from the women

"Please take care of him. We will be help you if anything happen to him!" The women told the figure as she kissed the baby cheek one last time and looked at him with sad eyes. A small wind passed them and they all hugged there clothes tighter to there body to protect them from the cold. The man kissed the baby cheek as well and nodded to the figure who nodded back. Then The man and the women headed back from the direction they had come. The baby in a white blanket stared at the women as if saying" I understand".

It was October,7th 1994 the day He was born

The figured that now carried the baby to a small bed stared at the baby wierd eyed one was lavender/grey while the other was a redish grey color and his skin was as white as snow.

"What a creature" The figure whisper then lay the baby and saw as the baby eyes closed making him looked like a small angel. The figured saw a strand of hair from the child it was a pale lavender color almost white. What a creature...

In another place the same night while the women and man where delivering the baby another baby was crying as well. This baby was being carried by a small women with grey hair that showed she was old already.

"Don' worry child me wil' protec' you from harm way! Oh wha' a beautiful child' yes' yes'" Said the old women. in her arm was a small child with big blue eyes staring at her.

"let us hope your brother' is doin' as goo' as you. Let us pray fo' him to be aliv' eh child. yes yes I kno' you understan' this old women tal' eh" As the old women talked she kissed the baby cheek. a girl that what the baby was. A beutiful girl who would have love and friendship.

The old women put the small baby in her bed a crib that was made of the best and most beautiful wood. The baby had a purple blanket and before the women left she saw a strand of redish blond hair that belonged to the baby herself that was a healthy color with pink cheeks.

Would the girl ever know that she was separated from her own twin brother simply because he was seen as a demon. Of course something that was wierd of this child herself was that she had one green eye and a blue eye but nothing like her twin brother with the snow white skin.

That night everything changed. 2 babies would change the future soon very very soon. The clocked clicked 12am and at that same time both babies open there eyes and smiled knowingly then as if nothing had happen they both went back to sleep.

A.N;/ Hey guys so this is just the introduction of the story! forgive me for any error and I hope you enjoy!

