From Harvard to Whoredom(kept the name!) will be launched on Amazon Kindle FEBRUARY 2, 2015 for $2.99!

I'm so excited! We just got through building the website which will have blog posts, quizzes, characters synopsis, pictures and more. You can also purchase the book directly through the site if you'd rather have it on your computer than kindle because there's a secure checkout and paypal option.

IMPORTANT: What I reaaaaallllllllly need(I am begging on my knees) from everyone who's ever enjoyed From Harvard to Whoredom is


I'd love to keep in touch with you guys and remind you of when it's releasing, giveaways, meetups etc. This is SO important. I want to keep you guys in the loop so you have first access to everything. Seriously, FHTW would be nothing without you guys. I've even included all you readers on my dedication page.

HOW TO: You can leave a review with your email (EDIT: This is a little hard because fictionpress likes to censor emails and websites. You'd have to type out the first part then write "at _ dot com), if you're comfortable with that, OR you can PM me, OR you can send me a direct email to fromharvardtowhoredom at gmail dot com! Otherwise, (I'm still probably going to have to do this) I'm going to go through every review, and favorite and pm you all this information individually, asking for your email and updating you. I love you all individually, but that's seriously going to be so much work hahaha! Please make it a tiny bit easier for me :)


(I'm always begging aren't I?) lol but seriously. I'll be posting the book on Amazon the day before the launch on FEBRUARY 1st just so anyone who's ever read FHTW(yes that's youuuuu) can leave an honest review of how they liked it. Amazon reviews are SOOO important to the sale, and authors like E. L. James (50 Shades of Grey) really relied heavily on her fanfiction crowd to promote her story and encourage others to buy it. I really don't want to ask too much of you guys, but reviews are seriously so precious. SO SO SO precious. No one will want to read my book without at least 50 of them :'( So even if you don't buy it(the end and beginning are different so you might want to ;) hahah ) and don't remember enough to write a new review, even copying and pasting the review you left on here would be AMAZING! If everyone could do that, you would have no idea, seriously none at all, how much that would mean to me.

3) FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW (if you want :)

I made accounts for From Harvard to Whoredom incase you want to follow or like or tweet me or watch a video hahah.

Instagram: fromharvardtowhoredom

Email: fromharvardtowhoredom at gmail dot com

Website: fromharvardtowhoredom.c o m (no spaces lol)

Facebook Page: From Harvard to Whoredom

Twitter: CandiceX_FHTW

Youtube: From Harvard to Whoredom

Some of these accounts don't have any posts yet but the instagram, email and website are up and running. DO NOT BUY the book on the website yet. There is a rough copy up, just so I could set up the payment gateway! The ready version will be up on the 2nd!

4. TALK :)

Talk about it to whoever you'd want to share it with. Just telling one person..a best friend maybe.. would make such a huge difference. A #fromharvardtowhoredom on any social media site will make such a HUGE difference.

WOW, could I even ask you guys for any more? I'm so sorry, but with your help From Harvard to Whoredom could potentially be the next big thing you know? You guys have that much influence.

I LOVE YOU AND HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU ALL SUPER SOON! ONLY 19 MORE DAYS! I'm soooo excited and anxious and nervous all at the same time haha.

-Candice X