Chapter 5
Christian arrived back at Angelina's home before nightfall as he has promised earlier in the day. He would have taken her on horseback but opted for a carriage ride to his home for the ball instead. To be honest, he still felt disturbed by today's events and the silence of this ride did not help to ease his tension.
He looked over to his beloved. Though quite beautifully dressed and a mask covering half her face, he could not tear his attention away from her face. There was something there he could not place but he could sense that it bothered her. Christian did not want to probe her with questions so he kept silent.
Finally arriving at his home and hearing the music from inside, he tucked away his worries and bottled his emotions. Christian did not want to ruin this night for Angelina no matter how he felt. He just wanted her happiness.
Helping Angelina down from the carriage, he finally caught her eye and she did not look away. Within them he saw what appeared to be sadness and it broke his heart. No longer wanting to keep silent, he stood before her and grasped both her hands, "Angelina, I can't keep silent any longer. This silence is killing me inside. Please tell me what worries you so…" he pleaded softly.
Angelina tried to smile but Christian could tell it was forced, "Nothing my love…I just have a lot on my mind but it is nothing you should worry about," she said softly but seeing the look in his eyes told her Christian could not believe her. She removed a hand from his grasp and place it against his cheek.
The feel of her palm against his cheek seemed calming to Christian for he closed his eyes. The touch reminded him of the way things used to be before Sebastien showed up and it did ease him finally. He took his free hand and placed it atop hers.
It remain that way for a few minutes as if undisturbed by anything, but when Angelina moved her hand slightly, Christian opened his eyes, "I am sorry my love, let us proceed to the festivities," he said escorting her into the house finally.
There was a mix of different activities going on. A quartet played music in the background as some couples waltz, some people stood to the side and chatted or watch what was going on around them, and some wandered the halls. All wore masks so their identities were concealed.
"Christian, lets dance!" Angelina suggested eagerly and Christian nodded as he led her down and waltzed with her around the room.
When they came to a slower pace, Christian halted upon feeling a hand tap him on the shoulder, "May I cut in?" the all to familiar voice asked.
Christian felt his grip tighten slightly around Angelina in somewhat of a protective state and nodded and handed her off to Sebastien. Christian let out a breath and exited the room, feeling as if he needed to get some fresh air.
Gripping the railing, he peered out into the open courtyard, the moonlight shinning brightly upon the ground. He looked up gazing at the moon, slightly mesmerized by its glow and appearance. Suddenly he clutched his chest, feeling the sharp pain he was starting to become all too familiar with. His palms were growing moist with the developing sweat as well as on his forehead. Although a cool night, his skin felt almost as if heating up.
Christian leaned upon the wall, the cool temperature transferring through his clothes and providing little comfort for what he was feeling. His face clearly showing sign of pain. Breath was becoming labored as he felt himself slipping to the ground and losing consciousness.
The voice calling his name seemed to make him angry and his eyes shot open, looking to his cousin standing before him with a grin on his face. He felt his heart quicken, wishing he had some sort of weapon to defend himself for some reason.
"Must feel terrible…" Sebastien said in a low tone though it seemed to ooze amusement. He crouched down, getting on an eye to eye level with Christian and clearly he could see the fear in his cousin's eye.
Christian once again gripped his chest, feeling the pain again. He wasn't angry right now but afraid when he noticed Sebastien's greenish eyes flash over into a different color. A yellowish color.
Those eyes…the same eyes he had seen before…
"You…" Christian managed to get out as he tried to get back up.
Sebastien smirked as he held his cousin by the throat and had a sort of grip to his hold. He could feel Christian struggle slightly under his grasp and shook his head, "Don't fight…it will only make things worse…" he said in a sort of growl that didn't sound human at all. Letting go of Christian, he backed away but kept his eyes on his cousin, that smirk still on his face until he disappeared around the corner.
Christian rubbed his neck and as much pain as he was in right now, he couldn't deny the anger he felt right now. There was a bit of a rage building up inside of him and right now he felt the urge to attack his cousin.
He stumbled forward in the direction he saw his cousin go. He appeared delirious, drunk to people who weren't suspecting anything else.
"Sebastien!" he called out in an angry tone trying to get his cousin to face him. Those eye fueled the need to find his cousin. So determined to get answers and possibly kill his current tormentor. Why the sudden aggressive behavior? Christian had no answer for it but he couldn't care less. He just felt the need to fulfill whatever urge he had right now.
Getting farther and farther away from the party, Christian kept going forward with one aim in mind: find Sebastien.
"Come out you coward…" Christian mumbled.
Suddenly Christian stopped in his tracks, coming face to face with the creature he had seen in his dreams. He felt struck by fear, paralyzed for some reason. Having been so bent on his angered quest of going after Sebastien, he was left defenseless against the beast. What happened to his rage now, he could definitely use it and some adrenaline but no, these things seemed non-existent at this moment in time.
This creature was as dark as the night sky, if not darker. The black of death. Fur bristled as it let a low growl rumbled deep in its throat. Lips curled revealing sharp fangs but no blood. Eyes glowing a golden color from nocturnal vision and lack of light. A menacing beast.
Christian locked eyes with the beast. Those eyes. Same as the dream and same as what he had seen on Sebastien. Beyond the beast standing there were clothes, strewn about. If Christian didn't know better, he'd say they were the same clothes worn by Sebastien except some of these articles had tears and seemed ripped apart.
"Sebastien…" Christian said softly in a trembling voice.
At the name, the beast tilted his head as if recognizing the word as familiar. But just as soon as it contemplated, it made a sudden move for Christian.
Seeing the animal make a dash, Christian no longer felt paralysis and his legs worked. Finally adrenaline set in and his flight reflex was working. Why not fight? He would have but another part of him was overwhelmed, afraid from the dream.
It was like the dream all over again, Christian running and a creature giving chase. But unlike the dream, Christian tripped having been knocked over by something heavy colliding with him.
Christian let out a scream as he felt the animal bite down and pierce the flesh of his left shoulder but there was a sense of relief as the beast let go and dashed off at the sound of gunshots. In the distance, he could see the animal change shape into a naked human form but keep going.
Christian cried out in pain as he rolled onto his back, clutching the shoulder in which he was punctured.
"Sir Christian are you alright?" one of his servants asked as he knelt at his side. The smell of gun powder evident around this servant who had fired a gun.
Christian only shook his head, "How did you find me?" he ask weakly.
The servant helped him up and supported Christian like a crutch, "I was outside and followed you when I saw you stumble away. I thought you might have been in some trouble so I grabble my gun…" the servant said as he helped him back to the party.
Christian groaned, feeling both exhausted and in pain. His body was shutting down slowly from the adrenaline high until finally he blacked out.
Author's note: Sorry this took so long to get out, been working on my other stories as well as just getting back onto fiction press. It is a short chapter, hope you guys don't mind. If you do read my other stories, I'm not sure how frequently I'll be able to update as currently I am quite busy but I'll find the time to work on every one. Thanks guys.