It's strange isn't it?
How you faded bit by bit,
no one paying attention, no one listening, no one actually looking at you.
Like you're a breathing ghost.

It's strange isn't it?
How you changed bit by bit,
no longer than little girl, no longer into dolls, no longer ignorant.
Like you are just finally waking up.

It's strange isn't it?
How things get stronger bit by bit,
the ache of something missing, the awareness of age, the feeling something is wrong.
Like you can feel the earth turning.

It's strange isn't it?
How weak you get bit by bit,
the constant stress, the constant worry, the constant nagging feeling.
Like you're being drained by life itself.

It's strange isn't it?
How you changed bit by bit,
hardened, jaded, colder, emptier, lost, confused, lonely.
Like you're a stranger in the mirror.

It's strange isn't it?
How you faded bit by bit,
no longer vibrant, no longer lively, no longer content.
Like you're slowly dying.