True Friend

Wise old friend, sweet painter of insight, help me to see.

Allow me to learn under your tender shade.

Let me lie in your good friend, grass

And feel Earth, ageless and ancient, beneath my back,

And run my velvet fingers through her cold sponged soil.

And let me smile, let me grin up at your leafy hands waving to me.

Please let me sit with you, and listen to your song;

The one you sing when wind flies in like an unexpected friend,

And summons your green fingers up in a chorus of whispers.


Please watch me as I learn, and as I grow.

As I gain wisdom from every ant and every cast-off stone

And grow a larger soul and a larger heart, simply from

Gaining understanding from all and not just one.

And from you, for allowing me to let my face breathe fresh air

For allowing any mask that suffocated me to fall away.

Thank you, for letting me splash in the creek – freely

Letting a million marbles of winking water dive up into the air.

And for letting me play on your shoulders,

And run my hand over your calloused coffee-grain skin.


Watch me now, as I breathe in the scent of morning,

The fresh smell of new leaves and the perfume of birthing buds,

As I laugh with the calling birds and singing crickets,

And know that you have helped me.

Purely by just being there, for having your roots deep in the ground,

For always lending me a scratchy dark arm to hang onto,

And for tipping me a smile, always.

Thank you, my friend, for helping me

By being what a friend should be, someone who –

With their gentle laugh and open palms –

Sees me as I am.

And doesn't mind.

English III Poem - Nature as a Mirror of Oneself

Age 15, Grade 10

-The Winking Peach Candle