Here is the edited version of Chapter 1 with much thanks to my beta Priscilla Shay. I hope you can notice the changes and benefit from them. Thanks please read and review Love Jules x

Chapter 1

Taking a deep breath Ellis let out a huff of relief. He didn't sigh. Ellis never sighed. Escape was wonderful. It was cool and refreshing outside, compared to the stuffy over crowded ballroom he could hear behind him. He wandered down the dark hedge lined walk ways lit occasionally with little lanterns until he found a bench between two bushes. He carried with him a bottle of red wine and a single crystal goblet. He released a short, cynical laugh but sat down anyway. The two bushes on either side were begonias. In his limited knowledge of flower meanings begonias were supposed to mean dark thoughts and beware. It suited him. He leant back against the hard wood and closed his eyes trying to blank his mind. It was harder than normal but Ellis wouldn't let his mind remember that night. Instead he pulled out a small notebook and started to write using the soft lantern light and the light of the full moon.

"What are you writing?" came a soft voice from the shadows.
Ellis looked up startled and stuffed the battered notebook into his pocket.

"Who's there?" he asked frostily. There was a rustle, the swish of skirt and then a, taller than most, woman with dark hair appeared from behind the begonia.

"Hello," she said with a cheery smile.
She wasn't at all timid to approach him. Although it was dark she must be able to tell who he was and usually women stayed away from him. Ellis also didn't recognise her and he knew most people. She sat down next to him with out invitation. Ellis stared at her icily.
"I'm sorry! But I thought you looked like you needed company." She apologised looking completely sincere.

"No, I do not need company." He told her turning away and closing his eyes.
Perhaps she would leave if he ignored her. But she didn't leave; instead she moved nearer and leaned against him so she didn't dirty her dress on the bench. Ellis stiffened but didn't move away. He turned his head and stared at her and she stared back. Startled he realised her eyes were purple of all colours.
"Who are you?" She coloured and Ellis realised she was embarrassed for the first time since she had approached him.

"Madeline East." She told still him still sounding completely self assured despite her flushed cheeks. "It's nice to meet you Lord Dexter."

"So you know who I am, but I still don't really know who you are."
She smiled and laughed.

"You know my name is that not enough?"

"No." Ellis told her bluntly.
She stared at him but did not leave; still. He had hoped that, like most women, his unresponsive manner would scare her away. Instead she looked intrigued. Ellis stifled a grumble, would this woman not leave him alone?
He picked up a bottle of wine and a glass from between his feet, where he had placed it earlier and filled it, savouring the rich fruity smell that was released as he uncorked it. Filling the glass he handed it to her and she looked down at it confused.

"You drink it woman." He barked.

"Oh, I know that," she told him colouring a little more. "I was just unsure as to why you gave me a glass."

"Well it would not be ladylike to drink from the bottle would it, madam?" Ellis informed her with a tight lipped half smile that did not quite reach his eyes, taking a hearty swig from the bottle to prove his point.

"I suppose not," she agreed after a moment's hesitation, taking a sip of the wine in her glass. Ellis watch the delicate movements of her throat as she swallowed and felt a slight tug of attraction to this strange woman with the purple eyes and long sensuous neck.

"You will need to drink more than that if you want to keep warm. Unless you want me to keep you warm another way?" Ellis suggested wickedly.
Madeline spluttered on the mouthful of wine she had just taken, indignation bright in her eyes.

"I regret that insinuation, sir. Besides what desire would I have to let you kiss me?" She objected quickly, although regretting her choice of words after a moments more consideration.

"Have no fear Miss East, I never kiss a lady who is not willing. Although one kiss usually makes them more than willing and usually I stay clear of ladies that have no experience in the matter."
She was practically glowing now, Ellis thought as he watched her blush spread, but she still did not leave. That gained her some of his respect and a few grams more when she drained her glass and held it out for more.

