Summery: Uri is a 17 year old boy who (along with mostly everyone in his school) is oblivious to his looks, which are concealed by his glasses. What will happen when they just happen to fall off and everyone sees his true beauty? (Slash, Yaoi, M/M.)
Warning: Use of profanity, violence, adult content, rape and homosexuality. If this offends you, in any way, then don't read this.
Hey, my lovely readers, thank you so much for deciding to read this story ^_^ (at least, I hope you have). There are a few things I would like to go over. Firstly, for all you slash lovers, male on male content does not start until the second chapter, so you'll have to be patient. Second, for those of you who are fans of the manga, Denkou Sekka Boys, this is very similar to that. Sadly, the manga ended because the author passed away *cries*, and that manga has always been my favorite. Just to let you all know, I am NOT trying to copy. Yes, this story is only similar because both boys have glasses, which conceal their beauty and the fact that (obviously) everyone reacts differently towards them when their beauty is revealed. Yes, there might be similar scenes, but please, please don't think I'm trying to copy the manga. -_-" Sorry, I'm just kind of insecure about people taking it the wrong way. OKAY, third, REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW! (Please, NO flame.) It doesn't even have to be more than a sentence. Just something... ^_^.
READ THIS: Okay, so, I have changed my main characters name to Uri (this is for all of those who have read my story already). Sorry, I just think it suits him better.
Okay, I won't keep you from reading anymore. On with the story...
Chapter 1: Bullies And Raven-black Hair
Uri groaned as he forced his bright, green-blue eyes open as he sat upright from his comfy bed and removed his heavy camouflage covers. He managed to find his way to his vanity and lazily pulled on a pair of dark jeans and a somewhat snug black T-shirt. After he washed up and fixed his light brown hair that stuck out in all directions, he trudged down the stairs into the kitchen, where his dad had laid out breakfast for him: crispy bacon and scrambled eggs. The smell was so intoxicating and irresistible that he leapt for the plate and dug in, not caring if he had pieces of food on his face afterwards. His father chuckled as he watched his son with amused eyes. He had his long hair tucked away in a short pony that rested low on the back of his neck.
"Don't eat so fast or you'll choke." He warned, playfully.
Uri ignored him and cleaned his plate. He then looked up to his father holding out his square, silver rimmed glasses to him and sighed as he took them and slowly put them on. He never understood why his father made him wear glasses, though he could see fine without them. In fact, he could see much more than fine without them. With the glasses finally resting on his face, Mr. Morrison ruffled his son's hair.
"Now, your good to go. Ready?" He motioned, shaking his keys aimlessly as they both headed over to slick, black on black, business-like car. Uri stared, dazedly, out the window until they finally pulled up to his school. He said goodbye to his father and trudged through the school doors, then hurrying over to his locker, realizing that he had two minutes to get to class before the final bell rang and he would be marked late, which he never was in his life. He thought of himself as good student, but others called him a nerd and foremost, four-eyes; all because of these stupid, un-cool glasses he had worn for almost ten years ago when he was seven.
Uri made it to first period in the nick of time with only thirty seconds remaining. The boy sitting behind him, almost a full head taller than he was watched him with a smug grin.
"You had us worried there, four-eyes; we've never beaten you to class before. You finally seeing the other side of light?" Colton said, as the people around him joined in and laughed with him.
Uri rolled his eyes, thankfully hidden by his glasses, and leaned down to his backpack, pulling out his Spanish binder, along with his notebook and a pencil. When he lifted his head up, all of it was gone and now in the hands of his worst tormentor. He casted a glare on the blonde, "Give it back."
"Whoa, are you getting angry, four-eyes?" He teased.
"Please…" He pleaded. He would have beaten the crap out of this guy if it weren't for his petite and fragile body.
"Nah, I think I'll keep it; I forgot mine, anyways. You don't have a problem with that, do you?" A smirk played on Colton's lips.
"No…" It would be impossible to get his things back.
"Good, then." He laughed and turned his attention away from him and back towards his friends.
