A/N This is the ending... Thanks for the people that read the story this far!
I woke up with a jerk. My body was sweating, and my breathing was quick and jerky. I felt like I just fought with a dragon or something…
I looked around, trying to see what my surrounding was… It wasn't familiar, and I slightly panicked.
Everything was white, the walls, and the bed sheets. There wasn't much anyways, but everything that was in the room was white… And it looked awfully wrong.
I don't know why, but I just wanted out. I didn't like it in here, where was my room? Why was I here?! I thought hard, but I couldn't remember anything then the King coming into my house. So how did I come here, into this… white room?
I looked around on the bed, and I frowned. Even Tsu wasn't here with me.
I looked around the room again, trying to find an exit, but this was when I started to panic more.
Door… There was no door!
I hopped out of the bed, suddenly feeling a burst with energy. Door! WHERE WAS THE DOOR?! I ran to the nearest wall, and slammed my fist down on it. It didn't budge, and I felt desperate. I needed out, I wanted out, WHERE was the freaking DOOR?!
The time passes, and I threw the bed at the wall. The bed fell into a million pieces, but the wall did not budge. I looked around, and I saw nothing else in the strange white room, and I kept on panicking. There was no way out.
I was alone and trapped…
With animal instincts, and desperation, I clawed at the wall. "GET ME OUT! OPEN UP YOU STUPID WALL! BREAK!" I kept screaming at the wall.
I screamed until my voice was completely raw, and I clawed until my fingers were bleeding from the constant torture. But I ignored the pain, and I just kept clawing and yelling like a wild animal. I just wanted out! OUT!
After some time passed by, I sulked back down with my back on the wall. I stared up, at the white wall ahead of me, and I let my arms fall down by my side. My fingers were completely numb, and I couldn't even feel my warm blood on them anymore.
But I just stared at the white wall, and cried.
I didn't know why I cried. I had forgotten why, there were too many reasons at this point. I was alone. I was trapped. Stella moved out. Keichi disappeared. Ketsu died… Silver died… There was way too many reasons, I almost felt like I was crying for no reason at this point.
Suddenly, from out of no-where I saw a bowl appear. From the corner of my eyes, I saw red liquid inside.
They sent me a bowl of blood.
I don't know why, but I just suddenly bursted out laughing.
"You still want me alive! You want me to live?!" I laughed at no one in particular. And it seems like a stupid reason to laugh, but I didn't know why, I just laughed and laughed.
Maybe it was the irony that the people that locked me in this room and tortured me is trying to keep me alive.
Maybe it was the irony that my own fingers were bleeding out, and there was a bowl of blood in front of me.
I don't know.
I just kept on laughing and laughing…
Tic… Toc… Tic… Toc…
I just kept staring at the wall in front of me… I don't know how long it's been, but I just kept staring and staring… I didn't know where the ticking sound came from, but I didn't care anymore.
Why should I care? What did I have to care for?
From the tip of my fingers, I can feel a bowl of blood appear. Just to amuse the people, in the beginning, I drank them all.
Now, I just couldn't care less. I forgotten when was the last time I drank the blood, but I just keep it there. I don't know how, but fresh bowls just keep appearing, in replace of the old.
I should eat…
I slightly moved my head towards the bowl. My body was so weak, and there was that little piece of logic that says I should drink the blood to regain my strength. Why? What for? I have no reason to live…
Ketsu wouldn't want you to die this way.
I blinked. No he wouldn't, he wouldn't want me to die this way at all…
So maybe I should drink it…
With little strength, it took me forever to lift my arm. My arm felt like lead, and it hurt so much to move it. I don't know how long it took, but sooner or later, I got my fingers around the handle of the cup/bowl thing.
At first, I forgotten how to lift things, but as my slow mind registered facts, I remembered. Moving strength and nerves down my arm, I commanded it to lift.
But the bowl was so heavy… It took me forever to even move it, and when my little strength finally got the bowl up to about a cm off the ground…
I dropped it.
I saw the blood splash onto the white floor, staining the white things around it. I watch as the bowl shattered, and pieces of it pierce my skin. I blinked as I felt pain shoot up from where the pieces hit, but I didn't care.
I just went to look back at the white wall in front of me.
But instead of the blankness I usually see, I saw someone.
Someone who looked oddly familiar.
"Sils…" The boy spoke, and I finally registered who it was. I couldn't speak up, but I mouthed softly at him.
His face was emotionless as he walked towards me. I just watched him blankly. I didn't care what he did; he could take me to his favorite candy land for all I care… He could even betray me and send me to a torture chamber. I didn't care… I really didn't care…
I watched as he bends down in front of me, and I saw as his face almost looked heartbroken.
I didn't care.
In the back of my mind, I slightly remembered a time when I would care. But I just couldn't get myself to care right now…
"Sils… I'm so sorry…" He whispered, and I just kept looking at him blankly. I didn't move, didn't twitch. I just watched him, and he sighed.
"But I'm here to help you right now Sils…" Help me? From what? I'm fine…
I saw as his nails sharpen, into almost dragon-looking nails. He slowly brought it up, until it was leveled to my heart. "This may hurt…"
Suddenly, I felt a pain shoot from my chest, shoot from my heart. And that's when I realize something. I didn't twitch, I didn't cry out in pain. No, but I did feel something, finally.
I looked up at Farry, as I felt myself die. I smiled at my foster brother, and he looked almost shocked. But I just smiled, as sincerely and real as I could. I'm sure it looked weak, and almost weird if not creepy, but I couldn't help myself.
As Farry pulled out my heart, I only had one thought in my mind.
Thank you Farry… My nightmare had finally ended.
A/N ... I don't know what to say... Poor Silviya... Well... The End!