Double Identity Ai version 2

A: N; / Hey guys! This might turn out short. Hey Rami I finally updated lol, get on msn women! This story is dedicated to her…because she is awesome like that and she is pretty much the only person that kicks me out of my lazy ass.

Thanks to everyone who reads my story and or add them to their favorite! Reviews would be great

P.S the lesson about the eyes in science does not belong to me! I took this information from .. all rights belong to them

Kitzu had walked to English class with Mr. Hallow he was a tall dark skin man with light green eyes and long light brown hair that stopped at his back she gave him her schedule and the doctor note which allowed her to stay with her glasses on

"Alright class, we got a new student he comes from New York so treat him kindly. Mr. Kitzu please sit next to Jessica Jordan she's the blond with light blue eyes miss Jordan can you please raise your hand" Mr. Harrow said I saw the girl she was in the middle row and seem friendly enough I walked to the sit next to her and sat down taking out my note book and pencil

"Alright today we do poetry, I want you guys to each write a small poem and give it to me by the end of the class" Mr. Harrow explain looking at each of us; I already liked him as a teacher

Opening my note book to a clean page I started writing my poem

"Why is life so dark?

Why is the night so cold?

I wonder why…

Is it because you left?

Is it because I don't have you to hug at night?

I think it is,

This world is full of nothing,

Now that you are gone,

I still stay waiting,

Waiting for you to come,

I look up at the night sky,

And ask the heaven,

If there is one I guess,

For you to come back,

Until then,

My dark one,

I'll stay here,

Waiting for you" I wrote then spaced out until it was time to give them to him he smiled softly at us and even waved bye.

My next class was Science with Ms. White she was dark skin as well with dark brown braided hair and was chubby "Welcome to Science class sit down next to Hannah Bell. This is Hitzune Kitzu our newest student" She introduced me I gave her the doctor note and my schedule to sign then walked toward a small brown hair girl with dark brown eyes and pink lips "Hi" she said in a quiet yet soft voice I nodded and took out my science note book.

"Alright class since we are with the human body today we will learn about the Human eyes,

The human eye is wrapped in three layers of tissue:

The sclerotic coat
this tough layer creates the "white" of the eye except in the front where it forms the transparent cornea. The cornea

admits light to the interior of the eye and

Bends the light rays to that they can be brought to a focus.

The surface of the cornea is kept moist and dust-free by secretions from the tear glands.

The choroid coat
this middle layer is deeply pigmented with melanin. It reduces reflection of stray light within the eye. The choroid coat forms the iris in the front of the eye. This, too, is pigmented and is responsible for eye "color". The size of its opening, the pupil, is variable and under the control of the autonomic nervous system. In dim light (or when danger threatens), the pupil opens wider letting more light into the eye. In bright light the pupil closes down. This not only reduces the amount of light entering the eye but also improves its image-forming ability (as does "stopping down" the iris diaphragm of a camera).

The retina the retina is the inner layer of the eye. It contains the light receptors, the rods and cones (and thus serves as the "film" of the eye). The retina also has many interneuron's that process the signals arising in the rods and cones before passing them back to the brain. (Note: the rods and cones are not at the surface of the retina but lie underneath the layer of interneuron's.)

The blind spot

All the nerve impulses generated in the retina travel back to the brain by way of the axons in the optic nerve (above). At the point on the retina where the approximately 1 million axons converge on the optic nerve, there are no rods or cones. This spot, called the blind spot, is thus insensitive to light.

You can demonstrate the presence of the blind spot. Cover your right eye with your hand and stare at the red circle as you move closer to the screen (the square will disappear). Or cover your left eye and stare at the red square as you move.

The lens

The lens is located just behind the iris. It is held in position by zonules extending from an encircling ring of muscle. When this ciliary muscle is

relaxed, its diameter increases, the zonules are put under tension, and the lens is flattened;

Contracted, its diameter is reduced, the zonules relax, and the lens becomes more spherical.

These changes enable the eye to adjust its focus between far objects and near objects.

Farsightedness. If the eyeball is too short or the lens too flat or inflexible, the light rays entering the eye — particularly those from nearby objects — will not be brought to a focus by the time they strike the retina. Eyeglasses with convex lenses can correct the problem. Farsightedness is called hypermetropia.

Nearsightedness. If the eyeball is too long or the lens too spherical, the image of distant objects is brought to a focus in front of the retina and is out of focus again before the light strikes the retina. Nearby objects can be seen more easily. Eyeglasses with concave lenses correct this problem by diverging the light rays before they enter the eye. Nearsightedness is called myopia.

Cataracts One or both lenses often become cloudy as one ages. When a cataract seriously interferes with seeing, the cloudy lens is easily removed and a plastic one substituted. The entire process can be done in a few minutes as an outpatient under local anesthesia.

The iris and lens divide the eye into two main chambers:

The front chamber is filled with a watery liquid, the aqueous humor.

The rear chamber is filled with a jellylike material, the vitreous body." Kitzu wrote all of this down and was Fascinated by it, she had always love Science it was something she got naturally. (A.;N/ sorry if the pictures didn't show)

Her next class was Art with Mr. Lorenzo he looked to be around 30 with light brown eyes and black hair he had a small artistic hat and smiled at everyone "welcome everyone! I do hope you enjoy this class where you will express your feeling in drawings" Kitzu did the usual and went to the only sit available near….Jacob? Was that his name great just her luck she ignored him and open her sketch book to a new page

"Alright class I want you to draw an animal that represent you the most then give it to me at the end of the class" Mr. Lorenzo told us as he clapped his hand and went to his desk he took out his sketch book as well and started drawing.

I thought about it….the animal that represent me the most? A cougar it symbolize Leadership, courage, power, swiftness and balance. I drew a cougar looking sadly up at a tree where a small bird was when the class ended I gave it to the teacher and walked out Jacob or whatever his name was came up to me "hey dude what up?" he asked me grinning I ignored him as I walked to study hall. The rest of the day went alright I was walking out the school when I heard running and saw Hakushi running for his life as girls ran after him "This just keep getting funner and funner" I mumbled rolling my eyes he passed me and I started running as well as I saw the girls follow "why me!" I asked running like if my life depended on it…which it did I was glad to see Kile I gave a 2 finger salute to Hakushi and ran toward Kile car sitting down at his Mitsubishi Eclipse GT.

"How was school?" he asked me I shrugged and looked outside the window we spend the whole ride home in silence not that I mind at all.

'Why…. Tell me why?' I thought sadly 'Why did it had to be you that was sick? Why do you torture me in my dreams? Just...Why' I thought sadly

A.N; / Hey guys! Ms. White is a real teacher I had she is a real science teacher and one of my Favorite she's pretty cool and funny. I had to do a lot of research for this episode hehe especially with cars, I have no clues what cars are which that my brother job. Sorry for any errors I made and I hope you all enjoy. Ramichi I hope you are happy with this chapter!

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"You just don't give up do you?"