The Hurricane of My Life

Chapter One: The Waters Heat Up

If hatred could cause people to just curl up and die, then Julia Williams would have died a long time ago. And I think it would have been my hatred that would have killed her, because of what happened today during lunch.

I was in the bathroom, trying to use the germ-infested toilet and escape the loneliness of eating alone, when Julia walked in.

Naturally, she wasn't alone. Julia was surrounded by her large group of friends, who are: loud, giggly, and obnoxious. They were all laughing at something someone said, which was probably an insult at someone they deemed a 'loser'.

I was trying to finish my business quietly, because Julia was the kind of person who didn't mind saying mean things to people's faces. She was a lot of things, but a coward wasn't one of them.

"Megan Branshar is so desperate!" Zoë Mason exclaimed. Zoë Mason was Julia's current best friend, although that could change very quickly. Zoë was sleeping with Julia's ex-boyfriend, which everyone but Julia knew about.

"Well, duh," Julia said. I could imagine her flipping her golden blonde hair over her shoulder. "What would you except from an over obsessed Twilight fangirl?"

Everyone laughed, but some of the laughs didn't seem genuine. Instead, they sounded rather fake, which properly describes some of Julia's friend. I mean they're probably only friends with her because she is pretty, rich, and popular. They probably don't even like her for who she really is.

"Speaking about desperate, what about Diana Gonzalez?"

I froze at the sound of my name. I could feel blood rushing up to my head, and I could here my heart pounding in my ears. I bite my lip to prevent me yelling out with rage.

"What about her? No one cares about a flat chest, friendless loser," Julia replied, laughing.

"Her hair is an ugly dust color," one of Julia's annoying minions commented. "And she has all those ugly freckles that go up and down her arms."

"Also, who taught her how to dress? She looks like a manikin at the thrift store." I'm pretty sure it was the new girl, Lexi Granger, who said that.

"Don't insult those manikins," Julia replied, ignoring Zoë's giggles. "However, that's not the worst part about Diana. I mean, at least all Megan Branshar is desperate for is Edward Cullen. Diana Gonzalez is desperate for friends, a life, and a mother that-"

"That's enough!" I shout, as I burst out of the stall. They all looked surprised, and that gave me a head start to get out of there.

Unfortunately, all rationally had left me. All I wanted was to get some revenge against these rude girls.

"Were you eavesdropping on us, Gonzalez?" Julia said in a bored tone. She sounded like she didn't have time for me, which wasn't true at all.

"Yes, I was, Williams," I snapped back, annoyed with her attitude. "And I do not appreciate your comments. In fact, I think you should keep them to yourself."

Julia let out a disbelieving laugh. "You don't have any control over me," she responded. "I can say whatever I want."

I didn't say anything to that, because even though I couldn't control Julia, I could somehow get revenge against her for her cruel words.

I walked over to the dirty sinks and turned on the water. Then, I put plenty of soap on my hands.

Julia's breath hitched. "What are you doing?" she asked, sharply.

"Washing my hands," I replied, calmly. "I just went to the bathroom, you see. Washing your hands after you go to the bathroom is a good way to get rid of germs."

Julia glared at me, sneering. "I know that, but why didn't you wash your hands as soon as you came out of the bathroom," she asked.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the paper towels. "To see if you were sorry," I replied.

And then, before Julia could say anything else, I placed my hands in the water and flung as much soapy water as I could at her.

It was sort of pleasing, watching Julia squeal. Her shirt, which was flimsy and light blue, was now completely covered in soap and water.

While Julia screamed, her friends leapt forward and began trying to soak up the water with paper towels.

"No!" Julia shrieked, jumping away from them. "This shirt is dry clean only!"

I didn't feel bad, even though tears were streaming down Julia's face. I quietly slipped out of the bathroom, and tried to put Julia's words behind me. But, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't.

For some reason, my mind traveled back to the scene in the bathroom. I was thinking about Julia. I didn't exactly feel like I had taken enough revenge against her. She deserved worse than she got.

What I really want to do was punch her right in her beautiful face. It wouldn't have taught her to keep her mouth shut, but it sure would have felt good.

Of course, that would just bring more trouble, which I did not want.

The rest of the day past uneventfully, but Julia's words were still on my mind. As I walked home from school, I could here her words in my mind. And all I could think was, "I really need friends."

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