"Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in, Ivy?" my principal Mr. Astley asked me.
I'm going to guess a whole lot of trouble, I thought but decided against voicing this statement seeing as I'd caused enough trouble for one day. I continued to sit in the stiff plastic chair trying (and hopefully succeeding) to look ashamed of myself.
"I don't understand, if you were having problems with another student you should have notified a teacher or even me. Surely we could have prevented this incident from happening." That is such bull, but I instantly felt bad for thinking that. Mr. Astley was a great principal and I'm sure he would have tried to help. He knew practically student in this school.
"Ivy you get high grades, participate in extracurricular activities, and you were class treasurer last year. Why would you get into a fight with Samantha Perez and jeopardize all that you have accomplished?"
"She started it." I mumbled.
"She may have started the fight, you took it too far.", he replied crossing his arms. I couldn't hide my smile. Maybe I did go too far.
Samantha had continued to make her nails a new home in my arm while calling me every nasty name her little pea sized brain could think of. When she thought I wouldn't reply to her insults, she ley go of my arm and basically flung me into the lockers, while cackling like a mad genius. After pushing myself off of the lockers I looked up to see her smirking at me like she had won. I sure as hell didn't want her to think that though. She was smaller and shorter than me so I thought to myself, I bet I could take her, and decided to test out that theory. So I hurled my body at her knocking her down and proceeded to punch the living hell out of every part of her body my fist could reach. My hypothesis was correct which was great to know.
The actual fight could not have lasted more than twenty seconds. Samantha's screams must have been heard throughout the entire high school. It was kind of annoying actually, so I aimed most of my hits at her face. I could hear the crowd around us chant "fight, fight, fight" while cheering, clapping and laughing. Suddenly someone pulled me off forcing me to stop my attacks on Samantha. I noticed a teacher helping her sit up while pressing a paper towel to one of her many cuts. I could feel a small smile spread across my face. As a teacher dragged me away I looked back at Samantha sitting on the dirty marble floor sniffling and looking defeated. My smile died. She looked pathetic. She really wasn't worth it.
"So Ivy, was it worth it?" Mr. Astley inquired bringing me back from my reverie. It's like he was could read my mind, which was kind of creepy. Looking down at his large mahogany desk, I shook my head feeling even worse. "Well it's good to know that you at least feel some remorse for what you have done. Now let's get down to business." I looked up at him to see that he was now acting like Mr. Astley-the authority figure instead of Mr. Astley-the friend and confidant. "Since you were provoked you will not be expelled or suspended," I smiled at this "You will, however, be receiving a week's detention. Just make sure something like this does not happen again, or you will not be attending the graduation alongside your fellow classmates. Am I making myself clear Ivy?"
"Yes Mr. Astley.' I nodded glad that I only got a week's worth of detention. Mr. Astley was cool like that though. He seemed to realize that the longer he kept students in detention, the worse they behaved so he tried to keep all sessions short but tough.
"You are to report to the auditorium beginning tomorrow after the last bell. That is all. Now hurry and get to your next class." He dismissed me. I mumbled a "thank you" and scurried off to class.
I walked into English class half an hour late but the teacher did not question me on why is was late, having most likely heard what had happened. I bet the whole school knew about. Bunch of gossip monkeys high schoolers are. Half of the class stared at me oddly, and the other halves tried not to stare at me but were failing quite miserably at it. It made me feel extremely self-conscious and aware of my every move.
Walking down the narrow aisle I made my way to my desk in the middle of the classroom. I sat down, took out my spiral notebook and went to take out my pen to copy the notes, when I ended up knocking my notebook off of the desk making all of the papers fly out in the process. Everyone stopped to stare causing my cheeks to heat up in embarrassment. I could hear people trying to hide their laughter and my clumsiness. The girl in the desk besides mine helped my gather my papers and I thanked her before lowering my head and vehemently copying the notes off the board. At least people weren't paying as much attention to me know as they were before.
Thankfully class ended without any other mishaps. I had to run to my previous class and get the homework and then run back to the cafeteria to find a good seat before they were all taken. But since running was not allowed in the building I instead power walked/ jogged to the classroom and lunchroom.
When I arrived at the cafeteria I got on line to get my lunch consisting of: a most likely five year old cheeseburger, limp fries, semi-fresh salad, and a can of soda. Yummy! Scanning the large room I noticed that all the good seats were in fact taken. I couldn't sit at my regular table anymore due to what happened earlier today and if I sat with anyone else they would most likely bombard me with questions about fighting Samantha.
I was about to give up and just go eat in the library (yes I know it's wrong but I was really hungry) when I saw a table that was practically bare. I almost jumped for joy until I saw the table's only occupant, Rafael Philips the true bad boy of Washington High School.
I hesitated for a second but swallowed down my fears and made my way to the table. The lunchroom became deathly silent. Lowering myself into the seat, I glanced around cafeteria and noticed dozens of heads turn away. Wow that's not suspicious…
I turned to face Rafael and noticed he'd stopped reading the book he was previously engrossed with to stare at me. I gave him a nervous smile which I am sure must have resembled a grimace. He tilted his head slightly to the right and continued to scrutinize me.
"Hi." I squeaked out instantly feeling a blush growing. There goes my great first impression. He continued to stare questioningly for a second more before picking up his previously discarded book and resuming his reading like I wasn't even there.
Well that was awkward, I thought as I began to pick at my lunch. I could tell this was going to be a long lunch period.
Ok that was chapeter one and I know the story's kinda boring at the moment but I promise it will get more interesting in the next chapter. So thanks for reading and please review!