One day, a young boy looked up and saw a fantastic sight. Flying pinatas! He saw all this, and thought of all the candy up there. He started yelling at the pinatas to come down until they started to fire their machine guns. The boy decided to leave the flying candy filled horses alone.
That was a good idea. I don't think P would've appreciated any more disturbances. He was constipated, some of his chocolate had melted and it felt really weird in there, and the guy next to him had really bad gas. P was not a happy horsy. But they were almost to Washington D.C., so things were about to get much better. They were about to make a stand. A very violent, candy flavored stand. Did I mention it would be violent?
"Yo P-dog! We here foo, so getcha ready to gow and make zome blastn' moozic!" said KingO, one of the weirder piñatas.
"Repeat that in English please!" P replied.
"Hey P! We are here fool, so get ready to make some blasting music,"
KingO explained.
A whistle sounded at the front of the group (Yes, piñatas whistle. And probably better than you!). Slowly, it was picked up through the ranks, growing in intensity. Finally, it reached P. He knew what it meant. He had made up the signals. It was time.
The piñatas started to descend. They finally landed in front of the White House. And things were already getting better. P constipation had gone away and the pinata that had gas had fallen behind. I will not say if that was because of P or not. Hee hee.
End of Chapter 4