So bleeders don't fuck with me
I spit ink so fast it sinks
Straight through your skin to do
Your thinking for you
Don't say my name
Don't play your games with my body
I am my own and I don't belong to you
Bleeder don't say
you love me
when all you really love is my tendency
To swallow it up
Mother fucker don't you dare
Feed me lies
When you know I dispise how you
Blind my eyes with
Soft sighs
Bleeder you know how I cried
When you screamed spread your thighs
Slapping tears from my eyes and planting bruises
But now bleeders dont fuck with me
I spit ink so fast it sinks
Straight through your skin to do
Your thinking for you
Don't talk to me
Don't follow me
Don't call me
Dont fall for me
Why can't you see you've hollowed me
Just leave me the fuck alone