You have to be a very cool person to go 'Trick or Treat-ing' at seventeen. Way cool.
The Teen in Seventeen
I gave my sister a venomous glare.
"Meaghan, stop looking at your sister like that," my mum told me in her stern do-what-I-say voice.
I blinked at her and feigned innocence.
"Nice try. Go upstairs and clean your room."
Why did everything come back to cleaning my room?
Scene one
Mum: Did you put the laundry out?
Me: No…
Mum: Go clean your room.
Scene two
Mum: Did you do your homework?
Me: Yes.
Mum: Good. Now go clean your room.
Did parents not get that having a messy room makes it easier to find things? If I'm looking for my shoes in my messy room then I know where they are – under my bed next to my old school books. If I'm looking for my old school books then I know where they are – under my bed next to my shoes. Simples.
"Sure-sure," I replied. I turned back to my sister. "Now, Eloise, you want to go 'Trick or Treat-ing' don't you?" I cooed.
"Aw, come on. I know you do."
"You get to dress up, eat sweets…think of the sweets! How does that sound?"
My mum giggled. I shook my head at her bad parenting.
"How can you allow a seven year old to use such foul language?" I asked her incredulously.
My mum gave me a dry look and replied, "Go clean your room."
I had a plan in motion. Whilst my mum was putting the clothes on the clothes line in the garden, I was going to corner my sister and demand her go 'Trick or Treat-ing' with me.
It was hardly appropriate to go Trick or Treating by myself. No, that just sounded creepy. You know what they'd say - 'A seventeen year old going 'Trick or Treating' alone? Madness I tell you, madness!'
Hence the reason I was trying to get my sister to tag along with me. You'd think I was doing it for her so she could fulfil one of her childhood musts. No, this was for me so I could fulfil one of my teenhood musts. Last year I went with my best friend and her neighbour's daughter. This year they both claim to be 'too old for it'.
Now that was madness.
I took a peek around the corner and saw my sister come out of the bathroom – hopefully with her hands washed – and walk down the hallway. I knew she was making a break for her room. Her normal paced walking didn't fool me. I knew she was on to me. It was go time.
I jumped out from behind the corner and pointed my water gun at her.
"You're going 'Trick or Treating' with me, aren't you?" I asked her in a low voice. My eyes were wide with crazy.
"Alright I'll go. Don't shoot!" she cried in her cutesy seven year old voice. It made me almost feel sorry for threatening her; she was probably a little scarred…
Ah, it's nothing a few years therapy won't fix.
I gave her a grin. "Cool. Your costume's in your cupboard. It's a cute little witch's outfit."
Eloise grumbled to herself and continued to her room. I grinned triumphantly and walked with her to her room.
We shared a room.
She had no escape from me.
"Stick together you two. Look after her, alright? I don't want you coming home and saying you lost your sister," my mum said to Eloise. My dad laughed.
Always the joker she was.
"Seriously though," my dad warned sobering up. "Be careful."
Eloise and I said our goodbyes and left. We walked hand in hand – big witch and little witch. So cute. Eloise got more and more into the idea of 'Trick or Treating'.
See how convincing I am?
"Trick or Treat!" we both cried at our first stop. We decided to work our way back to the house i.e. starting from the last house we could go to, which was on the next street, and working our way back to our house.
The woman that opened the door had dressed up too, or at least I'd like to think she did.
She was a nurse. Short skirt, tight top. Not sure who she was nursing, if anyone.
I didn't make it a habit to know the people the next street over. They were the next 'streeters'. They're the ones who want to beat us at the best front garden competitions and the pie eating contests that we…never have…but if we ever had any competitions like that then they'd be the ones spying and being evil and other evilness.
Anyway, back to the naughty, sorry nice nurse, my sister looked up with innocent, pure eyes and took all the treats she gave her.
"You two look fab together! I love how you dressed up for your sister," the lady said to me. I smiled and held out my bag. It filled up. I grinned.
"Yeah, she dressed up for me." I nudged my sister. We said thank you and left.
I didn't care if she was nursing anyone in the bed department, I was glad she nearly filled my entire bag with sweets.
I think maybe she knew I caught on with the reasons for her dress up and felt guilty.
My pureness and innocence was taken from me. Yeah, that.
Two streets later, we finished our trek and finally made it back to our house. They were good times – the people opened the door, complimented us both and gave us lots of cavity-ridden sweets and chocs – and then there was the bad times – the lights were on, but the doors were closed. Harsh times but we were done.
Well, almost.
Eloise couldn't help but point out that we missed our next door neighbours' house.
The Eltons.
There was a reason I didn't want to go to the Eltons' house, and that was because of Luke Elton. Eighteen years old, in University but travels from home, gorgeous as hell and I was just too lucky.
You'll find out why.
"Aw, El, I'm kind of tired anyway. How about we skip it?" I asked yawning. My acting skills were top notch.
"No, no, no!" El squealed. She had eaten almost half of the sweets she received. "It's only Luke and family!"
She was on a sugar high. Darn sugar.
Instead of my stern voice making a comeback, my poor arm was pulled on by my witch of a sister.
Pun totally intended.
Eloise knocked on the door, her little arm pumping feverishly on the solid wood.
Not Luke, not Luke, not Luke, please not Luke.
My luck was also not making a comeback because there stood a six foot Adonis - brown haired, brown eyed, muscular and hot.
"Meaghan Elliot out 'Trick or Treating'? Aren't you a little too old for this?" he smirked. I glared at him.
Add mean to his CV.
"You are never too old for 'Trick or Treating'," I snapped. I plastered a smile on my face. "Besides, I'm the designated walker here." I pointed down at my sister who was on the floor. Sleeping.
"I know what happened here. You didn't want to seem like a loser out 'Trick or Treating' at the age of seventeen so you dragged your poor little sister, she ate all the sweets along the way, had a sugar high and now is asleep because she drained out. If anything, her drainage is your fault."
"You complete stalker," I hissed. Luke looked taken aback. "You stalker, you freak, you weirdo! You complete freako!"
"What? What did I do?"
"How did you know all that?" I demanded. Luke ignored my question.
"You know, you look amazing tonight." I glared at him and picked up Eloise who was using my foot as a pillow. Aside from his stalkerish comments, I did have to agree with him. I did look amazing.
I had my hair all wispy and wavy, my black witches costume was fairy-like and my knee high black and white socks were topped off with converses – I needed a youthful edge to my look.
All in all I looked great.
Hey, a girl can be egotistical once in a while. Guys do it all the time! It's only fair.
"We're going!" I said sternly.
Oh yeah, it's made its comeback. Stern-inator!
"I'll see you tomorrow love!" he cried blowing me a kiss. "By the way, of course I knew all that, I've been dating you for, what, two years or so?" He winked and closed his door.
I huffed and puffed and blew his house down. Well I smiled dreamily and walked back to my house.
Yeah he was my man.
Okay, so not great, but not completely bad right?
It had a twist for Halloween – he turned out to be her boyfriend…! Yay? No? Maybe?
Well I do hope you like it. =)
Update wise I'm doing NaNoWriMo. Yeah don't ask why. Let's just say it's a personal fulfilment I'm trying to…fulfil? I won it last year, so let's see how I can do this year.
Alphas – Chapter long overdue, and will come up. I know I keep saying that, but it will.
Props for getting this out before Halloween's officially over here? =)