Amy had been restless ever since her confrontation from Sasha. It unsettled her more than she wanted. So much so that she constantly had to keep her guard up and sometimes look over her shoulder whenever she was alone. However, her being alone was never for long as Mina would tag along ever since she learned from Jeff what happened and why they missed class not long ago. Jeff also tagged along and kept up the usual routine of walking her to classes.

"If I was there, I would have beaten her to a pulp!" Mina growled and kept up her fury when Jeff raised a brow as if in challenge, "I can't believe you just let her go. That psycho is something else!" she was shaking slightly, anger taking a hold of her body. She only calmed down slightly when Amy gave her a hug. "She could have really hurt you..." she whispered to which Amy gripped her tighter.

"But I'm fine," Amy said trying to reassure her friend, but the words felt flat to herself. She wasn't really alright. She felt slightly paranoid. Sometimes she missed being the wallflower and not being in the spotlight of anyone's attention. She felt her body finally relax when Mina released her from the embrace.

"It's ok to admit you aren't okay," Jeff said as he placed his hands on Amy's shoulders which caused her to tense up but relax as she contemplated his words. Maybe he was a tease sometimes, especially in the beginnings of their friendship, but he said some thoughtful and wise things at times.

"You're right," Amy began, "I'm not really okay. Sometimes I wish things were back to the way they were before this all happened. Sometimes I wish I'm not who I am. Sometimes-"

Jeff put a finger over Amy's mouth to silence her and caused Mina to laugh a little, "Amy..never wish for things like that. You can't change who you are or what happened. You just move forward."

Amy didn't like that Jeff was right, but she couldn't be upset about it. Yes she wanted to be comfortable and have things how they used to be when she was in the background, but life was never fair to anyone. She sagged her shoulders a little in defeat, "Why me?"

Both Mina and Jeff shrugged their shoulders, "Why anyone?" Jeff counter questioned.

Amy contemplated the conversation from earlier. Jeff's words just nagging at her. This was all new for her. Most of her life the shy wallflower and suddenly thrust into a situation so foreign to her. However, she couldn't complain. As much as she wanted to remain stuck where she used to be, all these things good and bad provided so many new experiences for her which she would have otherwise never experienced if she led her old life.

She glanced at her phone and sent a message to Jeff. I hate you...

Not long after, she recieved a message back. What did I do?

Amy smiled and suppressed a giggle as she sent her next message. For being a good friend. The laughter escaped her when she saw what he sent back.

Your hate hurts me. Oh my heart...I'm sorry Amy, tell my sister I love her. This is my final goodbye... He also added a wink emoticon at the end.

She shook her head and rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the smile on her face. Always giving her a smile and lifting her spirit, Jeff was such a good friend to her.

Feeling in such a good mood, she got ready to head for the park like she so often did. Opening her door, she felt her heart race and she stood frozen as her vision focused on the figure that was walking near her door.

"Well I was going to knock, but I guess I don't have to now," Keith said sheepishly as he stood where he was. He looked at her curiously as he saw Amy made no attempt to move from the doorway with her hand still on the doorknob just looking in his direction. Finally moving from where he stood in front of her and took her hand off the handle and eased her outside while he shut the door behind him. He then let out a chuckle as he waved his hand in front of Amy's face and then proceeded to get close to her face, only inches a part from each other.

"I take it you weren't expecting to see me?" he questioned with a grin earning him a very deep blush and Amy averting her gaze to look down.

Backing off, he stood at a little more than a foot distance from her to give them space and he could feel her ease a little.

"You looked like a deer in headlights," he said with a wink but frowned when Amy didn't seem in such an upbeat mood. "Something wrong?" he asked a little concerned.

Amy furrowed her brows as she glanced at him with some uncertainty.

"Please just tell me if something is wrong."

Amy let out a breath before she started decided to speak. She could do this. She could tell him what's wrong. "Well, it's you," she said softly and looked away.

He pressed his lips together not quite sure what she meant, "Me?"

She nodded and looked at him, "Yes. Ever since you came into my life, it's been a mess. A lot to take in," she started and sighed when she saw the frown return to his face, "don't get me wrong. It's really hard when all my life I've been a nobody..."

Before she knew it, she felt herself being enveloped in his arms, "I'm sorry..." he whispered. "I understand."

"Do you?" Amy questioned softly.

Keith only shook his head, "No not really but I know this hasn't been easy on you. But you're not a nobody. You are a somebody. To your friends and family. To me," he spoke gently as he kissed the top of her head.

Amy blushed as they seperated and saw genuineness in his eyes. "What is this thing between us?"

He thought about her question and looked at her with a smile as he took her hands, "I want to start over and do things right."

Amy pursed her lips together, "I'm not sure your psycho girlfriend would like you spending time with me," she said a little glumly.

"About that," Keith said as he scratched the back of his head, "we actually broke up."

Amy looked at him a little wide-eyed, "Is that why she confronted me?"

Keith looked at her concerned when she said Sasha confronted him and shook his head, "I'm sorry about that. She didn't hurt you did she?"

"No but that's only because Jeff interveined."

There was a flash of jealousy in his eyes for a brief moment but it disappeared as soon as it came. Keith took Amy's hands in his as he stood in front of her, "I really hope that from this moment, things will be different," he said with a smile and let out a chuckle when he saw her blush. "I promise Amy, we'll figure this out together."

Author's Note: I apologize for not updating any time sooner. This wasn't the greatest chapter and I've been working on it off and on the past few weeks. I was a little uninspired to write. Not to mention that since my last update, I've taken a really intense summer class, my laptop giving up on me (I have a new device now), and being really sick that I ended up having to go to the hospital not too long ago. Again I apologize for a fairly short chapter and not being able to get anything up till now.