6/12/o9 fri. TGIF!

The star of my dreams
Is ripping at the seams
He's captured my heart
Though he's falling apart
And he doesn't know what I mean

He holds his head high
As his sad eyes cry
I take his hand
I stand by my man
But he just doesn't get why

I hold him at night
Because he's tired of this fight
Midnight comes around
And I kiss him on his crown
And all he does is hold me tight

He can't see what makes me stay
As I watch him leave everyday
He asks me questions
As if to learn a lesson
And there's only one thing I can say

People say love is crazy
My life before you is hazy
I love you so much
Your voice, your touch
And I love when you let me be lazy

I'll always be that shoulder, so you can cry
The day I turn you away is the day I die
We'll always be together
Just you and me forever
And I promise to you, that I'll always try

Whenever you need me, I'm there
You really don't know how much I care
So know that I'm here for you
This girl who will remain true
Because maybe – just maybe – life IS fair

So please dry those tears
I'll help vanquish your fears
Now hold me in front of the TV
Tell me how much you love me
And we'll laugh and relax, and have a few beers