Chapter Eleven
Friday October 22, 2010
6:15 AM
Beep! Beep! Beep!
A masculine arm reached out and a calloused hand blindly searched for the source of the offensive noise. A few seconds later, the beeping stopped. Kevin threw the covers off his legs and stood, stretching his sleep stiff muscles. He ran a hand through his dark curls as he made his way into the kitchen.
Per his routine, he had gotten his coffee maker ready the previous night so as to save time in the morning. He turned the coffee maker on and went to get ready for work. By the time he was finished showering and dressing, the smell of coffee had filled the apartment.
Kevin took down a mug and filled it with the dark liquid. As he added some sugar, he pulled his cellphone from his pocket and held down the number four. Holding the phone to his ear, he sipped his coffee while he waited for the call to be picked up.
Clicking the phone off, Kevin shrugged and pushed the number again.
Third time's the charm, he thought.
After the first ring, there was a rustling sound on the other end of the line. "Good morning, handsome," was the sleepy greeting.
Kevin chuckled as he popped a bagel into the toaster. "Well, hey, sexy, how are you this morning?" he asked.
"Oh I'm doing much better now. So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this early morning wake up call?"
Kevin cleared his throat. "I was wondering if our plans were still on for tonight."
"Well, that depends; are you going to show me a good time?" asked the voice on the other end of the line.
"As long as you wear that sexy pink number I love so much," Kevin answered, trying to hold back his laughter.
"Dude, you're wrong!"
Kevin burst out laughing as Kellan made gagging sounds. "You started it!" he retorted.
"You called me, you sick freak," Kellan shot back, laughing now. "Dumb jerk; you woke me up!"
Kevin snorted softly. "Did you just call me 'dumb jerk'?" he asked. "Dude, what are you? Eight?"
"Maybe… meanie."
"Okay, you're officially a dork, Kellan."
Kellan chuckled. "So what's up, dude? Did you just call to annoy me or was there something you wanted?"
"Oh there's something I want all right," Kevin said suggestively.
"All right, that's it! We're getting you a girl tonight, man," Kellan told him.
The toaster released his bagel with a pop and Kevin chuckled as he plucked the two halves up and put them on a plate. "Dude, seriously; we goin' out tonight?"
"Hell yeah," Kellan replied enthusiastically. "The Date Auction fundraiser for the Town Social is tonight."
"Oh God," Kevin said, rolling his eyes as he spread some cream cheese on his bagel. "You seriously wanna go to that?"
"Are you kidding me?!" Kellan exclaimed. "Kev, there are going to be hot, single women put up on an auction block for us to bid on."
Kevin bit into one of the bagel halves as he leaned against the counter and chuckled. "Yeah, and we both know that always ends well for you," he teased. "Women throwing stuff at your head and cussing you out when they find out you've been playin' 'em. Remind me, again, why it's your favorite Town Social fundraiser?"
"What part of 'hot, single women' didn't you get?"
"Right, 'cause bidding on a woman is the best way to get a date," Kevin snorted.
"Don't act like you wouldn't bid on a woman you were interested in."
Setting down his coffee, Kevin sighed. "There's only one woman I'm interested in and I highly doubt she'll be there, much less willingly auction herself off on a date."
"Have you never paid attention when I've explained the rules of the Town Social to you?"
"No. Why would I? I never go to the Town Social."
Kellan's irritated sigh caused Kevin to smirk. Being ignored was one of Kellan's pet peeves and Kevin often used that to his advantage when he wanted to get Kellan off of a subject. Apparently, Kellan was not to be deterred.
"It just so happens that that particular hottie is obligated to be at the auction tonight."
That piece of news surprised Kevin. He froze midway to putting his dirty plate in the sink. "Sommer's gonna be there?"
"Yep," Kellan replied smuggly. "I don't know whether she'll be up for auction, but she'll be there."
Hearing Kevin's grumble, Kellan continued. "Up for bid, or not, you'll get a chance to make a move. Ask Sommer to dance, throw her some of the Underwood charm, ask her out on a date…"
Groaning, Kevin interrupted. "What time does this thing start?"
"Yes! It starts at eight. I swear you won't regret it."
