I tossed around in my bed, the various sounds sounding so near as if happening right by my ears.

It was as if I was having some sort of hangover where everything was enhanced. But I'm not a drinker. Never have, and I doubt I probably will. But it was like this every morning for some reason. I don't think that's normal but dad said it would pass and I would get used to it…whatever it is I'm suppose to get used to.

I slowly opened my eyes, the bright rays of the sun shining into my room and in my direction. I groaned, not really wanting to get up but more towards the sun for being so bright. I absolutely hated how the sun shine would hit your eyes when you would wake up in the morning. It was like someone was shinning a bright flashlight right into your face.

Letting out a sigh, I slowly got out of bed. To no surprise did I find my hearing to slowly return to a normal state. I threw on a light jacket, feeling the cool air of the room brush against my skin and rest there as if attracted to me. I shivered but relaxed as my body started to warm to the new covering.

I left the room and walked to the bathroom but stopped suddenly to the sound of my parents arguing yet again…

"You know very well it could be a problem…you know the things that could happen to her there," the voice of my mother sounding a little angrier and irritated than when they normally argued.

"I know!" my father's voice shouting back and I was a little surprised he didn't add anything to just 'I know'.

Shrugging, I continued to the bathroom. After freshening up a little and getting into some new clothes. But while getting ready and fixing up my room a little, I could not help but think about why my parents had to keep arguing about us moving. I honestly could have cared less if we moved. I didn't have any friends at my high school any way so what made going to a new school any different? This could actually be my new start and actually be the person I want to be without having to be ridiculed much for it by my peers.

I left my room and headed for the kitchen where my parents were still arguing over the same subject.

"Just give it a chance. I will make sure nothing will go wrong…" my father's voice quieted down as I walked into the room. Both my parents looked at me as if thinking about something.

My mother sighed and finally gave in, "Very well. But promise me that you will do what you said," she said trying to smile and placed her hand on his cheek which he placed his own hand to her hand on his cheek.

I wasn't quite sure what this promise was they were talking about but I had a feeling that it had to do with me. A lot of things concerned me for some reason. I wasn't sure why but perhaps it was best that I didn't know too much about the things concerning me.

I sat silently as I ate the food placed before me. Several thoughts raced through my mind. Maybe this new school will not be that bad. Maybe, just maybe I will finally be able to be the person I want to be. Maybe…I can realize who I am.