
The bass is turned past

A normal level, and it's pumping

The blood in my veins, the air

Through this starry sky into

My lungs. I wonder if everyone feels

This power, this adrenaline,

Testosterone seeping from their

Skin. A messy bun of Goldilocks

Can't keep the heat from my brain.

It's like summertime in my muscles,

A flow through rhythm and

Dance. I'm sure I look like a fool,

If only to him, if only for him,

Like it's always been since he took

Parts of me and turned it into

Electricity, wildfire starters, matches

Lighting at the drop of a pin. You could hear it

Fall, even in this chaos. I let myself

Fall to the ground, the wave of

Appreciation coursing through our

Lips as we sing along to velvet

Lyrics, sandpaper drumming. There's a guitar

Melting into the words. It's like a million voices

Instead of one. Music, music,

I let myself forget how his hands used to

Fit into the small of my back when we

Moved like this, like two birds,

Two stabs of lightning into the heart

Of the Earth. Strike up flint with an

Axe, let it chop me in two, let flames

Eat the words on my chapped lips,

Because in this infinite moment,

I see only your eyes

And stardust.