"Yeah, yeah. I've gotta get to work."
"Okay, I'll be at your place at six thirty," Kellan told him.
Kevin rolled his eyes. Since the beginning of their friendship Kellan had taken it upon himself to make sure Kevin was well dressed for big events like homecoming, prom, and apparently the Date Auction. Kevin had found another guy picking out his clothes more than a little strange, at first, but he had learned very quickly that he had no sense of style.
"All right, I'll see you then."
"Okay, big boy, bye."
Kevin laughed as Kellan drug out the word 'bye' in a girlish way. "Freak," he muttered when he closed the phone and shoved it into his pocket.
As soon as he grabbed his wallet and keys, Kevin was out the door and headed to work.
4:00 PM
"See ya Monday, Jerry!" Kevin called as he headed out of the garage.
"Yep. Hey, be ready to work on that Chevelle first thing!" the older man hollered back.
Kevin waved his hand in acknowledgement as the whirring of the drill filled the shop. As he made his way to his car, he unzipped his coveralls part way and pulled his arms out. He took his keys from his pocket and sighed heavily when he saw the car parked next to his. The owner of the car was perched prettily on the trunk, legs crossed and a smile on her face.
"What are you doing here, Meg?"
Meg hopped down from her car and met him at his. "Is that any way to greet a friend?" she questioned with a slight pout.
Folding his arms across his chest, Kevin looked down at her. "Oh, is that what we are?"
"I'd like to think so," Meg answered, taking her sunglasses off and sticking them on her head like a headband.
He didn't believe that for a second. Meg always had an ulterior motive when it came to him. "Listen, I don't have a lot of time so, what did you want?"
A bright smile spread her lips. "I came to see if you're going to the Date Auction tonight at Zim's."
"I happen to be going, yes," Kevin answered carefully. "Why?"
Meg's smile got wider upon hearing that. She just knew fate was bringing them together. "Well, Gwen's going to put me up for auction and it makes me a whole lot more comfortable about it knowing that you'll be there," she said running a manicured nail along his arm seductively. "I hope I can count on you to bid for a date with me. It is a fundraiser after all."
Is she kidding me with this, Kevin wondered? Surprisingly, he fought the urge to vomit as he removed her hand and said, "I'll think about it, okay? I've gotta go."
Not ready for Kevin to leave, a sudden idea came to Meg's mind. She quickly turned. "She's playing you, you know."
Kevin unlocked his car without looking at her. "Who?"
"Sommer Donovan," Meg replied.
This made Kevin stop. He furrowed his brow and looked at Meg. "What?"
"I think Sommer's playing you," Meg went on. "I saw her at Zim's the other day flirting with some college guy wearing a USC sweatshirt."
Sommer Donovan flirting with a college guy? It didn't make any sense. "Somehow I don't picture Sommer flirting with anyone," he said arching his brow disbelievingly.
"Well, it's what I saw, Kevin," Meg said. "She seemed really into him."
Kevin suddenly recalled a moment at Jack's when he had glimpsed Sommer in conversation with Foster. The two of them had seemed pretty friendly. But was that just because they're friends? Or because she likes him? Curiosity got the better of him. "What did this guy look like?"
Meg's insides did a little flip at Kevin's question. It was clear that her plan had worked. She had his attention, now she just had to keep it. "Ahem, well, he was kind of tall… muscular… really tan skin and, like, really dark hair," she invented.
Sounds like Foster, Kevin thought. Damn. Are they dating? Sommer never mentioned having a boyfriend… "I have to go," he said suddenly.
He opened his car door and slid into the driver's seat.
"But…" Meg began.
"I'll see you around," Kevin said as he closed the door.
He quickly started the car and drove off, leaving Meg standing in the parking lot looking shocked. As he drove, his mind went over and over what Meg had said. Sommer's playing you… She seemed really into him… None of it sounded like Sommer he had come to know in the hours upon hours of training he was doing with her. The truth, however, was that he didn't actually know her. They hadn't spoken much about anything other than MMA and the things they were working on in their sessions together. For all he knew, she very well could have a boyfriend.
