Confessions of a Drink

A/N: My third story of my 'confessions' series. O_O I debated whether I should continue it for a while, and then I thought. Why not. Couldn't hurt. :) It's got a bit less action than the others, but I like it. But maybe it's just because I'm drinking boba milk tea right now. Enjoy!

Christine sighed, chin in palm, eyes glancing over at the group of students a few tables over. John, was a funny kid, but not much of a looker; Cynthia, bright, but a bit ditzy in nature; Lily was cute, but shrewd; and Emily was just the stereotypical blonde airhead. Then, there was Andrew.

Now Andrew was drool-worthy. His fluffy black hair complimented his stunning smooth face; a tight t-shirt molded to his torso was proof of his athletic character; an unmarred transcript on his desk reflected his sagacity; and the crowd surrounding him, though nerdy, illustrated his charisma. He was perfection in a sea of dork.

"Um. Hey. You've got a little something over there." Tony tapped the right side of his mouth. Christine blushed and quickly wiped away her drool, only to salivate more as she gazed wistfully at Andrew.

"And Willy shouted, what! Are you a germophobe or something?" The audience giggled at Andrew's exaggerated motions. "But you know, I just can't stand sharing foods and stuff with people I don't likeā€¦ like." He shrugged.

Christine sighed, chin in her other palm. If only she could be part of those onlookers, she thought enviably, but she wasn't even fit to lick the laces of their Converse. She was a timid girl, plain and unmemorable to sight, with only a pale blue ribbon entwined loosely in her hair to distinguish her from the rest of the population.

Then a sudden thought occurred to her. Perhaps the lack of attention directed towards her could be beneficial. It wouldn't really matter if she pursued him if no one knew who she was. His locker wasn't far from hers, she had a zero period so seldom anyone saw her in the morning, and it wasn't as if anyone noticed her in the first place. It was the perfect covert courtship.

She enacted her plan first thing next morning, slipping a rather bold note into his locker, her heart palpitating wildly. After it fell in, in a panic, she clawed at the locker door, pried at it, and even attempted to chew it open before calming to a toothache and the thought that, whatever happened would happen, and it wasn't as if he'd know it were her.

Later that morning, Andrew found a slightly disturbing pale pink note paper in his locker.


You are really sexy. I'd lick your choochooface like the frosting off a cupcake if I could, but you're so hot, I think all the frosting would have melted before I could get to it.

Let's go out some time. :]

Your secret admirer.

The next morning, after her zero period, Christine found a less disturbing pale green note paper sticking out of his locker.

Dear secret admirer,

That's really flattering, but who are you? And I've got to disagree about the cupcake analogy, despite my irrefutable hotness, because I'm so cool, I'd keep the frosting solid regardless. But nice try.

I'll go out (maybe) if you tell me who you are. ;] Please don't say John.


Christine held the note in her hands and a grin on her face, and quickly scribbled down a response, oblivious to the bewildered stare of the male from the next locker.


I'm John.

Just kidding. My math isn't that terrible. I know that you + me = 2, which is definitely less than three! 3

Well, I'd tell you who I am, but then I'd have to kill you. Well, not intentionally, but one look at my face could run a scarecrow out of his job. ]: So I'll stay aloof and mysterious for now. Sorry, baby.

Your secret admirer.

After quickly planting a kiss on her folded note, she stuffed it down his locker. The male from the next locker also finished his business, slammed his locker door, and walked away. Christine attempted to do the same, but with less luck, finding her ribbon caught in the next locker over.

She released several expletives.

Several more, when she saw, from her peripheral vision, a certain sexy Andrew rounding the fork of the hallway.

And then, in a panic, Christine, eyes tearing, was forced to leave her glass slipper and dash down the stairs.

Christine, being the diffident girl she was, generally sat alone on a crooked table at the far side of the lunch courts. Today, she had company.

Christine glanced down, cheeks blushing, chest contracting, as Andrew sat down across from her, but not before allowing a familiar pale blue ribbon to flutter onto her head.

"Yours?" He pursed his lips around his straw.

Christine nodded dolorously. The act was up. He knew she was a weirdo. He was going to tell her off. Insult her. And all in that gorgeously seductive voice of his. She squeezed her eyes shut, fearing the worst.

Andrew tilted his head slightly, laughing softly at her reaction. He set his boba milk tea down on the table and pushed it towards her. "You look a bit flushed. Want a sip?"

Christine's eyes shot upward, shocked. "But-"

"Don't worry about it. I don't mind." Andrew smiled.