They drank together in silence till the bottle was empty and Madeline was swaying to the distant music of the party, a permanent rosy glow from the wine on her cheeks. Ellis watched as she danced a waltz by herself, a natural more relaxed smile playing in his eyes. He felt better than before from his generous amount of drink, the edge of his memories and pain dulled slightly.
Madeline however, felt practically euphoric having drunk more then she had ever had before and swayed to the music a wide smile on her face. She was stopped suddenly by a strong warm hand on her waist and looked up startled at Ellis.

"No lady should dance alone even if she can't kiss." He told her softly, pulling her close and leading her in the intricate steps of the dance.
She felt as if she was floating on a cloud as Ellis whirled her around and around, the only thing stopping her from falling being his strong arms around her.

"How do you know I can't kiss?" she asked suddenly, standing still.
Ellis thought about it for a moment.

"I don't. But we shall soon see."
With that he lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her softly, caressing her lips with his. Madeline froze but instinct took over and she tentatively kissed back, imitating his method. Ellis knew she had drunk too much but he couldn't resist any longer he had decided. She did not know how to kiss but he still enjoyed kissing her, feeling her try to learn what to do from him all of her stubbornness and know-it-all attitude gone and replaced with one of intrigue and curiosity.
He pulled her tight against his body and Madeline relaxed into it naturally. This was much better than dancing with him she decided; instead of floating on a cloud she was flying through the air. He bit her lip gently and Madeline whimpered quietly, blushing at the noise she had made involuntarily. Ellis smiled against her lips feeling the heat of her blush against his skin. She was surprisingly responsive for someone so inexperienced and it spurred him on, when he should have stopped.

Madeline was startled when she felt his warm tongue trace the edge of lips and push between them to touch her teeth. It felt so unusual but completely right so she did not stop him. But she didn't understand what he was trying to do still. Ellis groaned in frustration and Madeline stiffened in his arms scared she had angered him. He pulled away and kissed her jaw instead murmuring in her ear,

"You cannot kiss, my love. Open your mouth to me." Then he kissed her again, more fiercely this time.
Madeline was confused. If she could not kiss why was he still kissing her? The extra pressure on her mouth felt good and any questions she had left her mind and she reached up to wrap her arms around his neck. Ellis used his tongue to beg for entrance to her mouth again and this time she involuntarily gave it to him, her mouth opening as she sighed into his.
Their breaths mingled and Ellis took his first sweet taste of her mouth. Madeline jumped in his arms as his tongue touched hers but was soon copying this new method. His hand slid to her bottom and he pulled her supple hips instinctively towards his own hard ones. Then he realised what he had done and what she could properly feel so close to him and released her, pulling away completely.

Madeline stood there flushed and gasping looking alone and small, hurt filling her eyes as Ellis grabbed the coat he had discarded on their bench and fled. She sank down on the bench, her knees shaking from desire, lips swollen and tears filling her eyes. She wiped them away angrily, she had no reason to cry but she felt as if some vital part of her had been torn out and he had run away with it.

Ellis sat in his dark study by a blazing fire; this time nursing a bottle of whisky and a heavy cut glass tumbler in either hand. He could not sleep. He had hurt yet another person with his selfish desires. At least he had not gotten so carried away as to rob her of something more precious than her first real kiss, although he could have easily.
He sighed and lent back in his chair, downing his glass of whisky, picturing the strange and beautiful Miss Madeline East in his mind's eye.

Madeline lay in bed feeling just as bad. Her head pounded from too much wine and her lips felt swollen and bruised, so much so that she was sure everyone would be able to guess what she had been doing if they saw them. It had not been her first kiss, but now she was not sure if the others had really counted as kisses. She doubted she would see Lord Ellis Dexter again after he had abandoned her in the garden. He had warned her, however, that one kiss would make her willing. But she had not meant to be so willing.

Even in her tipsy state though, she saw a pain in his eyes equal to her own when he left her, regret evident on his angelic face. Why would he look so hurt and haunted, even before he had stolen the kisses from her? He needed help, she could tell. She would help him; she resolved, blowing out the candle at her bedside. Even at the risk of being hurt by him herself.