The Mistake that Changed My Life
The day dawned grey, clouds hung low in the sky. The southerly winds blew around me, getting stronger with each step I took. I have been in hiding for nearly 9 months. I haven't been able to talk to anyone in my family or go near them. I've brought shame on the family because of my mistake.
At the time it hadn't seemed like a terrible thing to do. But as the consequence came, that thought changed. Although I don't want to give this baby up I have no choice. I've thought about it over and over again but I have no choice, I don't have the resources available to support both me and the child.
I simply cannot ask for help from my family as I have brought shame on them. I know that in today's society there have been over 7000 abortions that have occurred in the last two years but I have no choice as to what I am about to do. I wouldn't do it if I had another choice. In the eyes of the government this child does not exist.
I can see the hospital as I draw nearer to it. A few more metres and I'll reach the hospital entrance. Before I reached the door I was stopped by a couple of strangers. I tried to politely ask them to move so that I could pass but to no avail. With a strong yet gentle grip on my elbow they pulled me over to a sheltered area to get away from the rain. A soon as we were under the sheltered area they began talking to me. They asked about the unborn baby. But I gave them no answer I didn't know who they were or how they found out about my pregnancy. But I wanted to get away from then. I tried excusing myself again but they wouldn't let me go.
Getting no response from me did not deter them at all. They began to ask reasons for which I was planning on getting rid of the baby. After a while seeing as they wouldn't leave me alone until I answered I began to talk. I explained about my financial inability to support a baby and me at the same time. Before I knew it I was telling them how I felt about the whole situation, the shame I felt. The humiliation felt by me. Everything.
I hadn't realised but I was crying, the tears had been rolling down my cheeks as I was speaking but I hadn't realised. By the end of the conversation they had convinced me to keep the baby, also having told me of a way to support both the baby and myself. Thinking back I can see how lucky I had been to be able to talk to those once strangers but now like a family. I was one of the lucky few that had been given this opportunity.