The Hurricane of My Life
Chapter one:The Waters Heat Up
There are some people in this world, who you just want to curl up and die. Julia Williams is one of them, her and her stupid group of friends.
Ohhh, I remember her talking to her idiotic friends in the bathroom today at lunch. Talking about all the 'unpopular' kids. They jumped from Bryce McFack to Megan Branshar and eventually to me.
Diana Gonzalez, the average height, skinny girl with no curves, mousy brown hair, and freckles that go up and down my arms and face.
I remember them going on and on about my flat chest, and how I was a loser who couldn't even get other losers to be my friend. Soon after Julia made that statement (which her friends all threw there heads back and laughed) I stepped out of the stall I was in.
The look on her face was priceless when I walked out of the stall. Oh I didn't say anything, making her think that I didn't hear anything that she had said during those few minutes, but then as I was washing my hands and accidentally on purpose splashed an extra generous amount of soap and water onto her new, thin, see through, cotton shirt, which I'm praying ruined it.
I guess she knew I heard her after that. I didn't even apologize I just glared at her and stalked out of the bathroom.
It was sort of funny watching her squeal as her friends lunged for the paper towels, as they really did want to be the first to help her out, maybe fix it and have her say "Oh thank you! You are the BEST"
Instead she started screaming about how the shirt was "dry clean only" and how "you'll only ruin the shirt more!" Honestly I think she was crying.
Looking back, however that was probably not the worst thing that I could've done. What I really wanted to do was rip her blonde hair out (which isn't actually blonde, it's dark at the roots) and smash my fist into her overly done face, and make her hourglass figure go through a few walls. But I know I can't do that. I mean I am not the Incredible Hulk, and even if I were the 'in' crowd would probably just tease me more.
Out of all the stuff that they said, however the thing that's hurt me the most was the crack about the friends. Oh, believe me the flat-cheated joke has greatly upset me and made me wish that I could at least go up one measly cup size. But it was the friends that somehow really got to me. Now you might think that the way I acted in the bathroom means that I don't care what they think, but as a matter of fact I do care. And as I'm walking home from school, fighting back tears all I am thinking is "I really need friends"
Copyrighted by Insanely Random