Reader's Block

Chale, calle rota

Cracked pavement road

Se cae el nino, que no?

One dirt-road stolen from me,

Manzana, fresa, uva, naranja

Pera pero no hay water to feed la mente

De la tierra sin roots…

I know que se dice raices to my 10-year-old nieces

Que no tienen calles limpias to jump rope, double-dutch skills,

Play patty cake, chase a globo, que no?

Las traen de las manos, no self-leaders,

Persiguidoras de su libertad, stuck

En un peligroso carro rojo,

Don't shoot, don't shoot,

Too late, too late,

You had to date that cholo

With the white vans pa' que se enoje el jefe,

now el se chingo because he did shoot

And you an accessory, too,

Que pendeja, que no?

Tocan las trompetas

The Lost Boy while you put a chile

On the birria siguen los beans con brown rice

Everyone's around the table,

La tia, el tio, el chato, la chata

Horchata, tamales

Un guey que ronca en un rincon

And yourr dad won't stop drinking

Life-sinking, cheated on your mom but he still

Lives in the house with four kids,

Que pendejo, que no?

No hay paz in this

I-don't-give-a-fuck muchachita world

Que conozco a little

Pinche "moral" media me la pone

Hard at the escuela por

Ser color canela but I can't see it

Por que se me broke la antena,

A Los Angeles muchacho

with his oldies blasting on a

Dinasaurus CD player

Wheels rolling con brincos,

Old ass autobus

Makes me shake like arthritis

Teeth rattle like my first fist fight

En la escuela con Felipe, el gordo,

Two feet above me, me quito

The two quarters que tenia que

Perdio to a pretty I-don't-give-a-fuck muchachita

He got a kick in the guebos

And I had a black eye con un bisted

Later used to make carne asada,

Que pendejos, que no?

No hay maid in the house

To wash your ropa and the dishes

Al mismo tiempo,

Nomas one Super Mexican-Mom con

Two or three hands que te tiran

Un zapato if your first girl

Goes down on you and y peor

Te sorprende

Like yo-no-fui

But pretty red lipstick on your cheek

Explica todo like enchilada and lasagna recipe books,

Que pendejo, que no?

No tengo lenjuaje in the street

Nomas soy what you want me to speak

Por que ellos no entienden espanol

En la marketa, while la boca

De una parece metralleta in the back

Twenty people in the line y no se calla

And ten of them want to understand

De que habla por que Guatemala spanish

is too fast for me, que el me golpio,

el nino entrometido se metio,

le pego, y le pego, yo agarre la escoba

and hit him in the face, no one cares

to know cuando vienen dos o tres policias

on patrol to call up a domestic dispute,

one kid has a broken leg pero no entienden

what she says, so she's to blame for everything,

el dad se escapa for a a few days

and next week, a kid ends up bloodied in the face,

with more than one broken leg and

su comfort mom en la carcel paying for what el padre did,

pinches policias,

que pendejos, que no?

Que pinches historias con mal fin

Hay un solution for that

Be Mexican, Latino or Whatever, be proud of it

Mi amigo

If it wasn't la verdad

No te la digo

Pero just like everywhere

You do not give a fuck,

Fuck-off to Los Angeles Land then

Con sus movies y sus internets

Y sus coffee shops, uno sabe a fresa,

I heard, but I prefer the fresa, por favor,

Tengo dos lenguajes, if you don't have the other,

Te chingastes, part of an unheard of mestizaje,

Hopefully te ofendi, that way you come back to mi,

Me das un fregadaso, I'll have another historia

En mi libro, pues quien soy, pues, verdad?

Quien me creo, muy chingon, que no?

Soy chingon!

That's all you need to know, no tan buey,

No tan smart,

Ni tan pendejo.

Copyright 2009, Jose Zuniga