Kevin stopped at a traffic light and took a deep breath. It was then that he realized where he was and an idea came to him. I wonder… He turned on his blinker and made the turn toward Zim's. If this doesn't work, I'll have to try something else.
He pulled his car into the Zim's parking lot and parked. He looked around at the cars as he got out, but he had no idea what kind of car she drove. It was then that he spotted her through the window. She was sitting in one of the smaller booths hunched over a stack of papers. He smiled and headed inside.
He waved at Sophie as he entered the building and walked over to the booth. "Hi, mind if I join you?" he asked when he reached his target.
CJ smiled up at him. "Not at all. Nice outfit by the way," she said as she looked him over appreciatively, "Gotta love a man who likes to get down and dirty."
Kevin looked down and chuckled when he realized that he was still wearing his work coveralls. "I can get down and dirty all right, but this isn't the time or place for that. Um… I'll be right back."
CJ giggled as she watched him walk out to his car and opened his car trunk. She continued watching amusedly as he shucked off his shoes and removed the greasy coveralls. Next thing she knew, he was yanking the plain white t-shirt over his head, exposing the bare skin underneath. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight and she could feel her jaw drop.
In all the years she had seen him around town, she had known that he was a fit guy. She had even gotten more of an idea of how fit he was when she had joined Sommer at one of her training sessions with him. However, actually catching a glimpse of the chiseled chest and washboard abs, even at a distance, was something she hadn't been prepared for. She sighed appreciatively as he put on some deodorant and pulled on a clean shirt. After spraying some kind of body spray, or cologne, onto his shirt, Kevin grabbed his work boots off the ground and traded them out for a pair of sneakers.
When he was finally back inside, CJ smirked at him. "Feel better?" she asked when he was in hearing distance.
Kevin chuckled. "You have no idea."
CJ raked her eyes over his long frame before settling her gaze on his stomach. "You've got really nice abs by the way."
Kevin chuckled and gave her a wink as he slid into the booth across from her. "That's not the only thing that's nice about me, sweetheart," he said with a playful smirk.
"Oh, I can imagine," CJ said with an appreciative tone. "Think I could get a private show sometime?"
The sexy smile he was known for appeared, dimples and pearly whites at full glow as he said, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."
CJ smirked. "You can't handle what I got," she teased with a wink.
Kevin laughed and immediately decided that he definitely needed to find a way to introduce her to Kellan. Their sense of humor was very similar and he could see them getting along. He was about to say as much when Sophie appeared with a large glass of Coke. He flashed her a smile of thanks and kissed her hand at the suggestion of food.
CJ watched the exchange with an air of amusement. She didn't miss the comfortable way they flirted with each other. Or the fact that Sophie knew exactly what Kevin was going to order. It was obvious that Kevin just had an easy way with women. That's never going to work with Sommer, she thought as she asked Sophie for a refill and an order of zucchini fries.
As Sophie walked away, CJ went back to the papers in front of her. "What are you working on?" Kevin inquired, folding his arms on the table and leaning forward a little.
CJ wrinkled her nose and groaned a little. "College applications," she grumbled.
Kevin grinned at her expression and reached for the stack. He looked over the names of the schools and whistled. "Langford State, Berkley, UCLA, Vanderbilt, Brown… Impressive," he approved.
"Thank you." She ran her hand through her dark hair and sighed. "All this college stuff is parents want me to get a degree in something like English, or Science. My dad's pushing for photography. But all I've ever wanted to do is dance. I mean; I get what they're saying, but…" She shrugged as she trailed off.
Kevin nodded in understanding. He had gone through the same struggle when he had been applying to colleges. In the end he had decided to go with his heart. "Well, I don't know about dance, but I do know that Langford State has a great Photography program, and their English program isn't bad either," he said. "I think you and Sommer should check it out."
With a nod of agreement, CJ shuffled some of her applications out of the way and took a long sip of her Dr. Pepper. "And what would my dear friend and I get out of Langford State? Apart from a great Photography and English program?"
Kevin smiled. "The pleasure of seeing Kellan and me."
CJ furrowed her brow questioningly. "Kellan?" Then realization hit. "Oh! Your friend that watched your session with Sommer a couple weeks ago. Right?"
