Summary: I can't quite give you a good summary, but here it goes: It's about a girl whose whole world just fell apart. What she doesn't know is what she holds inside of her. She helps her family by showing them something they've been missing. They thought she was an outsider, and that she didn't understand them. Well they had another thing comming.
Prisoner of Love
"By dwelling on what you'll never know, you'll not only drive yourself nuts with anxiety, but you'll also miss out on living in the moment. And the here and now is what really matters. Choosing your own life path is what makes you an individual."
These words, the words that I've tried to live by, these last words that my mother told me, they kept running through my mind like a broken record. I felt like a prisoner inside myself, pretending to be happy so that my dad wasn't as sad, and crying when no one was around. Loving someone to the point of mental disaster.
Then, four years later, just right when I felt like I was finally free…or at least on parole, I was shoved back by the big man himself. I guess he just realized that I was starting to be happy again, so he had to shove me back in my cell to keep that from happening.
"Doc. what's…what's the prognosis?" my dad said hesitantly. Just as the doctor was about to speak, a beeping sound came from his direction. The doctor reached into the pocket of his white coat and took out a small black object that was probably his pager.
"I'm sorry, I have to take this." He began, holding up the pager in the air, "I'll be back as soon as I can."
Waiting this much was torture. I needed to know whether or not I was going to be an orphan or not. That's exaggerating a bit, I know, but there's still a chance that he'll die and I didn't like that option.
Two and a half hours later…
"Alright, sorry about that" he started, "Now…um miss, you might want to sit down…this m-"
"No, I'm fine, just please tell me if my dad's going to be ok!" I fiercely interrupted. My dad gave me the, that's-enough-look. So I shut my trap and waited, yet again.
"Please continue doc." My dad said.
"Y-Yes of course…" he said as he checked over the paper work. He's probably checking to make sure to say it right.
"Alright, the good news is that you don't need Chemo."
"But…" I added, because there's always a 'but' in these kinds of situations. So this is where I wait. Is this where the doctor assassinates the rest of my already broken heart? Or where he begins to sew the already broken pieces together?
"But you do have cancer."
"So I just need surgery, right?" my dad said with a wavering voice. The doctor opened his mouth, like he was about to say something, but instead, said nothing.
"This is where you say, yes Mr. Morgan, right?" I could barely ask before the silence in my heart returned.
"I'm sorry, but…" he paused for what seemed like an eternity. "I can't do that Miss Morgan. Mr. Morgan you have what's called Malignant Melanoma. It's a type of skin tumor characterized by the malignant growth of melanocytes. Ev-"
"What are you saying?!" my dad said cutting him off.
"What I'm saying is that even if you do have surgery, it won't do you any good. Once this type of cancer gets to your blood stream, there's nothing we can do but keep you comfortable until…until your time comes to an end." He said as he looked at me. "If you don't already, you should find a guardian for your daughter to stay with."
"H-How long do I have?" my dad said as he looked at me.
"A month or two at the most. If you don't have anyone to take in your daughter, we'll be forced to call someone to put her into foster care." Doctor Wright said.
"My-My wife's sister, Lillian and her husband Steve, they're Kylee's godparents. My wife and I don't have much family, so we decided, along with Lillian and Steve, that they'd be the best to take care of her." He said softly. I sat in the chair by the window, trying to let all of this information sink in.
"Would you like me to have someone call her for you?" Dad just nodded and asked for a piece of paper and a pen. Then he wrote Aunt Lillian's phone number down and handed it to the doctor.
As the doctor left and the door closed behind him, all I could think was that all of this had to just be a bad dream. So naturally I pinched myself hoping to wake up, but sadly the nightmare led on.