
The world felt fake six months ago
then you came into my life
Like a blind man being able to see for the first time
Like a little girl who is hearing impaired
able to hear the birds chirp in the morning
Something new and exciting.
Something unexpected.
I fell in love with you.

We all have our ups and downs.
Hoping good times last more then bad
Hoping for more happy moments then sad.
Hoping troubles don't smack you straight in the face.
I tried desperately to stay away from pain.

When we fight, it's like my perfect world is tearing apart.
My dreams begin to fade.
My fear of loneliness overwhelms me.
I'd rather squeeze lemon juice over my cuts
then ever hurt you.

But in the end, i know we'll still be okay.
We'll still have those same feelings we did before the pain.
No matter how difficult things will get.
I will always love you...
and i know you will always love me too.

Even though the pain hurts
It brings us closer
True love come to us in different ways
Difficulties come too
but they're very manageable