I watched idly as the heavily made up girl leaned over the white sink, spitting up blood and saliva. She grasped the edges of the once clean sink and stared herself down in the mirror. I was leaning up againsst the wall next to the door, in the corner.
As another druken girl came stumbling in, stripper dust glore, I caught a glimse of what was going on outside the womens restroom. Strobe lights, all neon colors, and too loud music. Drunk and/or high kids that were too out of it to care. Then the door was closed and only the overly repetative beat seeped through, bass up too high for anyone to be able to think out there.
I rolled my eyes up to the florescent overhead lights as I listened to the glittered up girl retch into a toilet. Hearing wet hacking again I turned my eyes to the girl by the sink who is spraying blood with every cough. I tsked. She gasped and almost fell, her knees buckling.
Knuckles gone white, she gripped the sink to keep herself standing up. She gasped again, wetly, and fell to her knees, leaning her forehead against the edge of the sink between her clutching hands. Her breathing became labored and blood dripped from her mouth as she glanced at me. Maintaning eye contact she let her arms drop from the sink and went on all fours. She crawled at me, all thile I wondered what ever happened to the party girl who had been throwing up in a stall.
The crawling crack whore reached my feet and collapsed there. I grinned, then laughing a bit manically (I have to admit that) I kneeled on one knee. I looked down at her with disdain while she glared feircely back. I've got to break that spirit quickly.
I let one hand rest on my knee as I threw my other arm around her all friendly like. She sputtered up some more blood, lightly spraying my white top with the crimson. I sighed and shook my head beofre grabbing her by the back of her neck. I pulled her into a kneeling position as I stood back up. I leaned over and brushed her long blonde hair over one shoulder to whisper in her ear. Your #5. How lucky.
She let her eyes close and her blood drip from her open mouth. As I straightened back up to my full height she grabbed my hand and held onto it with a death grip. I smiled sadly as she looked up at me, eyed wide with fake innocence.
But I knew how innocent she was. She's as innocent as my hands are clear of blood. I ripped my hand from her grasp and gripped her hair, hard. She cried out hoarsly as a thick clump was pulled out. I sneered as I pulled her up by her once beautiful hair and smiled sickenly sweet. I laughed harshly when she whimpered and clawed at the hand holding her hair. I felt up her face and bopped her on the nose with the tip of one finger and giggled. She snapped at my hand and I punished her by throwing her agaisnt the wall where I was previously leaning against.
I let go of her hair and kept her in place by pushing her neck to the wall with one hand. I whispered sweet nothings as I traced one finger up her cheek, feather soft as opposed to the rough choking my other hand was doing. I smiled at the bruises blooming on her pale skin around her neck.
She began to cry and gasp for air, blood coating her lips and chin as it dribbled out. How messy. I then, carelessly, bashed her head agaisnt the wall, hard. I heard a smush and a wet crack before I pulled her over to the abandoned sink. I repeatedly hit her head on the edge, listening to her hoarse screams as blood stained...everything. It was everywhere. It was beautiful; lovely.
As I let her die on the club's bathroom floor I stood in the doorway, tears flowing freely now. Then I licked the blood from my hands and laughed.
Now the bathroom was dirtier than even McDonalds' rest room.