Uri sighed and pulled out a piece of loose-leaf and another pencil. He then propped his chin up with his hand and sat in his seat quietly. His only friend, Tristan, barely had any classes with him other than gym. He had lunch with him as well, although… that really didn't count as a class. Without Tristan around, he had no one to talk to other than Colton who bullied him non-stop.
Uri scurried to lunch as he shuffled his way through the crowd, colliding into a huge mass, causing him fall backwards from the impact and knocking his glasses off his face. "S-sorry," he stuttered, craning his neck to look up to the person he had bumped into. Though the fluorescent lights blinded Uri from seeing his face, he could still make out ear-short, raven-black hair and the large hand that was placed in front of him. He took it unsurely and was lightly lifted to his feet, and handed back his glasses. "T-thank you." But when Uri looked up again, he was gone.
He found Tristan instantaneously by the genuinely tall members of the swim team surrounding him and sat down in the open space near the end of the table. He really didn't belong at here; he wasn't on the swim team. Heck, he couldn't even swim. Uri sighed and opened the brown paper-bag and started on its delicacies.
One of the boys Uri recognized as Kevin nudged Tristan in his side. "What's four-eyes doing here, again?"
"Leave him alone, Kev. He's cool." He said, simply.
Kevin snorted. "Yeah, right. Really cool."
Uri's cheeks grew hot from embarrassment, not looking up from his lunch as the whole table burst into laughter and continued eating. They seemed to move onto another subject because they were no longer talking about him.
School ended and Uri now laid on his bed, listening to his favorite band, Honor Society. He couldn't stop thinking about that person. Who was he? The question played over and over in his head. Frustrated, Uri grunted and pulled a pillow over his face.
Uri walked into first period, only to meet Colton's gaze and irritating smile. He sat down at his desk, discovering that Colton had returned his things. When he started flipping through his notebook, he found that most of the pages had been scribbled on, and the rest, torn out. His binder that used to be filled with his past homework and handouts now lay empty. The only thing left behind was the word 'FREAK' in big, bold letters. Uri slumped down in his chair and hid his face with his arms as he rested his forehead on the desk's cool surface. He wouldn't cry; he most definitely would not.
Uri snapped and turned angrily at Colton, who was caught off guard by the youth's sudden outburst. Uri pounced on him and wrestled him to the ground as students began surrounding the two, shouting chants of support towards Colton. Uri threw a punch at his tormentor who effortlessly dodged the flimsy attack, returning it with a much stronger force directed towards Uri's stomach. The brown haired boy doubled over in pain, groaning. Colton was hovering over him now, grabbing the front of his shirt and gritting his teeth, while Uri coward and cringed in his grip before Ms. Riggs finally burst in the room and separated them. The red-faced teacher then tried to calm the mob, directing them all to go back to their seats. Uri clutched his stomach as he tried to blink back a couple of tears with not much luck. It hurt, really bad, and he was sure there would be a black-blue bruise there by tomorrow.
Uri groaned as he walked to the clinic and rested on one of the beds. He had been excused from his classes as well as received a week of detention that he would start serving tomorrow after school. Uri flipped onto his side, wrapping his arms firmly around his stomach. God it hurt. He was stupid to even try to fight Colton, knowing the outcome. He then averted his eyes to the figure lying in the bed beside his own. The boy looked much taller than he and older, for that matter. Uri studied the boy's features: his red lips, and tousled raven-black hair that brushed against his long lashes, stunned him to the point of awe. He blushed slightly in admiration and turned away from the older boy's sleeping face. Uri was a bit jealous. Compared to this guy… no, he couldn't even compare. He was ugly, scrawny, a good for nothing glasses freak that no one liked. It wasn't fair, not fair at all. Sighing, Uri pulled the thin sheets over his head and sobbed.
When he got home, his father pulled him into a tight hug. "My poor son, I heard about what happened at school, are you hurt?"
"I'm fine, dad. Can you let go, please? I can't breath." He said, gasping like as fish out of water.
"Sure, sure." He let go, and air rushed back into Uri's lungs. "Detention, huh?"
"Yeah… I, uh... I'm sorry." He concentrated his gaze on the floor.
His dad smiled and ruffled the boy's hair. "C'mon, I made us some dinner."
