Stick Figures

Chapter One

Stick figures are one of the easiest things to draw. All you have to draw is a circle, and some sticks. However, once you start adding things-such as clothing-they get harder to draw. Change is a lot like the clothing on stick figures. You never know how it's going to turn out.

One major thing that causes change is, well, is death. Death takes people by surprise and makes them a completely different person. It changes them, because we will never be able to comprehend death. Take Terry Hayes, for instance.

Terry's father was a good man. He was compassionate, brave, and noble. Those three qualities are so hard to find in people nowadays, but Brian Hayes was one of those special people. Maria VanHorn was one of those lucky people who managed to capture the eye of Brian Hayes.

They got married in the summertime, and soon afterward, Maria found out that she was pregnant, and life took off for the young couple.

One day, about ten years later, Brian was driving home from work. Someone ran a red light, and hit Brian's car head on.

Brian was dead before the paramedics got there. Terry was only ten when this happened.

When Maria told Terry that her father was gone, Terry did everything a normal, hurting person would do. She called her mother a liar. After that, she screamed and cried, and before she ran off to her room to destroy anything she could get her hands on, she swore she would get revenge. But, in the end…. well, that's just it. There is no end.

How can you stop hurting over someone that you've lost?

And that's how Terry's change began. She started to box herself up, building barriers that no one could break through. Well, except one person.

Alyssa Barnes's story is very different from Terry's. Growing up was what brought on her change.

Alyssa Barnes was born into a very strict religious family. Her parents practically raised her in a church. Now, up until age nine, Alyssa went along with it. She did everything that her parents demanded she do. However, getting older changes a lot of things.

Alyssa was beginning to think that her parents were forcing their beliefs on her. She slowly began to feel like they had never given her any choice in the matter. So, Alyssa became a rebel; well, at least in her parents' eyes.

Now, not everything about her screamed rebel. Alyssa was only a rebel in her parents eyes, because she did not follow their ways.

In Alyssa's eyes, she became the thing she always wanted to be: a real person,a person with thoughts and feelings of their own.

As soon as Alyssa made the decision to think for herself everything about her changed. She became a lot more vocal about her opinions. She let everyone know what was on her mind.

However, that was not the only change. Alyssa, whose clothes were once very boring and plain, completely changed her style. She cut her long brown hair so that it was short and spiky. She dyed her hair all sorts of crazy colors. Her clothing, which once had been rather plain, was wild and loud. And, even though Alyssa hated pain, she pierced several body parts.

Of course Alyssa's parents freaked out. But, if anything, that only fueled Alyssa's flame. She enjoyed watching her parents' discomfort.

You may be wondering what these two girls could possibly have in common. Well, the answer is rather simple; they are best friends.

Now, as strange as it sounds, it is quite true. But Terry and Alyssa are like pieces of a puzzle. Alyssa destroys the barriers that Terry has set up, and makes her a more outgoing person. Terry makes sure that Alyssa doesn't do anything too wild, like getting pregnant. One cannot be complete without the other.

However, these girls aren't done changing. It is right on their doorstep, and there is nothing they can do but embrace it.

Copyrighted By Insanely Random

Okay, I have realized that if you are an anonymous reviewer, then you won't be able to tell me my grammar mistakes/typos. So, you may leave them in a review. Oh, and please tell me whether or not I should continue this. Please?