The Adventure Begins! Finally.
Okay, I think I've messed around long enough. It's time for my story to truly begin. I've told most of what's important in my land, but that was only where I lived. Now, I will tell you about the rest of the horrible and dangerous world I've lived in. Now I will tell you about my journey. I am making this sound so cool! It's so dramatic, isn't it? Anyway….
Disaster struck. The Byte City began to crumble. For some reason, it was falling apart. Earthquakes, tornados, and electrical storms. Our piping homes had huge holes torn into them, people flew threw the holes and disappeared…
And no one knew what was happening.
The leaders tried to calm everyone, but it was mass chaos. Then, the worst thing happened. The giga bytes mutated. They grew, their skin darkened, becoming black. When they were as tall as our plasma mountains, they attacked.
They shouted their new names into the air. TERA BYTES! They screamed. And everyone else started screaming too. It was pretty loud.
The tera bytes huge claws came crashing down upon poor mega bytes and bytes. The dead bodies of bytes popped into non-existence with large electrical explosions.
I'm not very proud of this next part. Instead of defending the city against this attack like my fellow bytes, I fled. I ran away from it. I escaped into the Charge Scape, the great plains beyond the cities and homes. As far as I knew, I was the only one to survive. I was ashamed, but alive. That was all I knew, that I was alive.
But then I had a thought. A mission to save my friends, my family, and the other tiny computer people that I didn't know. I was going to find a way to communicate with the outside people. The humans.
No one had ever done it before. No one had ever tried. But I was going to. I had to. I didn't know what was happening or why, but I was going to find out. Oh yes, I was going to find out.
I was going to be a hero once again.
Man, this is so intense!
End of Chapter 6