Mom, for a good six years after dad left us, you have developed a keen taste to alcohol and it's addictive qualities. I have been able to forgive you for a majority of mistakes you've made during my lifetime, but this is -"Too much, mom!" I screamed loudly. I breathed carefully, "You read this fully, right?"

"Sure, sweetie!" My mom sang, her cheeks flushed from her afternoon dosage of alcohol. "I spent a year saving up for your tuition fee!" For a brief moment, I felt thankful, but-of course-that wouldn't solve anything.


"I know how much you love sports," she continued, her chocolate brown eyes rolling around in their sockets. I wondered how she was able to obtain the money in the first place. When I had asked, she winked. I think I was a bit frightened for her.

"They specialize in sports, too!" My mom's eyebrows waggled at me as she grinned, revealing rows of perfect teeth. "The best private school for the best daughter."

"Listen to me," I shook her by the shoulders. "I can't go to this high school."

My mom's eyebrows shot up, making her look overly shocked. I doubt she was. "Why not, Olivia-a." She stretched the last letter of my name and I cringed. "They will even compensate us!"

"Why would they compensate you?" I grew curious as I eyed her critically. "Did you-" Sell your body to the chairman? I refused to finish that. I eyed my mom's figure disdainfully. For a forty-five year old mother, her body was still thin as thin can be, her bosoms flowing to a plump size of C-cup pushed against her tight V-neck shirt. Subconsciously, I glanced down to my own chest and saw it was a sad size of B…barely.

"Of course not!" She swatted her hand in front of my face, her flushed face blanching. "That fat worm?" My mom let out a high pitched laugh and took a swig from the gigantic wine cup.

"Then why would they…" I trailed off as her eyes became wide.

"You're mixed!" I watched as her chestnut brown hair bobbed up and down as she nodded. "Yep! Those schools are full-a white people. Cock-Asians!" My mom threw out another laugh.

I squinted at her. "Did you even read the brochure fully, mom?"

"Of course, I did!" She hummed at me and grabbed the thick pamphlet from my hand. "The best private school in the world!" A smile was thrown in my direction before she continued, "One of the best academics are taught there! As well as fervent coaches that have dedicated their whole lives to training just to train you young, beautiful stars!"

I sighed as I listened to her enthusiastic voice fill the small living room of our small house where everything just seemed-small. I watched as she flipped the page dramatically, her eyes flickering up to smile that I-know-you're-excited-too look. I wasn't. We were poor and this was going to make us poorer.

"How much is it?" I asked, nervously. "Like in American dollars." Last time I asked her how much something was (That was when she bought that "fake" Louis Vuitton bag) she answered in Vietnam dong multiplied to the European pound, and then subtracted that from the American currency. Let's just say, that thing wasn't a fake and she was a liar.

"Seventy thousand dollars," my mom declared proudly, her chest puffing up in pride.

"No! No! No!" I screeched. That was most of my college fund right there! "I can't go to this school! It's an all-"

"You can't go?" Her face fell. "But…but I already paid! Along with a thirty thousand deposit!"

"T-thirty thousand?" I gasped and my knees buckled from underneath me. "One hundred grand. Oh, god, mom! We're going to die!"

"Not if you go!" She sang to me. "They are willing to pay us back about two thousand dollars a month!"

My jaw snapped shut and I mumbled to her through clenched teeth, "And if I don't go..?"

"They take all of it," my dear, old mother said a-matter-of-factly.

My fate was already decided right there and then, as I stared at my mom through my eyelashes. It took everything in me to restrain myself from jumping onto her thin frame and shaking her by the shoulders screaming, "WHY! WHY are you doing this to me!" And then throwing all her damned booze out the motherfucking window into the ghetto streets below. I breathed hard as I listened to the drippy faucet in the kitchen continue it's nonchalant dripping.

But I couldn't let one hundred grand disappear right out of my fingertips! Especially if I could so easily obtain most of it back by just going to the school.

"Alright, mom," I said patiently, trying to keep my lips from turning white with rage. "I will…go to this private school."

"Oh! You will just love it!" She screamed, slapping her manicured fingers together.

I picked up the pamphlet and clenched it in my hands as I stared at the gigantic white building that looked almost exactly like the White House. On the title it read, "Voted The BEST Private School in American History that raised the finest soldiers!" and then I followed the fine print. "Established in 1898 and deemed the best All-Boy's school in America."

That's right. An all-boy's school.