Dedication: This one goes to bookloverextreme. I really enjoyed reading your stories and your feedback. In fact, I think I'll go read one of your stories when I'm done with this chapter.
Stick Figure
Chapter Six
"You want me to move in with you?" I asked Alyssa, staring at her like she's just grown two heads. We were walking to school, when all of a sudden Alyssa turns to me and asked me if I would like to move in with her.
"Yes," Alyssa said, ignoring my astonished gaze. "I want you to move in with me. That way, you can get away from your pain-filled house and I can get away from my dysfunctional home."
"But, what about in a few months when we go off the collage? What if you get accepted into NYU? And we don't have jobs! How are we going to afforded rent?" Call me a pessimist, but I happen to think that Alyssa would be jumping out of the frying and into the fire if she carried out that crazy plan.
Alyssa bit her lip. It looked like she was taking what I said into consideration. I was the only person whose arguments Alyssa would listen to and actually respect. Everyone else, well, that was another story.
"I can't live there any more!" Alyssa exclaimed, looking me in the eye. "Terry, they treat me like a second class citizen in my own home!"
"I know," I replied in a comforting tone. "But moving out now will not solve anything. You'll just end up in debt and have to move back in with your parents, and I don't think your parents will help you pay off the debt."
"Your right," she muttered. "Your always right. Hey, what is going to be your major in college?"
"I don't know yet," I responded. "Why?"
"Because you should major in psychology. Then, you could have me for your patient the rest of your live."
I felt a smile slip on my face. "Well, then no thanks," I said, grinning. "I'd rather not go into the depths of your mind."
Alyssa burst out laughing and threw her head back. She does that a lot when she laughs.
"It isn't so bad in there, Terry. Sure there might be a few glimpses of insanity, but not much." Alyssa told me, still laughing at my previous comment.
"You and I obviously have very different definitions of the words 'not much.'" I looked down at my watch to see that school was going to be starting in a ten minutes.
"We better hurry up," Alyssa said, looking at my watch as well. "Don't want to miss World History, do we?"
"No, of course not," I replied sarcastically. World History was the hardest class in all of school. But it was also one of the few classes Alyssa and I had together. We also had Chemistry together, and lunch.
Alyssa and I made it just in time, taking our seats in the middle right hand corner. The desks were big and black. They were the desks you usually see in a science classroom, and as to why they were in World History; well that was anyone's guess.
In the middle of Mr. Burmingham's lecture, I felt someone tap me on my back. I turned around to see Heather Atwood looking at me, with a look on her face that could kill.
Heather Atwood is probably the most annoying and psychotic girl at this school. Scratch that, more like this state. She has frizzy red hair that usually sticks up in the back. Her skin is whiter than paper, which makes her look like she's never seen the light of day. Her eyes are this washout green color, and it reminds me of a crayon that's hasn't been used for a while.
However, Heather's looks aren't the worst thing about her. Every time she has a crush on a boy, she thinks that he is all hers, and if another girl tries to go between them, then she goes crazy and attacks the girl-verbally and physically. Seriously, once she had a crush on Parker Sinwartz, and she attacked his girlfriend, Barbara Daniels. She put Barbara in the hospital for a broken cheekbone!
So when I saw Heather glaring at me, I knew she must have had a crush on Josh. And now I was going to be her next object of hatred. Luckily, I had Alyssa to defend me. Alyssa could definitely take her.
"What?" I whispered, keeping an eye on Mr. Burmingham. He hated it when peopled talked in his class.
"I just wanted to warn you," she hissed, not bothering to keep her voice down.
"Girls," Mr. Burmingham said sternly, looking at us. "Do not talk while I am talking. It is not lunch time."
"Yes, Mr. Burmingham," we both chirped obediently.
"Anyway," Heather growled, keeping her voice low this time. "I just wanted to tell you to stay away from Josh. He is mine!"
"You might want to tell Josh that," Alyssa whispered menacingly. Apparently she had heard Heather and came to defend me. "Because he obviously isn't into you. Now, leave Terry alone!"
"Stay out of this, Barnes!" she snapped.
"Girls, if you cannot stop talking I will have to split you up," Mr. Burmingham scolded, look at us over his glasses.
"Yes, Mr. Burmingham," we all said, again.
When he had stopped looking at us, I felt something poke my ribcage. It was a folded up piece of paper that had very sharp edges.
It was a note from Heather. It read: If you want to keep your body intact, then do not go anywhere near Josh.
I showed it to Alyssa, and she gave me a look that said that she was going to report this. I wasn't going to stop her, because Heather could clearly take me down, and I did want to keep my body intact.
However, even though I was afraid, I was also angry. Who did Heather think she was, threatening me like that? Last time I checked, Josh was hitting on me. And even though I regretted him-which I feel bad about now-he had clearly shown an interest in me.
"I think I'm going to talk to him," I told Alyssa at lunch. I wasn't eating, even though I had missed breakfast. I just wasn't hungry.
"Talk to who?" Alyssa asked, looking at me.
"Josh," I replied, looking around for him.
"Josh!" Alyssa repeated in a shocked tone. "Is this because of the Heather thing. Because, if it is, I don't think you should use a boy like that."
"I'm not going to use him to get back at Heather," I said, still trying to locate Josh. "I just want to apologize."
"Is that all? Or do you want to give him a peck on the lips?" Alyssa teased.
"Whatever," I replied, rolling my eyes. Having found Josh, I got up and went over to him.
"Hey," I said, lamely. I didn't know what else to say.
"Teresa," Josh said, looking up at me. "You're talking to me."
"Well, I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted yesterday. I know I overreacted, but…" I trailed off. There was no need for me to pore my heart out here. "I'm sorry. I hope you forgive me."
But I had only walked a few steps before I Josh called out my name.
"Teresa, wait!" he cried, grabbing my shoulder.
"Yes," I said, turning around. Was he going to hit on me again?
"Um, why did you overreact?" He asked, looking me straight in the eye. I could feel myself getting lost in them.
"Well, no one has really hit on me before," I muttered, staring at a spot on the ground.
"You're kidding," he gasped. "But you're so beautiful!"
"Thanks," I murmured, blushing. "But I'm really shy, and I guess that turns guys off or something."
"Maybe they're just stupid," Josh told me, smiling. "Maybe they're too dumb to see a beautiful girl when they see one."
I'm pretty sure my whole face was red. Not to mention that my palms felt very sweaty. "Um, is that all?" I asked, glancing back towards Alyssa.
"Well, you don't have to tell me, but I want to know, why you are so sad," Josh said, trying to make eye contacted again.
"It's a long story," I replied. "Too long to tell right now, since the bell is about to ring."
"How about later?" Josh asked. "How about on Saturday at six, at the local coffee shop?"
Was he asking me out? Well, he was certainly sly about it. "I'm sorry, but I can't," I muttered.
And then, before he could ask why not, I turned around and walked away.
Please inform me of any grammar mistakes/typos