Fabula Crepusculum

By Poisoned Twinkles

A/N: This is a haiku-story about dusk. What we may judge may not always be true.

The sun has escaped
As nightfall comes so slowly
Like a dark hunter

Then as dusk arrives
The flowers cry in dismay
For their light has gone

But peace has bloomed out
Like the bright moon's lullaby
Shining in the dark

Eve has now begun
Shadows envelop the scene
Keeping the pristine

Dazzling stars twinkle
In the abyss of sundown
They serve as the guide

Safe obscurity
Is mistaken as trouble
Can you change their minds?

Tell the world, o Knight,
To believe in the darkness
For it holds answers

Dusk is a story
Twilight is a beginning
Sunset is new hope

"For what seems like the end

is not the end at all..."

A/N: Did you understand it? I hope you did. I hope you liked it as well. And now I hope you will review. For the sake of dusk's dignity. XD