Responses from chapter 3~
writingright: Thank you, I forgot to add that little detail. (In this chapter.)
FinallyFinished: Oh, I love you! Yes, I, being a woman (=.= girl), NEED more hot guys in our school! And your going to have to hold on for a little while, so please press the pause button on your designation of your explosion date. Thanks!
OrangeiPodxD: Thanks! It IS Awesomeness. PURE awesomeness.
Thank you to my new reviewers for your reviews! Because I am lazy and your names are long and/or confusing, I will just thank you. Please excuse me for my laziness. Next chapter I will put your names in :).
A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry about the delay, I was lazy. But, I am finally getting to my favorite parts :D... next chapter and so forth. Anyway, thanks for those reviews, no matter how short Though, I would appreciate them a little bit longer... It was I who said you didn't have to, but please? For me? Just, I want to say thank you readers for all your support so far :), it really means a lot. ENJOY! REVIEW! PLEASE REVIEW!
CHAPTER 4: New Identity
Uri stood at his locker, exchanging his books for ones that suited the classes he would have through the day. After zipping up his backpack, he swung it over the shoulder and staggered down the hall. He tried his best to maintain balance—doing quite well at it too, however, a heavier force yanked him backwards, causing him to fall on his bottom. Uri scowled, seeing who had caused him to fall. Colton. Colton looked back at the crumpled boy only to smirk and then go on his merry way. Bastard. The aching boy groaned and moved out of the way of the stampede of students scurrying to class. Hoisting his bag up, he wobbled. I hate this. My back is killing me and I feel like I'm going to fall over again. When the weight was finally lifted off his shoulders, Uri let out a sound of joy.
"You know… this is why we have lockers."
Uri plopped down in the seat next to Ivan's. He hadn't known they had classes together—three actually. Though, that was when Ivan was absent. "I realize."
Ivan raised an eyebrow, "So, is it just laziness or do you really like to lug this thing around all day?"
Uri rolled his eyes, taking out his notebook and pen. It wasn't his fault. If anything, the school should be blamed for making these books so heavy.
"Hey, Ur—"
Uri put his finger to his lips as a sign that class had begun.
Ivan sighed and started to scribble on a ripped-off piece of paper. He then passed it to Uri.
Let's hang out today after school.
Uri read it over and paused. He finally clicked his pen and wrote on the paper and tossed it back to Ivan.
Ivan sighed again and slid it back.
Because I said so.
Uri finally caved, seeing as they've never really spent time together outside of school.
Ivan smiled brightly at the response and directed his focus on Miss Brigg's lecture.
School had never passed by so slow for Uri—all he could think about was… Ivan. Ivan was constantly appearing in his thoughts, but today they stayed there, distracting him from his lessons. It was probably Ivan's body that got to him the most—he liked to picture it over and over in his head a lot. His hard abs... wait, what did that word remind him of? Uri swatted away the thoughts. Idiot, stop now.
When the final bell rung, Uri picked up his things and scurried out of the classroom and down the corridors where Ivan was leaning against a pole. When arriving Ivan's car, Ivan held open the door for Uri, and Uri shyly got in. Ivan followed after on his side and hopped in the driver's seat, putting the car into ignition.
After a few minutes of silence, Ivan spoke up. "I did some snooping."
Uri looked at him in a bemused state of mind, "Huh?"
"You know how there wasn't a supervisor in the detention room?"
The boy was hesitant when he nodded.
"Well, the bastard had paid the person off to ditch, so he could… you know."
"Has he given you trouble at all since..."
"N-no, No trouble." Except for this morning…
Ivan perked, "Good."
Uri felt a squeeze in his chest and an urge to change the subject. "So, um, where are we going?"
"Shoppin.'" He said coolly.
"Shopping? For what?"
"For fun."
Uri hadn't recognized the store… but he knew what kind of store it was. It was sort of like Hot Topic but with more selections for boys.
A petite girl skipped over to them. She had short blonde hair with pink streaks and piercings. "Hi, how may I help you?"
Uri couldn't help but to dislike her. It wasn't anything personal. Perky people just ticked him off.
"Oh, were okay, thanks," Ivan answered, then dragged Uri to a rack and began to tug at shirts and pants so fast that Uri couldn't keep up. Ivan slowed and dropped the pile into the smaller boy's arms. "Here, go try it on—all of it. And do come out when your done trying on something; I want to see."
Uri slid the curtains closed as far as they would go to cover up the crack of light through the middle, aware that Ivan stood right outside them. He dumped the pile on the bench and held up one of the pants and shirts Ivan had picked out for him. The T-shirt was completely black and tight as well—tighter than his other black one at home, and the pants were a dark pair of skinny jeans that rode low on his hips to show off his boxers. He tugged off his clothes, squirmed into the new ones, and checked himself out in the mirror. Not bad.
He stepped out of the dressing room and met Ivan's gaze, which was currently studying the youth in front of him. "You didn't do it right," he sighed.
"Huh?" Uri furrowed his eyebrows.
Ivan pulled him back into the dressing room with him. He then grabbed the studded belt and pulled Uri close.
"H-hey, you don't…"
"Keep still." Uri held his breath as Ivan looped the belt through the front loops and left the back ones empty so that the belt fell low. After a few minutes of studying his work, Ivan smiled.
"Great, now can I take them off?" He said, lifting the ends of his shirt.
"What? No, I'm buying those for you to wear—don't you dare take them off," he ordered.
