Hunger pains me slow and deep
like whispers hurting so good
You know you want to
Cant you smell it around you?
Cant you taste it? Maybe?
But no
Just a little longer
Glass fragments of me and what I used to be
Cracking on the inside
At least I'm not hollow
Hunger sears clear and hot
and I welcome the warmth
campfired in my belly it grows and turns to a wild fire
eating up my guts and it hurts
it hurts so good
At least I can still feel
Just a little longer
and I'll be better than before
smooth and small put your
fingers to my skin and feel how
thinly it stretches
Slide along my thighs
trace veins in the crease of my elbow
how far up my arm can you place your fist?
Almost all lthe way?
Just a little longer then
Or maybe more
Just a little longer