Singer spent the first part of the night on Rosaline's windowsill, watching her empty bed. He half expected the pile of sheets to resolve themselves into a human shape, to rise and fall with breath. Of course, they never did, and as the first thought of dawn started to push at the horizon, he left.

It was a clear, cold night with a full moon and millions of stars. Not quite even realizing where he was heading, he found himself at the willow where he had first met Dream. The drooping branches were painted with moonlight. So was Dream, sitting quite still in the top of the tree.

Singer wound his way up until he was sitting next to her. Suddenly, he felt warm.

"Are you going to leave again?" Dream asked, not moving from her position. The wind stirred her fluid hair.

Singer watched ripples race each other across the lake. He turned his head to watch the same motion repeated in the strands of Dream's hair. They brushed his face briefly.


Dream's head whipped around, surprised. Her slender hand touched his face. They smiled together and flowed into the roots of the tree, hiding from the dawn light.

Well, there you have it. The cheesy ending :) Rather abrupt, but I hope you like it anyway :)