A/N- Just to give fair warning, this is not like my other stories for the most part. With that being said, I'm a little nervous about posting this... heh. Any and all feedback would be appreciated.

Chapter One - 10:15 Saturday Night

"You were kicked out?"

I threw my head back, taking a swift chug of the gatorade I'd stolen from Eric's fridge. My head bobbed up and down as I screwed the lid back on. "Yeah."

"Jesus, Mase," my brother said, leaning his forearm against the doorframe. "There's just never a dull moment with you."

The chair scraped against the linoleum as I pulled it out. I sat down, kicking my feet up onto the seat across from me. "Yeah."

"So... what was it this time?"

I shrugged, rolling the bottle back and forth across the table. A sigh came from the doorway.

"You're not on drugs again, are you? Because then—"

"You make it seem like I was a heroin addict, Eric."

"Mason," he warned. "Just answer the question."

There was a pause. I clicked my tongue against my teeth. "No."

"Good. Well, I guess you can stay here for now," he said, ruffling one hand through his hair. "At least until you figure your shit out. Couch is all yours."

Eric retreated into the living room. I was glad for it. My back slid down in the chair, the heel of my foot bouncing restlessly against the floor. I really wasn't in the mood to listen to anymore bitching. I stayed there for a few more minutes, listening to the drip of the faucet. I looked over my shoulder. The clock on the microwave read 10:15. It was still pretty early. I shoved the chair back and trudged out of the kitchen, crossing through the living room.

"Where the fuck are you going now?" Eric asked, glancing away from the television.

"Friend's house. I'll be back," I said as I opened the door to his apartment. I shut it behind me before he could ask anymore questions. I just needed to get out. I felt agitated. Antsy. I just needed to go.

My feet carried me down the dimly lit hallway and around the corner. At the other end of the bend, a couple was pressed up against the wall. They were really going at it. One of the woman's legs hooked around her partner's hip as he moved from her mouth to her neck, and then back up to her mouth. The noises they were making were borderline pornographic.

I looked over them as I walked by, the two completely oblivious to my presence. Or at least I thought so, until my eyes locked with a pair of intense brown irises. I refused to flinch under the scrutiny. Instead, I held his gaze as I continued past. His eyes followed, the corners of his lips curving upwards against the woman's mouth. She gave another low moan. Then he slowly turned his attention back to her.

I turned my head back around once the connection had been broken. The hinges squealed as I yanked open the door to the stairwell, my footsteps resounding against the walls as I went down them two at a time. A minute later, I was breathing in the crisp night air. I made my way down to the corner, down the sidewalk, and into the subway station. I would find something to do tonight.

Who knows what time I got back. It was late. Or early. Depends on how you look at it. The sun hadn't come up yet, that was all I knew. I felt decidedly better though. Mellow. Weightless. Nice. I even took some time to admire the few stars that dotted the sky. It was nice. They were white. They were bright. They twinkled. Very pretty. I smiled, head tilted back, strolling leisurely down the street to my brother's building. I wish we had more stars. Huh, I suppose we probably do. We just can't see them here in the city. Too many lights? Maybe. Probably too much pollution. Yeah, that makes more sense.

I caught a flicker out of the corner of my eye, and swung my head back down. Sitting on the stoop, was the guy from before. Now that his face wasn't attached to someone else's, I could tell that he was actually pretty good looking. He had a strong jaw. I liked that. He exhaled a stream of smoke, fiddling with the cigarette as he stared blankly at the cement in front of him. I sidled up, taking a seat next to him on the step. "Hey."

His focus shifted to me. A glint of recognition surfaced in his eyes. Then a small amused smile. "Why, hello there."

I jerked my chin toward the cigarette. "Would I be able to steal one from you?"

Both eyebrows lifted. He reached back into his jacket, coming up with a half crushed softpack. His index finger tapped one out through the jagged hole torn into it, then he held the pack out to me. I plucked the stick out, one hand reaching into my sweatshirt to search for a lighter. Once I had it lit, I smiled again, teeth holding the butt in place. "Thanks."

He chuckled. "No problem."

I turned my eyes skyward again. Then back down to him. I repeated the motion, debating which one I'd rather look at.

"Are you okay?" he asked. His voice was deep. Pleasant. I decided I'd rather look at him.

My smile broadened. "I'm great. How are you?"