Kevin's brow went up in surprise and he smiled in thanks as Sophie set their food in front of them. "She tells you about our sessions?"
"She tells me everything," CJ informed him, dipping a zucchini fry into Zim's homemade ranch dressing and biting off the end.
Of course, he should have expected that. Girls always tell each other everything. He had to admit, though, his ego was slightly boosted by the knowledge that Sommer was talking about him in some way. It wasn't much, but it was just the spark of hope he needed. But if she has a boyfriend…
"You like her."
It wasn't a question. It was a statement of perceived fact. Damn, she's perceptive, Kevin thought, amused, yet slightly irritated that she had figured him out. He chewed on his mouthful of cheeseburger and took a sip of his Coke as he nodded. "Well, I'm definitely intrigued by her," he agreed. "I'd like to get to know her, but she seems a little… closed off. Does she have a boyfriend? Or…?"
Shaking her head, CJ answered, "No, she doesn't have a boyfriend. She's never even been on a date."
Kevin's internal mood lightened considerably at that small piece of information. Then he clued in on the second part of what CJ had just said. "Wait… She's never been on a date? Like, ever?"
"Nope." Her lips popped on the "p."
"How is that even possible?" Kevin wondered in surprise.
CJ munched on another zucchini fry and shrugged a slim shoulder. "She's been asked out, but between school and all her extracurriculars she just feels there isn't time for dates… Or so she says."
"You don't think that's the case?"
Her azure eyes narrowed thoughtfully on him. She pushed her plate aside and leaned forward, folding her arms on the table. "You said you wanna get to know Sommer, right?"
Kevin nodded. "Yeah."
"All right, then I'm gonna give you a little inside knowledge that will put you on the fast track to breaking through the glass shell that is Sommer Donovan's heart."
Kevin listened intently as CJ spoke of Sommer's insecurities. Of how, for as long as they could both remember, Sommer had been treated like dirt by the vast majority of their peers, made to feel as though she was nothing. How she had gone from a vibrant child full of life, to the skittish wallflower of a teenager that she was now.
It came as no surprise to Kevin that Sommer had been, and still was, treated so poorly. He had witnessed as much. He had also seen first hand the spunk and sass that she possessed. It was this, along with her beautiful innocence, that had caught his attention. Once he had actually spoken to her, of course. Before that, when he had seen her in this very restaurant, he had been drawn to her.
Hearing that Sommer had never had a boyfriend, or even been on a date, surprised and confused him. He didn't understand how someone as beautiful, big-hearted, and kind didn't have a line of admirers. Now that he knew that she, for sure, didn't have a boyfriend, Kevin was hopeful that he just might get a chance with her.
By now, they were both finished with their food and had been brought another drink refill each. Kevin thanked CJ for the insight to which she replied something about breaking and buying. He knew her threat was not in vain and he made her a promise of never intentionally hurting Sommer.
CJ nodded in approval and cleared her throat. "Now, tell me more about this Kellan guy."
6:00 PM
Clothes were strewn all over CJ's spacious bedroom. Shirts, skirts, dresses, and jeans decorated the bed and backs of the desk and two armchairs while various styles of footwear dotted the pristine carpeted floor. Seeing CJ's room in this state was not an uncommon occurrence for Sommer. CJ was often throwing clothes around in search of the perfect outfit.
Much like she was doing at that very moment.
Sommer was currently sitting on CJ's bed watching her best friend with an amused expression. The five foot five brunette was standing in the middle of her walk-in closet wearing nothing but a bra and panties and a look of frustration as she slid clothes from side to side. She searched rack after rack, high and low, but seemed unable to obtain whatever it was she was trying to find.
She growled and began going through the piles of clothes around her room. "Where is it?! I swear, if my mom gave it away in one of her bi-yearly clothes hauls…"
Her words stopped mid-rant as Sommer began to giggle. CJ turned slowly and folded her arms in defiance as she narrowed her eyes at her friend. "And just what are you laughing at over there?"
Sommer's laughter grew louder. "That attitude and stance aren't nearly as intimidating when you're in your underwear," she said. "What exactly are you looking for anyway?"
CJ stuck out her tongue and then went back to rummaging through the clothes. "Do you remember that strapless black dress I wore to our winter ballet recital a few years ago?"
