Ch 26 Testing

During the following week, I looked for signs that Justin now thought I was a mental case for making absurd assumptions, but he never acted that way. Even though I could tell he had to consciously force himself to do it, at least every other time he said he loved me, he intentionally left Dustin out of the statement. On one hand, this was sad. I had forced him to change his behavior to appease my fragile ego and he now had to exclude his son. On the other hand, my fragile ego was appeased and it made me sure of our relationship when he confirmed that he wanted me.

Saturday, Dustin and I taught our class as usual. Then the three of us went to a late breakfast and drove to Master Lee's together for the black belt test. Alice and Jennifer arrived while I was in the locker room changing. I had been angry with them after the dinner with Justin, but Jennifer reminded me that if they hadn't interfered, I would probably still not know his true feelings.

"I'm still mad at you guys," I told them as they entered. They both sported apologetic looks.

"We know," Jennifer conceded. "We just didn't want you to make a mistake."

"We didn't want you to ruin everything," Alice added. "And today would have sucked… If you and Justin broke up right before the test… You wouldn't have done as good."

I shook my head. "You guys had no right to… tell Justin what I was thinking… But I have decided to postpone my anger so we can have a good test."

Alice and Jennifer perked up as smiles spread across their faces. "And once the test is over," Alice projected, "you'll forgive us." She seemed sure of this. I was also sure that I would forgive them, but not so sure it would be soon.

We quickly changed and walked out to the main dojang to practice our forms. We went through a few colored belt forms with Dustin and Justin, and then broke off to practice black belt forms. Four other First Dans were testing, so they practiced with us as they entered. By 11:45, the building was almost full of people – testing students, spectators, and other black belts. When my parents and Lucy arrived, I hugged them, and then they went to sit in the folding chairs at the back of the room. Jane, Justin's mother, entered the dojang a few minutes later. Justin and I met her at the door, and walked her over to introduce her to my parents. Jane and my mother seemed to hit it off instantly. They chatted constantly as Justin and I continued to practice.

Master Taylor was walking around greeting all of the students. "Hello, Natalie. Are you ready for the test?"

"Yes, sir," I replied with a smile across my lips.

"And you, Justin? This is a very exciting day for you… First black belt test!"

"Yes sir it is." Justin replied. "Oh, I was supposed to help carry boards up front!" Justin suddenly remembered.

Master Taylor smirked, and said, "Yes, I'll show you where they are."

Justin and Master Taylor disappeared around the corner, and returned a few seconds later empty handed.

"I guess they already took everything to the front. There weren't any boards left in the back." Justin explained.

Soon, we were all lined up and bowing to Grandmaster Lee and the other masters. The colored belt tests ran smoothly, and before I knew it the clock on the back wall read two o'clock. I glanced over to the door, and Janie and Ted were walking in. They had made it just in time for Justin and Dustin's test.

"Danbo test," Master Lee announced. "Jr. Master Gonevalue" Mr. Gonevalue bowed in and shook hands with Ms. Hawthorne, who had run the previous test. Master Taylor began reading the names of the students testing for Danbo. Dustin and Justin each said, "Yes sir" and ran to the front when their names were called.

The first half of their test was uneventful, including several kicks and their new forms. Then the masters asked a few questions.

"Dustin?" Master Harding called.

"Yes sir," Dustin responded loudly.

"How old are you?" "Ten, sir."

"And you are testing for Danbo. That is an excellent accomplishment for a ten year old."

"Thank you, sir," Dustin replied with a proud smile.

"Do you have any relatives taking Tae Kwon Do with you?" Master Harding wanted to know.

"Yes, sir. My Dad and Natalie…uh, …Miss Quinn… sir." Dustin replied, grimacing at his mistake.

"Ahh, Justin. You're Dustin's father?" Master Harding asked, nodding in Justin's direction.

"Yes, sir. I am," Justin replied.

"And Natalie? How is she related to you, Dustin?"

"Uh, she's my…my…," Dustin thought for a second. How will he answer? I wondered. "She's just my Natalie, sir."

Everyone snickered, including Master Harding. "Well, all right then."

Just when Jr. Master Gonevalue was about to have them spar, Master Lee interrupted. "Black tip sit down in back." He motioned for Mr. Gonevalue to approach the table. They spoke quietly for a few seconds, and then Mr. Gonevalue addressed the testers again.

"Those testing for Danbo, you will go sit in the back. Your test is not over yet." All of the red belt, black tips walked to the back of the room and sat on the floor in front of the folding chairs.

Mr. Gonevalue bowed out and Mr. Morris bowed in to lead the First Dan test. When it was time for sparring, the black tips were called up to spar the Danbos testing for First Dan. After the sparring, the black tips retuned to sit on the floor. It was apparent now that Master Lee intended for the black tips to spar each belt level.

I looked to Justin with a grin, and he returned my smile with a wink. As he did so, that dimple in his cheek deepened for a split second, and I wished I could run across the room to kiss him. My face flushed red, so I leaned forward with my face toward the ground and began stretching. And I did need to stretch as my test was about to start.