He gave another low laugh, the sound rich and textured. It was like the stars. Very nice. "I'm fine, thanks."

I nodded my head and continued to watch him, swaying idly from side to side. His shoulders were the perfect size. Broad, but not too broad. His hair looked really soft. Natural. I bet he doesn't even try to style it or anything. It was really dark, black against the night. Smooth. I wanted to touch it.

"Do you like what you see?" he drawled.

My head bobbed up and down again. "Mm, yep. I think you're perfect."

"Perfect, huh?" He took in a drag, then blew out the smoke. He leaned back onto his elbows, not even bothering to hide the fact that he was sizing me up. "How are old are you, kid?"

"Nineteen," I replied cheerfully. "Perfectly legal, if that's what you're worried about."

His lips twitched. "Barely legal is more like it."

"Hm. If you say so. How old are you?" I asked, fingers drumming against the concrete as I puffed the burning tobacco.


I rolled my eyes, head lolling to the side. "So, what's the problem then?"

His gaze was hooded, the expression on his face turning smug. "You're too young for my taste, kid. Come talk to me in a couple of years."

"Ah." I stubbed the half smoked cigarette out, flicking it off to the street. My nose twitched as I sniffed. "But now I know you definitely swing both ways. That's half the battle right there."

He gave his first full laugh, head going back as the sound reverberated from his body. As the mirth died down, he shook his head. "You're funny. Bold. I like that."

I really want to touch his hair. My fingers stretched out to feel the strands. His hand came up and caught my wrist, amusement still ghosting his lips as his eyes fixed steadily onto mine. "You're going to get yourself in trouble, kid."

"Mason," I said, growing tired of him calling me 'kid'. But the warning made me laugh a little. "I like trouble."

His eyes were still fixed intently on my face, fingers curled around my arm. I could actually see him thinking, his mouth now set into a line. It seemed like he was weighing his options. That was all I needed. The corners of my mouth tipped upwards.

"It would be fun," I continued, letting my eyes trail over his body. "We could even top your little performance in the hallway."

A half smile edged onto his face. He stared at me a little longer, still holding onto my wrist. "You're serious, aren't you?"

Silence trickled by. He might have been waiting for an answer. Dunno. I was admiring the lines of his face. Straight nose. Subtly defined cheekbones. Like the rest of him, it was nice. The tip of his tongue glided over his bottom lip. The gesture was small. But sexy nonetheless. I smiled. Heh, I'm gonna chase it.

I leaned in, tongue flicking out to follow the path his own had taken. The flavor of nicotine still stained his lips, beneath it, the faint taste of something sweet. I wish I knew what it was. It was good. My lips parted. I wanted to taste more of him.

A finger came up to stop me, pressing firmly to my lips. But he didn't say anything. He didn't move away, something almost imperceptible clouding his eyes. I watched him for a second longer, then opened my mouth again, tongue curling under his finger as I drew it into my mouth. There was a sharp intake of air. And I knew I had him.

"Fuck," he breathed, pupils now centered on the movements of my mouth. That's where I wanted it to be.

My lips curled around his finger into a smile. "Upstairs. Is it your apartment?"

He nodded without moving his gaze. I slid my mouth back, letting my tongue trail over his skin as it departed. I returned to my original goal and pressed my mouth to his. My throat hummed in satisfaction, enjoying the taste once more. I licked over his bottom lip, quietly murmuring, "Good."

This time he didn't try to put space between us. I was happy. It didn't take much longer to convince him to go back inside.

Everything felt good— felt great. It had taken some time, but we finally made it to his bed. It had been a steady journey from the door to the wall, couch, wall, and then bed. Layers of clothing had been abandoned along the way. I was relieved, almost giddy, when my head finally connected with pillows. His mouth covered mine soon after, and I moaned into the moist heat. There didn't seem like there was going to be much other foreplay. It was probably my own fault. I'd continued to get him worked up the entire way to his apartment. It was fine. I didn't really care. This was what I wanted anyway.

My assumption was confirmed when I felt him reach under my head, a crackle muffling from beneath the pillows as he pulled a packet out. Huh, convenient. Smart. He pulled back and braced himself onto one forearm, tearing the small package open with his teeth. I watched as he tossed the wrapper to the side, his hand then moving to roll the condom down his shaft. My fingers reached up to tangle into his hair while he did, my mouth moving to his neck. It was salty. Yet a little sweet. Like his mouth. The skin vibrated as licked at it. He had mumbled something. But I didn't catch it.

