Aftermath: "Your reality, is better than I could dream"
"Got my bag?" I asked my mom.
"Yes baby," she nodded before walking outside. "Mark, come on!" she called my dad from outside.
"We're here!" I heard Max calling from outside.
"Okay, let's go," Damien told me and led me towards his black M6.
"Hello Aunt," Max said to my mom.
"What are you –," but I didn't finish my sentence as he walked towards me a camera on his hands.
"And Erica is about to kill me," he said to the camera. My cold blood stare worked as a charm; especially now that my hormones were going crazy. The babies kicked me hard at that point, causing me to moan.
"Damn," I winced.
"Easy," Damien said towards my belly and stroked it over my oversized dress.
"And my dear brother Damien talks his soon-to-be-born ladybugs," Max commented.
"I'm going to teach them how to make your life miserable little Simmons," I narrowed my eyes. Max chuckled but kept filming. I turned my attention towards Damien.
"Open the door," Damien told his brother and walked there. Max didn't move; still holding the camera. "If you keep filming, I'll sit on you," I threatened. "And as you can see, I'm bigger than Willy the Whale."
An hour later I was pacing inside a clinic room; too anxious for my own good. The people that were in there weren't helping at all; especially Max with the camera. I wasn't going to give birth naturally but with a c-section because I was currying twins. Naturally, besides too anxious I was also too scared.
"You wanted me to go on the pill huh?" I mumbled aggravated. Damien that heard what I said chuckled. My patience was long gone. I hated waiting. Especially for big things like these. "Frigging biology,' I mumbled a bit louder.
"Yes, we know. He's not a twin!" Max replied.
"Max I swear to God –," I begun and at the same time Damien pushed him away.
"At least shut up man," he told him.
"Seriously Max," Cleo told him from the door.
"How much time left?" my dad asked.
"Forty-five minutes," Damien's mom, Evita replied. They were freaking me out.
"Fuck," I breathed and searched for my favorite set of grey eyes. As soon as our eyes met, Damien sighed and took a step forward, towards me.
"Can you please leave us alone for a while?" he asked our families "You too Max," he narrowed his eyes.
"Fine," Max groaned "I'm going," he said and left the room shutting the door.
"Can I please leave too?" I mumbled. Damien chuckled as he walked me towards the hospital bed.
"Unfortunately you can't my ladybug," he smiled at me and kissed my forehead.
"But why? You can stay! You wanted me to go on the pill after all. I wanted to get my degree first! Now I'm gonna be a 22 year-old mother of two and no degree," I pouted angry.
"Are you done?" he raised his eyebrows. I snorted. I got on the pill three years ago so it wasn't his fault. It happened when I was supposed to start the pill but forgot to take it and had unprotected sex. One time was enough.
"I'm freaking out," I sighed and finally sat on the bed; my hands on my humongous belly.
"Talk to me," he said softly and put his hand on my belly too. One of the babies kicked me right on the spot where Damien had his palm; his face lid up as it did everytime he felt one of the babies.
"Be patient guys," I said towards my belly. "I'm just scared," I admitted and turned my eyes towards Damien. "You know I hate waiting for something," I said and he nodded. "And I don't know how I'll be after I give birth," I mumbled and blushed; my eyes turning towards the floor.
"What do you mean?" Damien frowned. I blushed even more.
"I haven't seen my legs for five months and I'm bigger than a concrete mixer," I sighed. Damien laughed at my comparison and hugged me.
"Your legs are fine," he said and retrieved his hand from my belly. He made me look at him, his fingers on my chin "And you're unbelievable beautiful." I sighed and smiled softly.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you too," Damien smiled.
"Can I please go now?" I smiled. Damien chuckled and kissed me on the lips softly.
They woke me up every two hours to feed the twins. But I didn't care. As soon as I laid eyes on them everything made sense.
"I forgive you for the pill," I told Damien as I held our son in my arms. Damien chuckled from his chair as he held our daughter. She was quiet only when her dad held her. That would definitely cause me trouble. He turned towards me and stared at me for a moment.
"I love you," he spoke. I couldn't help but smile.
"I love you too," I replied and a knock on the door got my attention.
Our parents, especially our mothers, took shifts to be at the hospital even though I told them to go home. Cleo had already bought tones of clothes, as if we haven't already bought enough before I gave birth; Max of course had picked out the male clothes. Damien and I decided to ask Mike, his best friend, to be his first best man and the twins would be the twins godparents.
Damien gave Evita, as we decided to call her, to his brother but as soon as she left her dad she started screaming. She only stopped when she got back into Damien's arms.
"Damn she's loud," Max frowned. "Congrats bro, now you got two!" he mocked and motioned towards me with his head.
"Haha. And may God help me," Damien laughed.
"I would kick your ass if I could," I threatened and turned my attention towards Mark; Cleo was sitting beside me holding him.
The nurse came into the room soon afterwards to take the twins; Cleo and Max left a bit later to let me get some rest. Damien came close to me and kissed my forehead. I made some room on my bed and he sat down next to me. He pulled me softly into his arms and held me there.
"Thank you," I mumbled against his lips after a while. "For putting up with me these nine months," I said "I know I was a bitch," I pouted. Damien chuckled. "The worse bitch in the history of the worse bitches ever existed," I pouted.
"Don't feel bad about anything," he said and stroked my cheek "I'm the happiest man alive," he whispered and pecked my lips "But for five months I will tease you nonstop. And you will let me," he smirked.
"Pfff," I scoffed "Keep dreaming Simmons!" I mocked and turned forward. He chuckled again and kissed my neck and jaw line; making me giggle like I did three years ago when we first got together.
The word happiness cannot even begin to describe the way I felt.