The blonde looked around the bed and reached for a black bundle of fabric. She shook it out. "This one?"
"Yes!" CJ squealed as she pranced over and took the dress from her hands. She then pulled Sommer off the bed and dragged her over to the full length mirror. Standing behind Sommer's taller frame, she reached around her and held the dress up to her thin body. "This'll be perfect for tonight."
Sommer furrowed her brow in confusion. "Wait… On me?" she questioned, taking the dress and turning to face CJ.
CJ gave her a pleading look. "Please let me doll you up, Sommer," she practically begged.
"I'm perfectly capable of dressing myself and doing my own make-up and hair," Sommer informed her needlessly.
"I'm aware of that," CJ retorted as she picked up a pair of high-heeled, knee high black boots and held them up for inspection. "I just thought you might wanna look a little bit more… sexy."
This put Sommer on alert. Whenever CJ said something like that, it usually meant that she was up to something. "Why would I want to look sexy for a Date Auction that I'm only going to because I'm obligated by my participation in the Town Social?" A look of horror came over her face. "Please tell me you're not putting me up for auction!"
CJ cleared off one of the arm chairs and neatly laid out the dress and set the boots next to the chair. "Sums, you know you have to be put up for auction. Everyone participating in the Social has to be," she reminded her. "But that's not why I'm asking to fix you up."
"Then spit it out, please!" Sommer exclaimed.
"Kevin's going to be there."
Sommer groaned loudly and flopped, face first, onto CJ's bed. She then rolled onto her back and sat up on her elbows. She bit her lip as she looked at her dearest friend thoughtfully. "Can you promise to keep things at least semi-natural?"
CJ giggled with glee and clapped her hands. "Yay!"
"Promise me, CJ."
"I promise," CJ agreed, pulling her off the bed again and leading her into the ensuite bathroom. "You won't be disappointed."
The girl was practically bouncing and Sommer couldn't help the giggles that escaped her. CJ led her over to the vanity and instructed her to take off her shirt. "You won't want to ruin your hair and make-up when you change," she pointed out as she picked up her stereo remote and hit "play."
Sommer complied and CJ loaned her a robe to wear so that she'd be more comfortable. Not that she was shy, she just didn't like sitting around in her underwear Even if it was just her and CJ. Once Sommer was seated comfortably on the vanity bench, CJ went to work brushing out any tangles and then her skilled fingers easily fixed the blonde locks into a sexy, yet age appropriate style.
While CJ loosely curled the parts of Sommer's hair that she had left down, the girls chatted about the previous week's episode of Smallville, complained about their various teachers, the annoyances of their respective parents, and any other subject their teenaged hearts desired. It was great to just let loose and be a girl for a while. Not that she didn't feel like a girl all the time, she just felt, more often than not, that she was so stressed because of school and whatnot, that she couldn't fully relax.
CJ stepped back and admired her work. She smiled at Sommer through the mirror and sprayed some flexible hold hairspray onto the blonde locks to keep the curls from going flat. "Okay, why don't you go ahead and get dressed while I plan my outfit for Monday," she suggested.
"All right."
"And don't you dare chicken out and put on a different dress," CJ warned, following after her. "You're wearing the ensemble I picked."
Sommer grumbled, but didn't argue. She put on the dress CJ had chosen while CJ slipped into a denim skirt and orange tank top. It amazed Sommer how good CJ looked in literally everything she wore. The girl could probably wear a potato sack and still look like a goddess.
She stared at herself in the mirror and grimaced. "CJ, are you sure about this?" she asked as she turned, checking her reflection from all angles.
CJ came up behind her and grinned. "Are you kidding? You look great!" she said as she looked over the strapless black dress.
Sommer scrunched up her nose in uncertainty. "Are you sure? I mean; you don't think it's a bit… short?" she asked, trying to pull the bottom of the dress down.
CJ slapped her hands away and adjusted the dress back to where it should sit. "Will you stop worrying? You've got a hot body, so flaunt it a little," she said as she played with the dress to make it look right. She then grabbed a pin that had strings of fake diamonds coming off of it and pinned it to the dress just under Sommer's breasts, "There, that's perfect! Now go put those boots on over there."