Uri groaned and looked at himself again. I look like a total emo…
Ivan purchased Uri's outfit and led him to another shop with big, red letters that almost looked like SOOLON… Oh crap. The boy planted his feat and refused to move. "Ivan, are you nuts? I can't go in there."
Ivan turned to him and cocked his head to the side. "You can and you will. We need to do something about that hair of yours—It's covering your eyes.
Uri hid his face. "I like it this way," he muffled. Uri really did prefer his hair long and messy. It made him feel protected, safe, and secure.
"Right…" With that said, he pulled Uri along. Seeing as there was no way in heck he could ever match Ivan's strength, Uri gave up on protesting.
Uri steadily settled into the stool, fighting with his fingers as the male hairdresser conversed with Ivan about god knows what. He tried to listen but they were talking so low that Uri struggled to hear what they were saying. The only word he caught from their conversation was "short." Great…
Ivan sat down on one of the free stools and smiled innocently. Uri ignored him and focused on the little hairs sticking up on his neck as he glued his eyes to the man who was currently equipped with a very deadly weapon. This should be fun.
During the whole cutting process (heh, cutting, get it?), Uri held his eyelids shut, not wishing to witness the horror. When the snipping came to a stop, he opened his eyes and stared in utter shock at the boy in the mirror. Like him, the boy was slim but had short, choppy hair with a few locks that fell along his neck. He had bangs but his were broken up into uneven lengths, which actually looked really good. In fact, this boy almost looked like him…
Uri pulled away from his strawberry ice cream, "Ivan, will you please stop staring? I'm trying to eat here."
Ivan chuckled. "Sorry, it's just that you look so… different. I mean, different in a good way. It's "
"Well, stop, you're making me conscious."
"Oh, my bad. I didn't mean too." Ivan laughed, "Um…Ur?"
Ivan held Uri's chin and Uri shut his eyes tightly as Ivan swept his thumb across Uri's cheek and smiled at the boy's expression. "You had ice cream on your cheek. It's gone now."
"O-oh," Uri flushed in embarrassment. He must have been dazed because the next thing he saw was Ivan licking his ice cream. "Hey! Don't lick it!"
Ivan smirked. "Don't lick what? This?" He licked it again…
Ivan was doing this on purpose. "Yeah, THAT. Don't do that."
"Why not?"
"Because you're, you're sharing my saliva…" It was almost like an indirect kiss. No, it WAS an indirect kiss!
"So…" He wanted to say "you're sharing an indirect kiss with me", but instead, he went with "you could get mono."
"Who cares? If I get sick, you'll take care of me. It's your fault for spacing out anyways."
Uri opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.
With that said, Ivan took another lick. "Yum."
The sky was glowing red by the time Ivan pulled up to Uri's driveway. "Thanks for dropping me off—I had fun with you today." Uri reached for the handle of the car door and moved it forward, though, as he set one foot out on the ground, he was yanked backwards. Ivan held Uri's wrist, stole a kiss from his cheek, and smiled. Uri flustered and jerked away. When he keyed open his front door, Ivan drove off.
Uri moved to the living room and lay on the couch. His father sat in the "great chair" watching his favorite re-runs of an old television series.
Finally taking notice of his son, Mr. Morrison gasped. "Uri… you got your hair cut?"
"I, uh, yeah. I thought it was too long, so Ivan took me the saloon to get it cut…" Hope this goes well.
"Hmm. It's nice—I'm not going to lie. I was going to take you this weekend to get it trimmed but I guess there's no reason to go anymore."
Thank GOD!
"And those clothes? A new style?"
"Are you, um, okay with it?"
Mr. Morrison paused and then smiled, "Well, I just never thought that my son would be prancing around in skinny jeans. I'm not against it or anything but I'd prefer you wear something… looser? Though, that's just my opinion. You can wear what you like." He smiled. This was unexpected, but hey, he didn't disprove of it, even though it wasn't his choice of clothes. And though Ivan had forced him to wear them, Uri had started to like them too.
Ivan's red Volvo was parked outside Uri's house. It was more convenient for Ivan to take him to school than his father who would arrive at work a few minutes late, so Mr. Morrison had agreed that Ivan could take him to and fro from school.
Uri slipped into the passenger seat and Ivan looked his up and down approvingly.
"I like your look," he winked.
"Thank you very much." Uri was wearing new skinny jeans with the studded belt, vans, a black zip-up, and a striped black T-shirt. This, he lamely had to look up online to see if he had dressed correctly. Apparently, he did. "What would you like to do today?"
"After school, what would you like to do?"
"Oh, hmm, I don't really know. Want to go to the arcade? We could get ice cream also," he smirked.
"Sure, that sounds fun. Though, if we're getting ice cream, please get your own this time." It's not that I didn't want that indirect kiss last time, I really did. ...What the hell is wrong with me?
"Awe, but then that wouldn't be any fun. Besides, you wouldn't be able to finish it all—it's way more than you can handle."
"I can handle an ice cream just fine, thanks," he huffed.
Ivan grinned, "And how do you handle your ice cream?"
Uri just rolled his eyes at the childish comment.
Soon, they arrived at the school and hobbled out of the vehicle. Uri got out as slow as possible though, not wishing to go back to the place of learning. Ivan, too, looked like he didn't favor going either.
"Well, welcome back to hell." Ivan sighed.
Likey? You might have noticed that Mr. Morrison is being lenient. Well, should I say it? It's because... well, never mind, you'll find out later :P. Review!