I've fallen into my dreams and I can't find my way out. Lost in my own mind. Drowning in my senses. How disorienting.
drifting in silence
I'm certainly not complaining. It's really quite pretty in the dreamland of my mind. Not so pretty in the conscious part. Here I can just float on every color of the rainbow... nice and slow.
swimming in peace
Maybe I'll never have to come out. Maybe... maybe I'm dead. That thought shouldn't be so comforting to me, but somehow it's like warm music flowing over my skin. Erasing the scars and turning it soft and youthful again.
hand in hand with the sunshine, singing with the rainbows
I imagine myself as Alice, falling down a rabbit hole with a blue pinafore flying up around my legs. In my Wonderland, the White Rabbit's never late and the Queen carries her own ax.
but I shall be late, oh I'm growing
shooting upwards like a flame near an open window. But I didn't eat the mushrooms.
am I returning?
Now there's light slipping through the cracks in my eyelids, pulling them up with hot little fingers. I can feel a pillow under my head, sheets over my body.
over under, up and out
and I'm awake again.
not for long...