

The soft thump thump of someone's bare soles hitting the ground was all that could be heard along the dark streets of Sheryll. Everyone else had either gone to bed or was spending time with their family-but in reality they were trying to escape the horrors that plagued the town.

You would think that the owner of the footsteps would be somewhat panic-stricken or at least in a hurry, but they were calm and relaxed as if they were just taking a stroll in the park-but that wouldn't last for very long.

Suddenly a loud swooping noise could be heard from above and the moon, which was shinning like a piece off metal glinting of the sun, was blocked out by a large figure.

The stroll in the park had ended.

The gentle thump thump had become heavier and shorter, and as the large figure got closer the footsteps sounded as if it was a giant walking, and as if the feet were barely touching the ground at all.

Finally the footsteps ceased and all seemed quiet, but the silence did not last long.

Bones could be heard snapping and the shrill screams of a fourteen-year-old were cut off cold. Blood began to pool the streets and slowly drip down the drain, and as it started to mix with water the flow got faster and soon it was halfway down the street.

The face of a three-year-old had appeared in the window, but was quickly pulled back in by the mother, not wanting her child to be scared any more than she already was.

The large figure, however, seemed oblivious to this as it slowly stood up, spread its wings, and prepared to take off.

The bloody body of Anne Eileen, a simple girl who didn't use her head, lay on the edge of the streets, hand outreached as if she were going to open a door. And even though she was saturated in blood, her face was pale white. And if you only looked at her face, you would know that someone or something tried to suck every last drop of the blood that coursed through her veins.

Copyrighter by Insanely Random

A/N: Just testing the waters