Hell. What exactly is it? I have always wondered that. Especially when I use the expression 'Boring as hell'. Hmm. Do you think, since hell is a place it is a proper noun? Oh why not. There, it is now a proper noun. Just for the Hell of it.

Did you see that?! Hell. Again. So many people are scared of it, but we use the word every day. We have at least fifteen saying including Hell. Why don't we use Holy as much? Oh yes I've heard Holy crap or holy shit. Only Zeus's bowels may be holy, child. Then there's Holy mother of God/Jesus. Okay so Jesus has a mother. But where is God's? Where did he come from?

Excuse me, I'm off subject. Holy Heaven Almighty is very different. There are many rules to make it. I swear, and not on the bible either, if you don't button your shirt right, you'll never make it. With Hell, things are so much simpler. Dear Lord, (am I allowed to say that?) all you have to do is want something so evil, and then do it.

After that.






And trust me. I now. I've been in Hade's lovely abode for a couple of years now. My punishment? That's later. My reason for being here? Religion itself, baby. Yet that's another story for maybe another torture period.

Now let me describe Hell for you. Well my personal Hell because it's different for everybody. I'm all alone. I would like to say it's an isolation tank but it must be a big one if so. Because this just stretches for miles and miles. It's worse than any desert you will or have ever been to. You see Hell takes your darkest, bone chilling, horror movie fear and puts you smack dab in the middle of it. So I'm all alone. Except when they turn off the lights.

I hear rustling right behind me; I hear the drool of demons drip unto a floor full of mice running on top of my bare feet. I see flashes of people, flashes of demons. I can't tell where they are but they're coming to get me, oh, how I know it! I scream and I beg, chocking on tears while pleading for them to stop. They encircle me, I can feel.

Oh, I feel it.

I feel their doggy breath on my shoulders; I feel teeth gleaming though there's no light to reflect. Their eyes are boring through my back into my heart. Making my heart stutter, stop, and then palpitate its way to normal, overtime to make sure we can still make it. To make sure I can run.

I run and run until their eyes can't reach me. Until they find me, again I keep running. And when they do, I stop. I'm frozen in delicious fear. I feel it entering my veins. It's their venom. Just like a snake, they inject it, making it easier for them to hunt you down. I stumble on to the ground, unable to breathe. Knowing this will happen once a day for the rest of my life. Oh, wait. I'm dead. I have no life.

But this isn't even the worse part. Oh yea there's more. Trust me.

Whenever the Devil himself decides to turn on the lights, again I see a sweet, sweet blade of temptation laying next to me. I push myself away from it, wanting to reach out and gladly just even prick my finger on it. But I can't. He would be so disappointed in me. I can't do that. But then the devil slithers up behind me.

Don't worry about 's not here now, is he?

Well no. But I think promises last even if that person is here or not. Right?

Well, that is correct, but only in the real world. Here they just are burnt up. Why I'm sure he has broken some promises too.

Y-y-ou mean he's left… me?

The devil just tilts my head and gives me this all-knowing look. No…I can't be alone. He promised he'd always be there for me. I can't survive without him. No, it's impossible. I start to cry. I watch the Devil look proud as I take the blade and carve into myself.

I hear a scream of pleading from above my head. I look up and it's he. He's screaming at to stop. Tears run down both our faces until I feel this hole in my chest and fall to the ground. Paralazed knowing I had broken promise and hurt him.

Why yes. Now this is definitely Hell.