Sommer looked at the boots CJ was referring to and widened her eyes. "CJ, I'll kill myself walking in those things," she said, eyeing the thin, two and a half inch heel.
CJ scoffed and sighed. "Sommer, we're supposed to have fun tonight, come on; live a little!" she exclaimed.
Sommer sighed as she walked over to the armchair and sat down to pull the boots on. "I'd like to note that I'm doing this under protest."
Smirking, CJ slid her feet into a pair of white Vans. "Uh-huh."
"Are you sure there's no way I can convince you to help me get out of this?"
"Not a chance," CJ said. "I think it'll be funny to watch. Would you like me to put you up for auction?"
Sommer's head snapped up and she saw CJ's smiling face. "CJ, don't you dare!" she squealed.
CJ poked her bottom lip out and folded her arms over her chest like a defiant child. "Why not?"
"This is supposed to be a fundraiser and I don't think putting me up on the auction block would do any good."
Exhaling slowly in irritation, CJ grabbed her belt off of the bed and began fitting it through the loops on her jean skirt. "Come on, Sums, it'll be fun! You can even put me on the block for revenge," she bribed.
"You being on the block makes sense," Sommer argued, slipping her other foot into the second boot and zipping the boot up. "You'd probably… No… You would make a lot of money for the event. Every guy there would bid on you."
CJ rolled her eyes and gave Sommer a quelling look as she buckled her belt and turned to check her reflection. They had had this argument a million times, a million different ways, and she was getting tired of it. She loved Sommer to pieces, but sometimes her inability to see how beautiful she actually was could drive one to beat their head against a wall. "That's only because they're too intimidated to actually ask me out themselves," she said, tilting her head as she checked out her outfit. "Yeah, this'll work for school Monday."
"Well, I don't blame them for being intimidated," she said as she stood up and walked over to stand next to CJ. "You're the prettiest girl in town."
CJ flipped her hair playfully as she said, "Oh stop; you're making me blush."
Sommer giggled. "I'm serious, CJ. Every guy in town knows it…" She paused for a moment and then added softly, "Even Kevin."
Smiling, CJ hugged the brilliant, but sometimes clueless, blonde. Sommer had no idea that CJ had spent the better part of two hours with the dimpled hottie himself discussing her. If there was one thing she knew for certain, it was that Kevin was into Sommer. "I'm not Kevin's type," she said with confidence, "and he's not mine."
"You're every guy's type," Sommer retorted matter-of-factly, arching her brow pointedly and leaning against CJ's dresser.
"Physically, maybe," CJ agreed with a shrug, "but the only thing Kevin and I have in common is our preference for blondes."
She took off her decided outfit and hung it on her closet door, allowing Sommer a quiet moment to process the possible meaning of that statement. Knowing Sommer, though, she would find some way to brush it off as having nothing to do with her. Glancing over at the blonde, CJ saw on her face that that was exactly what was happening.
To an outsider, it would look like Sommer was indifferent, but CJ knew better. She could see the slight slump in the girl's shoulders, the barely noticeable way she was chewing on the inside of her cheek; it was obvious she was thinking of the numerous blondes in the world that Kevin might find himself interested in instead of the one he actually was. I swear that girl is the poster child for low self-esteem, she thought as she began picking up all the clothes she had thrown around the room and putting them back where they belonged.
After a few minutes, Sommer shook herself from her thoughts and began helping CJ clean up. "Wait!" CJ exclaimed. "Don't put those away."
She took the heels out of Sommer's hands and set them aside. "Those will be perfect with my dress for tonight."
Sommer held up her hands in acquiescence and put away the last pair of shoes. "Okay, let's finish getting you ready," CJ ordered lightly, helping Sommer put on the robe she had been wearing earlier.
She then took Sommer's hand and led her into the bathroom. Sommer was instructed to wash her face and sit on the counter. While she did this, CJ retrieved Sommer's make-up case from the vanity and began searching through it for the items she wanted to use to create the look she had in mind for her innocent friend.
