a/n: so i got another encouraging review and remembered that i had the second chapter of this story half-written. so i decided to throw it up here. not edited very well, but that's just freddy's style. next chapter's gonna be fun yeah? i think so. not a whole lot of words in this one, but like i said, it was only half-written so you can expect a lot more from the third chapter if you care to c: in any case. read, enjoy, review plzplzplz pretty plzzzz. also if you're an avid htusitd fan, go tell me nice things about it and hopefully i'll be inspired, because i can't for the life of me write anymore of it right now. :/ kluvyewbai

ch2:freddy november

tucker's looking at my new driver's license like he thinks it's a fake.

"dude, i can't believe you really did it," he says and he sounds like it. sometimes he says he can't believe it but you can tell he can.

i say yeah, well i did.

he just goes, "i know, but dude." like that makes any sense at all. he hands my id back to me and swipes a hand through his ugly brown hair. "it's kinda weird too."

i tell him i know that.

a dark hand snatches my license away before i can put it back in my wallet. i don't have to look to know it's danny. danny is the only other person besides tucker who makes an effort to socialize with me. if you wanna call it that. he thinks that just because he talked to me a while back we're friends or something. but he's obnoxious and nosy. and don't get me started on ugly.

"you changed your name?" he asks me.

i move my head in a way that could be conceived as a nod and let my hands fall to my sides.


i tell him tomorrow's the last day anyone can make a legal objection to it, and my parents don't know since i've been hiding our newspapers.

he looks at me funny and laughs through his ugly button nose.

"wow, you're a loser," he says afterward.

i tell him wow, he's ugly.

tucker walks off muttering something about my terrible insults and danny moves to stand where he was, handing me back my license. i snatch it from him and put it away.

"you know what i think?" danny asks.

yes, i tell him, i'm psychic danny.

"i think you actually like me."

why would i, i wonder? he's ugly.

"but you do," he insists. "you like me."

i say i'm not gay.

"you like me," he says again, like i didn't hear him the first time.

i say yeah, okay, maybe. but no homo or anything.

he smiles so big it makes his eyes scrunch up.

"i like you too," he says, "yes homo. lots of homo. and everything."

i ask him really now?

he just says, "yeah, really," which is interesting but i tell him i have class danny i'll catch him later so then he says, "later fred," and we go our separate ways.

and class is boring because it's chemistry. but the kind where you take lots of notes before you do labs. today we're taking notes. my partner has a prosthetic hand so he uses it as an excuse to dump all the boring shit on me. we've been partners all year but he still won't tell me how he lost it. most days we start off with me asking so what happened to his hand, huh?

and he says, "what's my name, fred?"

and i don't know, don't care so i tell him prosthetic hand kid.

and he goes, "yeah, i'm not telling you." and i dunno if he means his name or how he lost his hand, because he never tells me anything.

today's no different so i take our notes and put our names at the top of the paper:

freddy november and prosthetic hand kid. in that order. the first time i headed our paper like this, mr. chiawhatshisname told me i had to be sensitive to prosthetic hand kid's delicate condition. and prosthetic hand kid seemed to find that more offensive than the truth written on our paper, because he got all holier-than-thou at mr. chiapettaface, so now he just sees it and rolls his prosthetic hand kid eyes.

he sits by and does lazy prosthetic hand kid things and i diligently take our notes like always. except for at one point i wake up to prosthetic hand kid prodding me in the ear with one of his prosthetic fingers and realize that i fell asleep and drooled on our notes a little.

but it's not my fault that mr. chiavellawhoosit is so boring.

he collects all our papers at the end of class, which i don't understand because aren't notes supposed to be for our benefit? but i guess not since he grades them. maybe he just has a test to study for and doesn't feel like taking his own notes. if so, he's a dick.

i avoid the cafeteria at lunch and go straight to my car. no fluffernutter sandwich today, so i guess i'll have to go by wendy's or something.

"hey you," someone says, but i don't turn around because i'm busy looking for my keys. "hey, kid!" they say louder.

i ignore them some more,

"jesus, you deaf or somethin'?" the person's right beside me now, so i nod, still looking for my keys. i want food. will not be delayed.

"you goin' off campus for lunch?" she asks. i've determined that it is indeed a woman. a mexican woman. or hispanic. but probably mexican.

i nod again and finally find my keys at the bottom of my backpack.

"i need you to hold something for me," she says and i look up now that i have no reason to look away.

she's.. not ugly. and not a woman. she looks kinda younger than me. and normal. i think i smile a little.

"i can't go off campus yet, i'm still a junior," she explains. "but they're gonna search my locker and my friends lockers, and i can't have this on me."

she holds out her own orange backpack to me and i stretch out my hand to take it.

"don't lose it," she warns and her lips pucker in a way that should look ugly. but i don't think it does. she's just not ugly. at all. "i'll see you tomorrow?" she asks and i nod.

she walks away and i set her backpack down in my passenger's seat.

my mind is racing a little, because i'm pretty sure i'm holding drugs for her. but i've been caught with drugs before and never got in trouble really. dunno why.

but i'm hungry, so i start up my car and shift gears into reverse. getting out of the parking lot is going to take a while. but i don't really care if i'm late getting back or anything.

school sucks hard dick and whatever.

end of chapter 2, review for more kthxluvyew!