Double Identity Ai version chapter 1
A.N; / So I decided to re start this story, I just couldn't keep going with it every time I re read it I asked myself "god what was I doing while writing this story it looks horrible" So…..TADA! I hope you enjoy the newest version of it (a beta would be helpful…anyone want to be my beta?)
"Will he ever wake up it been 5 year Kile" I mumbled looking at my identical twin brother lying in the same boring hospital bed. His hair was a dark red but had lost it shine and his lips where pale just like him.
"The doctors said he might never wake up Kitzune, There is a 2% chance he will wake up" My older brother Kile told me looking at Hitzune as well. He had my mother black hair and father light green eyes. I knew that if Hitzu eyes where open they would be one light blue and another violet like mines, I smiled softly then told Kile
"I do not care Kile it a 2% chance, I'll hold on to it in the meantime keep me inform on his condition"
5 month later;
"Where can he be now?" I mumbled looking around until I finally spotted the black hair that belong to Kile, I walked toward him and cleared my throat. He turned around and smiled at me when he saw it was me.
"Hey Kitzu long time no talk" He hugged me softly and I tried not to push him away.
"Let's go" I mumbled as I walked to the parking lot carrying my suit case I felt him followed me and then we head home.
During the 2 hour ride to my new house Kile and I did not speak, We heard his Michael Jackson CD and I looked outside the window.
We stopped at a small house that had a backyard and was 2 stores high. It was a light orange color and the ceiling was made of red brick
"Welcome to home sweet home" Kile told me grinning we walked inside and I looked around. The walls where a dark blue color and I saw many of our pictures from babies until now, I raised one of my eyebrows at him but continue looking around. I walked more until I saw the living room there was 2 big black couches with a wide screen TV and a coffee table. There was also a small bookcase and a CD case where I saw many DVD's and CD's then I walked toward the kitchen and saw it was painted a light blue.
"Upstairs is your room and mine plus 3 other guest room , there is also the playroom and the office. The music room and movie room are here."He explain I blinked and then nodded softly I walked to my room and open the door.
My room was a dark blue with the stars and the moon painted in the ceiling, my bed was queen size and there were 2 doors once that I think lead to the closest and the other I guess to the bathroom I went to sleep right away
"Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiitzzzzzzzzzzzuuuuuuuuu"I heard a voice sing
"Who is it?"I ask looking around; I looked like I was 10 year old again.
"Kiiiiiiiiittttttttttzzzzzzzuuuuuuuu" I heard the voice again it was getting near
"W-Who is it" I stammered looking around suddenly a face appear
"HITZU" I yelled happily until I notice his face. One of his eyes was missing and he was full of blood, some of his guts were visible. I let out a scream
"Don't you love me Kitzune" He asked me sadly with an evil glint in his eyes
"W-What do you want, you aren't Hitzune" I stuttered taking a step back
"I came to get you; you will die very soon dear Kitzu" With that said he let out an evil laugh and disappear.
End of Dream;
I woke up breathing deeply I looked to my left and saw 6;45 am, sighing I went to the door I thought was the bathroom and took smirked when I saw I was correct. I turned on the hot water and took a 5 minute shower once I was done I took out my school uniform. It was a red shirt with black jacket, and black pant I also put on my black 3 door down hat and my sneakers then I went to the kitchen. I looked at the clocked and it had 7; 05am.
"Wow you are up early Kitzune, let me make breakfast and we can leave" I simply nodded as I saw Kile walked with only a towel on to where the bread was and started toasting it then he took out 4 eggs and made eggs. When he was done I thanked him and ate quickly.
He took me to school and parked then looked at me
"Call me if anything happen alright, I'll pick you up at 3; 30. Love you honey" Then he kissed my forehead I walked out and followed the other students. I heard sounds and walked toward it I stop and saw a big field but I didn't see anyone.
That when I realized it was a soccer field I smirked and walked inside I saw a soccer ball and started playing. I visualized 10 soccer players trying to get to me. I moved swiftly and fast then I kicked the soccer ball high up in the air and jump high too. I started doing flips in the air and different type of acrobatics then when the ball was falling down right next to me I kicked it with a bit of force the ball went straight to the net and I landed on my knees, I kept doing this for about 12 minutes. I was about to start a new trick when I heard a voice
"Dude did you see him? He is awesome"
"Who's there?"I looked around glaring.
"Oh snap Jake he found us" I heard the same voice again
"Momo you idiot you got us caught" I heard a new voice
"Come out now or else" I said seriously, 6 boys came out then one started introducing himself
"Yo I am Momoshiro Ichiro nice to meet you and call me Momo" A boy with dark blue hair and light blue eyes told me grinning I already knew I wouldn't like him.
"Hey I am Howl N.T nice to meet you" A small boy with light brown hair and matching eyes said in a soft tone
"I am Levington Anderson nice to meet you dude" A boy with blond hair and light green eyes introduce himself
"I am vise captain of the soccer team my name is Jacob Daniels nice to meet you" A boy with dark brown hair and light brown eyes told me grinning
"Hey I am Ace Brown nice to meet you man" A boy who had his eyes close and a smile said he had black hair that stopped at his neck.
I looked at the only one who didn't talk he had white hair with dark grey eyes and was a pale color. I was glad I had on dark sunglasses and contact just in case so they couldn't see my eyes.
"That Hakushi Trane he's our captain of The Sukiyaki High school Soccer Team or for short S.Y.H.S.S.T , so what your name" Howl asked me as he smiled softly at me. I frowned and walked away
I could feel them starting but I didn't care
"That dude is weird" Levington told them as they saw Kitzune leave
"Wonder why he got those sunglasses it cool but like soooooo weird man, Oh my god guess what! I got a joke okay If I have 1 green ball in 1 can and 1 green ball in the other what do I have?...the undivided attention of a leprechaun!" Momo said to no one in particular, Jacob started laughing and so did Ace and Levi.
"Either that prescript sunglasses or that dude a faggot" Jacob told everyone grinning Levi agree smirking.
"I think he looked cool" Ace reply shrugging
"He seem nice kind of cold but nice none the less" Howl mumbled they all looked at there Captain and waited for his opinion
"20 lap around the school Levington, Jacob and Momoshiro the last one to finish will drink Ace special juice" was all he said
"NOOOOOOO" the 3 of them screamed and started running
"I made a new one Ace super deluxe drinking juice" Ace said grinning and he saw as Levi, Jake and Momo started running faster.
A.N; / Hey guys I hope you guys enjoy it and that it was long enough. I based the Sukiyaki soccer team from all of my friends and asked their opinion about Kitzune appearance anyways Thanks to everyone who read this and until next time.
Preview of next chapter
"This just keep getting funner and funner"