1000 Things to Do When You Are Bored (Part One :D)
AN: The ones in bold are the things I have done prior to today
Sit down on your psychologists coach and tell him/her that you're suffering from Kathisophobia
Google what Kathisophobia is.
Go on an epic search for ten hand towels (if you find more than twelve…you lose)
Find someone you think to be a minimum of 500 pounds and ask them to step on your back
Write a rap about Abe Lincoln (He's my man:D)
Drive to Cedar Point…or have someone drive you
Go to an award ceremony and shout "You go Glen Coco!" every time someone wins an award
Soak your left index finger in Ice and Salt
COrrECkt dis senTE!NZ?
Listen to "The Return of the Mack" on repeat for seven days and seven nights
Type in "Chipotle is the Mexican on Subway" on Facebook and become a fan
Give someone you know a blind makeover
Do a left hurdle cheerleading jump!
Go to the mall
Find an older man or woman at the mall
Tell them that the aliens are destroying your brain with their laser mind beams
Drink a five hour energy
Strike up a conversation with your local mailman
Befriend a hotel clerk
Do twenty jumping jacks…without moving your eyebrows
Tell someone named Morgan that they rock
Play Scrabble with Mr. Potato Head
Try to convince your math teacher to break dance
Ride on a rocking horse backwards
Blow a huge… bubble
Tell your mother you are concerned about the population of the naked mole rats
Hug a tree
Make a scary movie that's not scary
Become a death metal ballerina
Flashlight tag!
Do tongue pushups inside your mouth
Sing "Paradise City" in an obnoxious voice
Trip twenty times in the day
Find a marker
Give a back massage to the person in front of you in math class
Learn the history of Maynard James Keenan
Recreate a scene from The Hangover
Say the word Shenanigans twenty times, as fast as you can
Jump in a bouncy house
Tell your best friend that they are the light saber to your Anikin
Make random smiley faces *_* :) :D ;p :/ :(
Convince the world that everything in your life can be connected to the number 42
Air out your tires
Meet one of the protesters across from the white house and talk to them about war
Wear your shirt inside out on purpose
Eat an ice cube
Make a list of ways to use roller skates
Enjoy a cup of tea
And an English muffin
While speaking in an English accent.