Dedication: iwishiwasginny, Penguinlover827, ashalayy aka freddi d, Ms. Poe, CassieJames96, The True Dreamer, Dancequeen105, Anonymous Benefactor, Laura31132, mcgeefamily5, Someonexlovesxyou, smurfjr.247, and Strain Cooker have been absolutely amazing. I don't know how I would have written this story without them!
The Hurricane of My Life
Chapter twenty-seven: Withstanding the Storm.
Six Months Later
Life's problems can put us in the middle of a hurricane. In fact, life's problems are our own little hurricanes. The trick to surviving them is to make it through a category five hurricane. Once you make it through a category five hurricane you can withstand anything. And that's because we build up our barriers.
Our barriers are what keep us sane when we go through a hurricane. Only, the problem with me was that I had no barriers to begin with. I was stuck in a category five hurricanes with no defenses. Luckily, I discovered some when my hurricane ended.
At first, I was really confused. I didn't know what to do; I had no experience in anything. But, I didn't want to sit around on my couch and do nothing. So, I got off my butt and took a couple of classes. After several failures, I finally found something I was good at: designing.
It has only been a few months since I took that class, and yet I've made over two hundred designs. I'm running out of closet space!
But, designing is not my only defense. Kate and I have become really close friends ever since I broke up with my old 'friends'. There are plenty of differences between my friendship with Kate and my friendship with Julia. For one, we actually have fun. Plus, we can laugh about the silly second grade stuff, like the time Kate belched. It was hilarious; you should've seen Kate's face.
It was kind of unbelievable; Kate is really tiny. She's short and skinny, and her feet barely are a size five. So to hear a mighty belch come from her was pretty funny.
Of course, Julia just happened to walk by at that moment. Now, even though she did say some mean things, I didn't lose my temper. I told her that what she said was inappropriate and rude. Also, I told her that she shouldn't make fun of people who can let their hair down every once in a while.
Well, it didn't shut her up, but at least I kept my pride. I was also reminded why my friendship with Kate was so much better. There is so much less pressure when I hang out with Kate.
Whenever I was around Julia, she always wanted me to do something that I knew was wrong. She was always forcing me to go along with something that would hurt someone, emotionally or physically.
But when I'm hanging out with Kate the only pressure I receive is to chug my soda. Even then, she didn't try to force me to do it; it was my own free will. The only thing she has really tried to force me to do was go to the prom. And I don't think she'll win. I'm way stronger than her, and I have plenty more willpower. So, I don't thing she'll bring it up again.
Unfortunately, Kate did bring it up again.
It was a Wednesday, and I was feeling ravenous. The lunch line was really long, and I was starving. By the time I had gotten to my usual lunch seat lunch was halfway over. Luckily my fish tacos weren't cold.
Let me tell you, it's a relief that I don't have to eat those tasteless salads anymore. Seriously, they made my lunches with Julia even more unbearable.
Anyway, I was just about to bite into my fish taco, when Kate plopped down next to me. Her eyebrows were pulled back, and her eyes were watering. Her chin bobbed up and down.
"Come on, Diana," she begged.
"No, Kate!" I growled.
"Please, please, please, please!" She didn't say please the normal way. She said it the way a two-year-old would say it.
"Kate, I really don't want to go! Besides, I don't even have a date." I crossed my arms over my chest, to seal my point.
Kate flashed a wicked grin. "That's where you're wrong. I'm sure Matt would be more than willing."
I groaned and covered my eyes. "Oh, Kate, you didn't!" I moaned.
"Come on Diana! Don't let my brother down!"
Whenever I go over to Kate's house, Matt would 'just happen' to be there. At first, it was kind of sweet, but then it got awkward. I mean having a personal human puppy dog does sound fun and all, but gets creepy. Honestly, he follows me around everywhere! He caters to my every need. Kate is no help; like a good sister, Kate takes advantage of Matt's willingness. However, it is rather funny.
"Kate, I'll go to the prom, but under one condition." I knew Kate wasn't going to stop whining, so I caved. But the wheels in my head were turning.
"What's the condition?" Kate asked, eyeing me suspiciously.
"If Matt is going to take me to the prom, then Jonathan has to take you." Okay, maybe having Jonathan take Kate to prom is a little cruel. But, to be fair Jonathan and Kate have seemed to really hit it off.
I mean, they share similar interests; such as, cars. As it turns out Kate knows a lot about cars. Whenever she comes over Jonathan's day brightens up. Those two are always gabbing on about something car related. I swear they would talk for hours if it weren't for Kate's urge to see my designs.
So, I know that the pained look that flashed across Kate's face, was fake.
"But, Diana-" I quickly cut Kate off, to spare us an argument.
"Look, Kate, it'll be fun; like a double date."
Kate considered this for a moment. Then she sighed. "Oh, alright. I guess it'll be fun"
I looked at her, rolled my eyes, and went back to my fish taco. I already knew she'd say yes.
"I guess I better get to work on our outfits, though," I pretended like I was pondering really hard.
Kate squealed and hugged me tightly. I think she was trying to make me fart.
"Look at that, Carlson and Gonzalez has finally decided to come out of the closet." Julia's cold tone made my ears buzz. Ever since her nose healed up her voice has a real nasally ring to it.
"Whatever, Williams." I put my head down and took a huge bite out of my taco. I was going to try to ignore her.
"Are you sure you want to eat such fatty foods, Diana. I mean, you're fat enough!" I knew that was a lie. I knew I wasn't fat at all, but it still stung.
"Of course she'd look fat in your eyes, Williams! But, remember this, just because someone has boobs and a butt doesn't mean they're fat. However, that does not apply to you!" Kate's retort was harsher than Julia's comment. Yet, all Julia did was glare, make a humph , and walk away.
I looked into Kate's eyes. It was really sweet to hear her stand up for me. "Thanks," I muttered.
"You're welcome. So, can I see the designs for my dress?"
As I laid my designs out on the table, I realized something. Julia is in her own hurricane. She probably has been for a long time. Only she thinks that everything is nice and sunny. There is nothing anyone can do about it. Only Julia can save herself.
I, however, am out. Well, there are still broken buildings that need to be fixed, but for now I've got my talent, my friends, and a way to withstand the next storm.
Ahhh, the last chapter! It feels so nice to finally have this done! But, don't worry! I have a sort of, kind of sequel coming up. It is about Rosa and how she battles with her feelings after Diana's visit. Please go on my profile page, and vote on what the name should be. Also, please PM me any grammar mistakes or typos.