You are what you eat

I write this while hiding under my bad. if you fing it, those bones next to this were once me. I commited an innocent act. It was just a question with an answer I really wanted to know.

How could I eat my supper in peace when I was provided – and always had been provided – with so many options of what to eat. What if I became something I had no intrest in being? So I began my very intresting questionnaire. I needed these answers.

"daddy, what are you?" I asked with my gaze fixed on him and my ears desperate for an answer.
"im a lawyer, my sweetheart, you know that." I was shoked. Never before had I expected my dad to be a cannibal. And here he was openly admitting it at the dinner table! How is this possible? Would my mother be any different? They were married after all..

"Mummy," I hesitate mentally preparing myself for the shock I was sure would follow "what are you?"
"Im a musician. Why are you asking questions you already know the answers to Abbey? Whats going on?"

I sigh. They have always lived this way. Maybe it was right for some people.

"Mummy, nothing is wrong. I just need the answers to some questions." Nothing wrong with half truths as long as they're true in some way. My Dad always told me that.
"Do you have anymore Questions that you need answered?" She inquired while looking at me as if trying to figure out if I needed a doctor

"yes. Can I be more than one thingif I want to be?" this is quiet an important question if the answer is "not really" I will never be eating cabbage again, or broccoli for that matter.

"of course Dear, you can be anything you want to be," my dad has given me a good answer. Thank god! I really hate vegatables! Being one for the rest of my life would be truly awful. "now," mydad continues "please eat some food you haven't touched any of it yet"

"that's because I didn't know if I could be more than one thing, and I don't want to be a carrot just because you didn't tell me the truth from the beginning."
"Sweetheart, what are you talking about? " my mom seems worried. I would think her pround concidering I'm trying to make wise decisions for my future.

"please explain what you mean?" my daddy ever so strict voice comes. Adults truly don't know anything. You would think they would know everything you do has a consequence.

"well," I begin (this is going to take a while if they really are as stupid as they seem) "today, at school we learnt you are what you eat. So obviously you eat lawyers and mummy eats musicians. My teachers the best teacher in the world so she must eat lots of teachers. That is also why shes so fat. So you see I needed to know if I was going to be only a vegetable or if I could be an artist too."

As an after thought I added"I've never met an artist I thought looked tasty. Maybe I need to shop around more "

My parents looked absolutly shocked. Maybe they didn't think I would figure it out.

"Abbey," my mom started "I think you should go to your room so that your father and I can talk"

That when I knew I was in trouble. And I know they going to eat me because just this morning my mom was complaining about aging.

You couldn't save me but atleast bury my bones.

Thank you,
