Hello my name is Granny HOLYCRAPI'MAGOODCOOK! and I'm going to show you how to make Chicken noodle soup. First get a chicken. THEN BURN THAT LITTLE DEVIL! KILL IT! YES! KILL IT! WOOOOOP! Then pull of all the not needed stuff. Then you'll want to cook it. Put it in the oven at broil. Now get some noodles and you may want to cook them. Now if you choses to cook your noodles. Put a pot of Root beer on the stove. Wait tell it starts to boil. Now check your chicken see if it is on fire yet. If it is not leave it in there. Now put your noodles in the boiling Root beer. Now you might want other things in your soup. So get some Cheese and throw that in with the root beer and noodles. Now is your Chicken on fire yet? It is? Good pull it out and throw it in with the root beer and noodles and cheese. Now you can eat it. It can feed 20 people if you do it right. Until next time this is Granny HOLYCRAPI'MAGOODCOOK!