My Little Bouquet of Flowers

It started off like a bouquet of flowers

Bright and Full.

Whenever I came near it,

A smile would come upon my face.

It made me happy;

The happiest I've been in years

With its sweet and joyful blissfulness.

I did my job of taking care for it,

Watering it and making it grow.

But it could not be dependent on water alone.

It was missing an essential provider:

The Sun

The one source of energy it needed in order to fully bloom.


It grew alone by the little light I provided,

A moon for its darkness.

Without you, without your attention for it,

I began to care less for it.

Slowly, bit by bit, the care I had once shown for it was


Eventually, it began to wither away.

One flower at a time.

'Til there was only one flower left,

One last piece of hope.

The last flower hung on tightly.

Going on without nay food, water, or sunlight.

Without any love.

'Til at last it too, gave up

And let the wind carry all of its petals away.

I emptied out the vase,

Leaving it waiting hopefully.

For maybe one day it shall be filled again with another

Bouquet of flowers.

And when the time comes,

I'll be sure to fully show my affection for it.

I will treasure it.

My little bouquet of flowers.