His weight shifted above me, the other hand returning to just above my head. Dark brown eyes stared down at me for a moment, and for a second I thought I saw a flicker of doubt. I couldn't have that. Not now. One leg hooked around his waist, my hand slipping down his lower back, pressing him closer. At the same time, I forced our mouths back together, my hips grinding up toward him. He responded almost immediately, his weight falling against me as our tongues met. Both of my hands returned to his hair, threading through the soft strands. Fingertips pressed into my thigh, his hand guiding my other leg around him. The next time he pulled his head away, he brought fingers back to my lips and gave a simple command, "Suck."

I smiled and did as I was told. "M'kay."

Maybe he didn't have lube. But I think he just wanted me to. He watched as I took the two fingers into my mouth, suckling gently until he pulled them back. I squirmed as he began the process of stretching me, the first finger slipping in, then gradually both. I was anxious, almost wanting to skip this part. I bucked my ass down to try and get my message across. I think he understood. His hand slipped away, and I felt the pressure I'd been waiting for. He began to press in slowly. Too slowly. I hurried him, both legs locking over his hips as I pressed him in faster. The pain was there, but I didn't care. He was in. His breath shuddered, head dropping to my shoulder. His hair tickled my neck as he paused, warm gusts of air brushing over my skin. Then he started to move.

At first the pace was slow, the strokes almost tentative. I shifted underneath him, moving both hands above my head. With my palms braced against the wall, I began to move with him, encouraging him to pick up speed. He groaned and gave me what I wanted. Soon one of his hands was on the wall between mine, the other burning into my hip. The heady feeling I'd been waiting for engulfed my mind, the pace pounding faster. Harder. I bit down his shoulder, bringing one hand down to stroke myself. Creaking, panting, and moaning filled the room, growing louder as sex broke down into something more raw. My knees had been pushed into my chest, the force of his strokes becoming almost brutal. It was fucking great.

When I came, it was hard, reflexively clenching around him as I coated my own stomach. Another groan rasped from his throat as he moved deeper, rocking slower, before his muscles tensed and his body stilled. Our breathing gradually evened out, and he left the bed after a few minutes. The light in the bathroom flickered on, which was shortly followed by some rustling. When he returned, he tossed me a towel to clean myself up.

Then to my surprise, he slipped between the sheets again, without another word. It was interesting. I thought he'd kick me out as soon as we were done. But no. Instead, he curled onto his side. I laid there, waiting until the rise and fall of his chest gave hints to the arrival of sleep. When I was sure he was along the edge of slumber, I rolled onto my side. I leaned over, bringing my mouth near his ear so I could whisper. "What's your name?"

His eyes remained closed, but a small smile danced across his lips. "Cain."

I nodded, curling up to him until he fell asleep. Then I quietly got dressed and left.

The door to Eric's apartment clicked quietly as I shut it behind me. From the hallway I could see one leg hooked over the arm of the couch. He had either waited up, or fallen asleep watching television. I moved as quietly as I could through the living room. But as I passed behind the sofa, he stirred. One hand rubbed grumpily over his eyes, his head turning in my direction.

"Mase?" His gaze shifted to the clock on the television, before glaring in annoyance at me once more. "Where were you?"

I shrugged. "With a friend."


"Seriously," I said with a sigh. "I just went out for a bit. I'm sorry for getting back so late and waking you up."

Eric's brow creased, doubt very apparent. He stared at me a little longer. "Fine. Just get back earlier from now on."


"I'm being serious, Mase," he continued, pale blue irises almost grim. "I want to help you, but you can't do whatever you want if you're going to live with me."

"Okay," I repeated.

Eric massaged the back of his neck as he sat up. He pushed himself up and headed toward his bedroom. "Get some sleep, Mase." Then he shut the door.

I smiled once he was gone. I don't know why. For some reason I just find him amusing. Cute. He always has been more like a parent than a brother. Then again, I guess we weren't really brothers. And he was more of a parent than ours were at least.

I settled on the couch, kicking my shoes off. I would just sleep in my clothing tonight. I'd figure everything else out when I woke up. Maybe. There was so much. Too much.

I didn't even want to think about it.