Yeah I must be crazy.
Who would choose such a path, one that lead to torture, hell, misery, depression, and death?
No one with a "sane" and "right" mind, that's for sure, only a loon would choose to undergo such things.
Any "sane" person would take the money, if it was waived in front of them, or dress a certain way, to not offend the gods and goddesses of popularity and spite.
But that's not me, that never was, and never will be.
I prowl the streets every night and day, watching, waiting for my time to strike.
To be there when the real people, the people that matter need me, that's the reason I do it.
So I must be insane for that right?
I bet the clinical doctors are gathering their papers as we speak, editing them, revising them, adding all the little notes of symptoms and reactions, prone to my illness.
I bet they're trying desperately to figure it out, so that they can have their names in the record books published all across the globe, and history itself.
But they have a name for people like me, Salinity.
And to be honest, I don't value any other.