For one thing, his dad was a really good cook; better than Uri's mom ever was, at least. Uri's mother passed away when he was only seven years old. She was in a car accident and the doctors couldn't save her in time. After she died, his dad had taken up the role of both a mom and a dad.
Mr. Morrison slid a brownie toward Uri and grabbed another for himself. "I think I'm going to complain that school of yours."
"No, dad. Please, don't," he begged.
Uri's father gave him a puzzled look. "Why? I could have this whole bullying thing put to rest."
"Dad, It's fine. It doesn't bother me."
His dad raised an eyebrow. "…Right."
Uri ran his slender fingers through the gray cat's hair, scratching her head as Razzle purred and nuzzled against Uri's hand. The youth smiled and set the creature on the ground. He then switched off the lights and starred into the 'glow in the dark' stars that decorated his ceiling, a scowl taking up his face as he remembered the quality time he would be spending with Colton tomorrow. With a grunt of dissatisfaction, Uri flipped onto his side. Might as well worry about it later.
Uri stood in front of his full-length mirror, lifting up his shirt, studying the large, colorful bruise located right below his ribs cage. He poked it, letting out a whimper, and then cursed himself for his own stupidity. Yup, it was going to be sore there for a while. He better be careful to not to let this be seen by his Dad.
Uri fixed his shirt and trotted down the creaky stairs, but not before putting on his glasses first. He stepped into the kitchen, plucked a piece of jelly-covered toast from the platter and popped it into his mouth as his father whistled a tune, checked his watch and waved Uri to come along. Uri's dad dressed like this whenever he had an important business meeting with a client. He would gel his usually long, free hair back and wear a fancy get up, all that which didn't suit his personality one bit.
He managed to get to class without any hassle and slowly lowered himself into his assigned seat, clutching his pained stomach. He let out a breath of air and pulled out his brand new red binder and notebook, which will hopefully (if he's lucky) remain untainted unlike his old ones that Colton so nicely destroyed. Uri lurched forward as something hard hit the back of his head. He rubbed the spot of impact and gritted his teeth at his bully. His tormentor just grinned and left Uri to his newly formed pain. Thanks Colton; one other bruise to add to his collection.
Uri sat on one of the benches by the pool and worked on his homework, occasionally peering up from his math book to watch his classmates diving off the diving boards. He felt a small pang of jealousy, wishing he could swim, too. When his math book was no longer in his hands, he looked up in disgust to find it in his tormentor's grasp. "Give it back."
"Can't do that." Colton mocked. "You see, I really want to pay you back for that little stunt you pulled yesterday; it caused me a whole lot of trouble."
Uri rolled his eyes. "You already got your payback," he pointed to the back of his head.
Colton shook his head. "You're wrong, four-eyes. That was only the first one. I still have four more to give back to you for that week's worth of detention."
Uri stared at him in shock. He didn't realize there would be more in store for him. Colton sneered and took hold of Uri's wrist, dragging him toward the edge of the pool. Uri wailed and he tried to free himself from the strong hold as he stood, face to face with his death. "Oh, god, no. Please, no. I'm sorry. Oh, god, I'm sorry. Don't do this." He begged, shaking with fear. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Tristan standing at the opposite end of the pool with his friends. Couldn't Tristan clearly see that he needed help? Why was he just standing there? Colton's cunning smile reappeared and pushed the youth into the pool's watery depths.
Uri kicked in spasm. He could feel his lungs shriving from the lack of oxygen, and the life force that was slipping away from him. As the thumps of his heart lessened, he knew that he was at his end. Oh, god… he was going to die. As he closed his eyes for the last time, he made out dark figure closing in on him and a glint of raven-black hair.
When Uri opened his bleary eyes, he was on the cold, wet tile of the gym, choking out water. The world was blurry, and the people surrounding him, trying to get his attention, sounded like a bunch of buzzing bees. Before he could make sense of what was happening, the ground beneath his body disappeared as he was scooped up in the arms of a stranger. He was too tired to care that he was being held in an utmost embarrassing pose, including all the eyes that were focused on him. Uri's whole body felt numb as he let his head's weight rest against the stranger's chest, allowing the darkness to engulf him.