Cici shoved the last assassin in the cop car. He walked over to the two men that were on the foreigner's black list.
"Hello, my name is Agent Ulfric. Now, do you have any idea on why those agents were targeting you?" He asked the younger blond man.
"Gee, I have no idea! Maybe, because my parents own a huge corporation or have lots of money?" The blond retorted with heavy sarcasm. Cici breathed deeply through his nostrils and tried to remain calm. The fight earlier had done its number.
"Please, Sir…"
"…Arnolds, we are just trying to figure out what those men wanted with you." Cici tried to rationalize with the stubborn man, but with one turn of the heel, the man indicated that the agent would get nothing out of him. Cici rolled his eyes mentally and turned back to his team.
"Who the hell were those guys? They were like freaky ninjas or some shit!" Gary bellowed as the agent came within distance.
"I have no idea. Any leads Sarah?" Cici asked, leaning against the hood of the car where the red head was leaning over a computer type furiously.
"Well without names or any kind of logo, I have as much a clue as you do. I checked the special order from our foreign allies but see none saying to butt out of this mission."
"Terrorists maybe?"
"I thought that too, but they responded to us when we called them out with respect."
"Oh yea, that was some respect to authority!" Jerry hissed as he poured disinfectant into a very large cut on his forearm.
"It was only because we look like teenagers to them. They probably thought we were just fooling around, trying to be heroes." Sebastian rationalized, also tending to his wounds.
"It doesn't matter why they attacked us, only that they did. We need to head back to headquarters and start getting answers." Jerry stated, becoming serious. Cici nodded and pushed himself away from the car.
Back at the agency, Cici stared at the man in the interrogation room. To think he was hitting on an assassin! A fellow agent entered the watch room and nodded. With the witness here, Cici could begin.