CJ was about to apply some lip gloss to Sommer's full lips when Sommer stopped her. They briefly argued about Sommer's dislike of lip gloss and the stickiness of it and how she preferred Carmex. CJ pointed out that Sommer often wore things other than Carmex for ballet recitals to which Sommer muttered an unflattering oath. CJ finally relented, with an exaggerated roll of her eyes and suggested a lipstain to which she could then apply her own cherry flavored Carmex over.
This seemed to appease Sommer, so CJ went to her vanity and selected two shades of pink lipstain. She held them up and Sommer tapped the one she preferred. CJ set the other aside and applied a light amount before covering it with the cherry Carmex.
"There. Perfection," CJ declared, imitating her father by kissing her fingertips and blowing a kiss out while opening her hand. A very Italian gesture. "Take a look."
Sommer hopped down from the counter and turned to face the mirror. She was surprised by what she saw in the reflection. CJ had done a brilliant job of accenting her best features, her eyes and her lips, while keeping to a more natural color palette. For the first time, Sommer didn't automatically think of herself as dull and boring. For once, she actually thought she looked… Pretty.
She smiled and turned to CJ, thanking her and hugging her tightly. She then noticed the clock and pulled back. "You need to get ready," she observed. "What are you wearing, anyway?"
CJ just grinned.
7:00 PM
Kevin walked out of his bathroom, freshly showered and shaved, with the towel wrapped tightly around his waist. He walked into his bedroom, shaking his head at the oaths coming from Kellan's foul mouth as he yelled at the video game he was playing. Lazy ass, he thought with a chuckle.
He stared at his closet and sighed heavily. He slid a few shirts aside and grabbed the hunter green casual dress shirt he had bought on sale the previous week. It was comfortable and if he was going to subject himself to this ridiculous event, comfort was in high order.
He hung the shirt on one of his dresser handles and picked out a pair of simple khaki cargo pants. He then removed the towel from around his waist and pulled on a clean pair of boxers. Deodorant and cologne applied, he proceeded to get dressed.
"No! No! Damn it!" Kellan groaned.
Kevin came out of his room buttoning the last few buttons of his shirt. "You do realize you're the one that wanted to go to this thing tonight, right?"
"Yes," Kellan retorted without looking at him.
"Then why are you sitting around playing video games when you should be getting dressed?"
Kellan finally looked up and saw what Kevin was wearing. "Dude, you're not wearing that," he declared with an expression that brooked no argument.
Kevin immediately began undoing the buttons as he turned and headed back into his bedroom. "Didn't I tell you this is a black and white event?" Kellan asked, getting off the couch and following after him.
"No, you didn't," Kevin replied with a tone of mild annoyance.
"My bad."
As Kevin hung his shirt back on its hanger, Kellan began looking through the limited selection of dress shirts Kevin owned. He selected one and handed it to Kevin. "Here, put this on." He then grabbed a pair of slacks and held them out.
"Pants, too?" Kevin complained.
"Yes. The whole reason you're going is because I told you Sommer's gonna be there, right?" Kellan questioned with a raised brow.
"Yeah," Kevin agreed.
"Then trust me. I've never done you wrong in the style department, have I?"
He was right. In all the years they had been friends, Kellan had always been right when he had helped him with clothes. "No, you've been solid, Bro," he confessed, taking the pants.
Kellan clapped him on the back and gave him a light shove. "Then don't stress. With my style know-how and your good looks, Sommer will be putty in your hands by the end of the night."
"I don't want her to be putty. I just want her to give me a chance."
"You know what I mean, Bro."
Kevin nodded. "Yeah," he acknowledged as he undid the cargo pants and changed into the slacks.
While Kevin finished switching outfits, Kellan busied himself with finding the perfect accessories. "Hey, where's your black leather belt with the silver buckle? It's not with your other belts."
"Um…" Kevin furrowed his brow in thought. "You know what? I think it's still on my pants from earlier."
Kellan picked up Kevin's white slip-on Van's and tossed them to him. "Wear those and…" he rummaged through the few pieces of jewelry on Kevin's dresser and picked up a simple silver chain necklace, "this."
He handed the necklace to Kevin and went to get the belt. When he came back, Kevin was sitting on his bed waiting. Kellan gave him the belt and looked him over as he stood and began sliding it through his belt loops. Kevin glanced up and raised his brow questioningly as he fastened the buckle. "Do I pass inspection, oh wise style master?" he joked.
Kellan folded his arms across his chest and rubbed his chin with a hand in thought. "Hmm… You know what; lose the wife beater," he advised him. "And what's with the buttoning all the buttons? Sheesh, loosen up; you look stiff."
Kevin sighed and quickly took off the shirt so he could get to his wife beater. Once he pulled that off, he put the dress shirt back on and buttoned it, leaving the top three buttons undone. He then undid the cuffs and rolled the sleeves up a couple of times. "All right," he said once he was done. "How's this?"
"Much better," Kellan said approvingly. "Yep, that works for me."
He clapped his hands and took Kevin by the shoulders, turning him toward the door. "I'm gonna change while you go do something with that sketti lookin' stuff on top of your head," he teased giving him a playful shove.
Kevin laughed. "Hey, the ladies love this "sketti lookin' stuff" I'll have you know," he retorted. "They love to run their fingers through it when I'm-"
Before he could finish that statement, Kellan pushed the door closed, effectively shutting him up. He loved the boy like a brother, but now was really not the time to re-live sexual exploits. Not that he has many, he reminded himself. That boy seriously needs to get out more.
In the nearly six years they had known each other, Kevin had never been one that went out much. Oh sure, he would hang out with his friends, go to his martial arts stuff, school dances, and things like that, but he didn't date much. Kellan had always found that strange. Kevin was a good looking guy and girls… women… practically threw themselves at him on a daily basis.
Kellan picked up a framed picture on Kevin's dresser. His blue eyes stared at the younger versions of Kevin and himself along with two girls from their senior class. His own arms were thrown over both girls shoulders and the three of them each held a red SOLO cup that was probably filled with some alcoholic drink. Kevin, on the other hand, was merely standing with them cheersing the photographer with a can of Coke.
He sighed and put the picture back. That's enough of the sentimental bull, he scolded himself lightly. You've got a Date Auction to get to. He then peeled off his t-shirt and began getting ready.
Meanwhile, Kevin stood in his bathroom, staring at his reflection and wondering if he really should be going through all this trouble for one girl. She was young, too young maybe, and he wasn't even sure if she was interested in him. Was it really worth the hassle of getting all decked out like this just so he could go to some stupid town event he really didn't want to attend in the off chance that he might get a date with a cute girl?
He thought about his conversation with CJ. It had been very informative and intriguing. He had learned a lot about the shy blonde that was Sommer Donovan and he couldn't help being even more interested in getting to know her. From the first time he had set eyes on her, he had gotten the sense that Sommer was, not complex, but a layered young woman. She was smart, funny, kind, observant, and so much more that he didn't know but wanted to.
He sighed in resignation and reached for his hair gel. Well, if I'm subjecting myself to this ridiculousness then I'm gonna make damn sure I look good.
Ten minutes later, Kevin walked out to the living room and sat down on the couch. His curly hair was now neatly gelled so that it made near perfect ringlets. Not that his hair was really long; in fact, it was cut pretty short, but it was long enough for people to see that it was curly.
Kellan came down the hall a few minutes later dressed in a pair of jeans, a sort of see through grayish blue shirt, and a white suit jacket. He was running his hands through his bleach blond hair, messing it up slightly. "Okay, how good do I look?" he asked Kevin, giving a spin.
Kevin looked him over real quick and nodded. "Good enough to be a rock star, Dude," he answered, clicking his tongue and holding up both hands with the "okay" symbol.
"Eh, not yet," Kellan said, tucking the very front middle of his shirt into his jeans.
One of the amazing things about Kellan was how easily he could go from looking like the college athlete he was to a mega superstar in a matter of minutes. Sometimes Kevin wished he had Kellan's sense of style, but he hadn't been blessed with Kellan's height to be able to pull off some of the looks he sported. He wasn't short by any means, but Kellan had a good four to five inches on him, and he was thin where Kevin was broad.
"Now I look good enough to be a rock star. You ready?"
Kevin nodded as he stood up and rubbed his hands together. "Let's go sweep some ladies off of their feet."